Welcome! (Visitors, click here for current base access procedures)
The Museum's mission is to preserve and portray the rich aviation and space history of Colorado Springs and Peterson Air Force Base. It is located within an 8.3 acre Colorado State Historic District. Exhibits feature the WW II Peterson Army Air Base, the Binational (United States and Canadian) North American Aerospace Defense Command, US Air Force and Army Air Defense Commands, and the US Air Force Space Command. The Museum's Airpark collection includes sixteen aircraft and six missiles.
Peterson Air & Space Museum  Director: Gail Whalen
Assistant Director: Jeff Nash
FAX 719-556-8509
Peterson Air & Space Museum Foundation Board of Directors Chairman
Donald Kidd
Colonel, USAF (Ret)

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This page was last updated on: July 11, 2011
This website is sponsored by the Peterson Air & Space Museum Foundation. The United States Air Force and the Department of Defense does not expressly or impliedly endorse the Peterson Air & Space Museum Foundation. The Peterson Air & Space Museum is a non-federal enity. The Foundation website administrator is Erv Smalley.
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Peterson Air & Space Museum Foundation
150 East Ent Avenue
Peterson Air Force Base CO 80914-1303
Apr 11 Newsletter - 02 May 11 Can also enter from Newsletters on the Bulletin Board page.
Eagle's Wings Membership updated - 26 Apr 09 Can also enter from Eagle's Wings page
Upcoming Events
Galaxy of Stars web site added - 23 Aug 10 Can also enter from side bar link Galaxy of Stars
Next Volunteer Meeting - 29 Jul 11, 0900, Broadmore Conf. Room.
Membership Info Updated - 04 May 11 Can also enter from side bar Membership Info page
Volunteer Meeting Minutes 27 May 11 - 07 Jun 11 Can also enter from Bulletin Board page
F-4 wash on 10 Jun 11 - 06 Jul 11 Can also enter from side bar link Work Day Activity, index page 7.
Memorial at the base of the flagpole restored on 08 Jun 11 - 09 Jul 11 Can also enter on page 7 of Work Day Activity
Volunteer of the Year 2010 MSGT (Ret) Paul Brown recognized on 29 Mar 11. Posted 11 Jul 11. Can also enter from the last entry on the side bar link Recognition page.