Welcome to Earthquake Country!

Collage graphic showing ECA people and activities

The Earthquake Country Alliance (ECA) is a public-private partnership of people, organizations, and regional alliances that work together to improve preparedness, mitigation and resiliency.

ECA provides information and resources to help everyone who lives, works, or travels in earthquake country get prepared to survive and recover quickly, by following the Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety.

Major Activities

California ShakeOut logo     TsunamiZone logo

EPIcenter logo

Join the Conversation


Staying Safe Where the Earth Shakes, Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country, Living on Shaky Ground, and similar publications: each includes an overview of earthquake hazards, earthquake science basic information, and the Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety.

Drop, Cover, and Hold On icons

Read our special report about why you should "drop, cover, and hold on" to protect yourself during earthquake shaking.

Resources for people with disabilities

Information in Spanish

Northridge 20 Virtual Exhibit


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©2016 SCEC Southern California Earthquake Center @ USC