USGS Western Ecological Research Center

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Archiving California’s Breeding Duck Data

mall hen
The U.S. Geological Survey, California Waterfowl Association, University of California-Davis, and California Department of Fish and Game have invested millions of dollars in the collection of large collaborative datasets on the nesting ecology and management of dabbling ducks and associated upland nesting birds (Northern Harriers, Short-eared Owls, Ring-necked Pheasants, and American Bitterns) throughout the Central Valley of California on Federal Refuges, State Wildlife Areas, and private lands participating in state and federal habitat programs.  These data represent research and long-term monitoring from 1985 to present from many locations such as Grizzly Island Wildlife Area (Suisun Marsh), Conaway Ranch (Sacramento Valley), and many Central Valley locations and are comprised of over 24,000 nests and more than 25 years.  Together with our partners, USGS WERC is consolidating, organizing, electronically archiving, and entering these data into a relational nesting database that will provide the ability to easily access these long-term datasets on breeding ducks in California.

USGS Contact For This Project
Josh Ackerman
(530) 669-5087
Dixon Field Station
800 Business Park Drive, Suite D
Dixon, CA 95620
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