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The largest tidal wetland restoration project on the West Coast is unfolding at the edge of Silicon Valley, ushering ecosystem service benefits like natural flood control and wildlife habitat. USGS scientists are working closely with project leaders, guiding their adapative management actions with critical research and monitoring efforts.

  • USGS Science at Work
    Learn about the critical scientific role USGS provides to the restoration project
  • USGS Research Team
    List of USGS principle investigators leading restoration research projects
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South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project banner - Pond SF2 --Photographer: Ben Young Landis/USGS

Wetland Revival, Community Renewal

Under the management of California State Coastal Conservancy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Game, over 15,000 acres of former salt ponds in South San Francisco Bay are being restored to natural tidal wetlands and managed ponds.

This is the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project -- the largest tidal wetland restoration project on the West Coast and a major investment in the natural infrastructure of Silicon Valley and the South Bay.

As part of this restoration, the U.S. Geological Survey is investigating sediment transport, habitat changes, sea level rise resiliency, wildlife behavior, mercury contamination and many other topics — findings which will guide adaptive management actions for the South Bay restoration.

Explore this site to learn more about the role of USGS in the restoration project.

Then, visit the restoration project's official homepage:

SBSP logo --Photographer: South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project

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