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Professionals Working in the Field of Family and Domestic Violence Eligible for a U.S. Study Tour
October 22, 2010

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is offering a three-week study tour to the United States for professionals from the field of Family and Domestic Violence. Through this “Community Connections” program, Serbian professionals will stay with American families, meet with their U.S. counterparts, and exchange experience and ideas about how to organize successful prevention programs in the field of family and domestic violence; learn about the importance of a multi-sector approach and steps, mechanisms, and examples of best practices of this cooperation; examine examples of best practices when it comes to working with perpetrators; and see how to organize counseling and rehabilitation programs from beginning to end.

Participants will be able to:
• Understand what legislation, regulations, and protocols exist to make sure victims of violence receive adequate support and protection and perpetrators have a chance for rehabilitation
• Learn about programs, initiatives and activities that provide protection, support, and reintegration of the victims of violence in the society (women, men, children, the elderly, marginalized groups)
• Gain information about different programs and measures of working with perpetrators to ensure their rehabilitation and reintegration into society

All expenses in the U.S., including international airfare, insurance, professional and cultural programs and room and board are covered (passport fees and travel within Serbia are not included).

The Community Connections program is managed by USAID and implemented by World Learning in collaboration with Public Affairs Office of the U.S. Embassy. The deadline for submitting applications is November 10, 2010.

In order to be eligible for the Community Connections Program, applicants must be professionals and activists with proven experience in family and domestic violence willing and able to transfer their knowledge into their practice and to others and who come from: associations and NGOs that have a proven record of organizing support and counseling to victims of violence (women, children, and men); social care institutions working with victims of violence and perpetrators; police departments focused on domestic/sexual violence; judiciary institutions that deal with perpetrators and victims of violence; health institutions that have educated staff and a proven record of cooperation with police and centers for social welfare when it comes to reporting about domestic violence, identification of victims, and support to victims of violence; representatives from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Education that work in the field of gender equality and domestic violence;  and fulfill the general requirements of the program.

For additional information or to download an application form, please see World Learning/Community Connections’ website: or contact Program Coordinator Marijana Todorovic at (011) 3612-462, 3626-092 or 062 8222 424.