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2009 Embassy Events

American Culture Week at Sremski Karlovci High School

May 11, 2009
Students perform a song and dance

Hairspray musical performed by the students

On May 12 at 17:00, "American Culture Week" will be officially opened at Sremski Karlovci High School. Ambassador Cameron Munter, Provincial Secretary for Education Zoltan Jeges, President of the Municipality Milenko Filipovic, School Principal Rade Zejak, will participate in the opening festivities.

The American Embassy in Belgrade and the prestigious philological high school in Sremski Karlovci "Karlovacka gimnazija" are organizing a week-long program to present American culture through a variety of events May 11-15. The multi-media program, beginning on Monday, May 11 at noon will include film screenings, exhibits featuring American art, architecture and landscape, displays of latest awarded American books, round-table discussions and lectures with American guests, an exchange visit with the International School of Belgrade, and will finish on Friday, May 15 at 20:00 with a performance of the musical "Hairspray" by the school's students. The program is open to all interested students, teachers, and citizens of Sremski Karlovci.

Ambassador Munter, a jazz fan and accomplished pianist, will participate in the opening event on May 12, performing two pieces in the school's Ceremonial Hall.