Welcome Message

Welcome to Brussels EHS (aka Brussels American School or BAS).  The school is renowned for a history of excellence…a place for learning and growth, where students on all grade levels are encouraged to learn, to challenge the ordinary and to excel.   The faculty and staff welcome you to a new and exciting year. We are confident that you will find the school a great place to meet new friends and gain new experiences. We encourage you to accept the challenges that lie ahead as you pursue your education and lifetime goals. 

Brussels American School is an exciting, creative, and challenging place to learn. You are encouraged to be the best student that you can be.  With your contribution in academics, arts, activities, and athletics, BAS will be an even more rewarding place for all.

Along with academic achievement we emphasize the importance of demonstrating excellent character, leadership, and service, qualities that are required of all who wish to be successful students and good citizens in our society. Our faculty and school community are dedicated to helping you achieve and meet new challenges.

We hope that this year is your best school year ever, and are looking forward to you having a successful and rewarding time at Brussels American School.

 Eric Goldman
