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Statement by State Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland at the press briefing

Statement by State Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland at the press briefing

21 Noveber 2011

“This is with regard to the violence in Egypt over the weekend.  The United States is deeply concerned by the violence in Egypt over the past few days.  We deplore the loss of life, and our condolences go out to the families of the victims of this violence.  In the coming days, it will be very important for all parties to focus on holding free, fair, and peaceful elections as scheduled on November 28th.  And we urge all involved to act with restraint in order to allow free and fair elections to proceed.  The United States supports the Egyptian people and their goal of having a democratically elected civilian government that respects universal human rights, including the protection of women, minorities, and the press, and that will help Egypt to address its economic challenges.”