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U.S., Danish, and Egyptian Governments Hail the Egyptian Winning Startups at the Conclusion of the Successful NexGen IT BootCamp

U.S., Danish, and Egyptian Governments Hail the Egyptian Winning Startups at the Conclusion of the Successful NexGen IT BootCamp

June 30, 2011

Cairo - The week-long NexGen IT Boot Camp Master Class concluded with resounding success as hailed by keynote speakers, Charge d’affaires Mathew Tueller, along with Dr. Mohamed Salem, Chairman of Egypt’s Information Technology Institute, and Denmark’s Ambassador to Egypt, Christian Hoppe. The three dignitaries presided over the award ceremony and announced four winning Egyptian startup companies.

“These talented Egyptians entrepreneurs have shown the delegates that Egyptians are creative, passionate and motivated, and that they have a strong desire to develop products to transform business not only in Egypt, but also for the Middle East and North Africa region and the rest of the world,” said Charge d’affaires  at the U.S. Embassy Tueller.  

On the final day of the week-long intensive training by eleven successful American and Danish business delegates, the Egyptian entrepreneurs competed against each other by pitching their business to judges among the delegates who awarded the following prizes to four startup laureates, including Bey2llak - Gamal and Mohammed Refae, Crowdit - Yasmin El Ayat and Ahmed Ellaithy, Inkezny - Sarah Hamdi and Marwan Roushdy, and Supermama- Yasmin El Mehairy and Zeinab Samir      

  • Three months training at Startupbootcamp in Denmark, funded by the Danish government. Two startup teams will, in addition to training, have the opportunity to present their business to a group of top-notch European investors.  ∙        
  • Internship with iContract, funded by USAID through the Egypt Competitiveness Project (ECP).  This prize provides two startup teams the opportunity to gain critical business insight during a three-week-long internship at iContract headquarters. ∙        
  • Incubation Package – awarded to all four winning teams by Egypt’s Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre (TIEC). This prize package offers training from six months to one year based on each team’s needs, enrolment into TIEC local &international network, as well as mentoring and consultancy services.