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Federal Benefits

Did You Receive
Social Security benefits last year?
Disability compensation, pension or survivors’ benefits from the department of veterans affairs last year?

ACS Services

Other Federal Benefits Information

ACS Contact Information

Walk-In Hours: Open Daily from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m., Sunday-Wednesday, except Egyptian and U.S. holidays.

Telephone Inquiries: Telephone calls are accepted from 1:00 p.m. to 04:00 p.m. on days the office is open.


NEW – For Recipients of Social Security and other Federal Benefits:

The US Embassy in Cairo is pleased to announce a new way to stay in contact with the American Citizen Services Unit (ACS). This service will tell you exactly when your check can be picked up and is provided at absolutely no cost. Click here to find out more.

How To Contact The Following Federal Agencies:

Social Security Administration
If you would like information on how to apply for social security retirement benefits, or for instructions on how to replace, correct, or change your name on your Social Security Card, see the Social Security Administration (SSA) website. This site also has a downloadable application form, the (SS-5) and tells you what kind of identification you need to send along with your application form.

Department of Veteran Affairs
The Department of Veteran Affairs website offers the Federal Benefits Manual for Veterans and Dependents (2004), details of benefits available, and downloadable benefits forms.

Applying For A Social Security Number

Any U.S. citizen may be presumed to have a need for a social security number. If a non-U.S. citizen wishes to apply for a social security number he must submit evidence of his present need for the number. This could be a letter to the applicant requesting that he supply his social security number. Each U.S. citizen or alien who has established the need for a social security number should complete and sign an application form, available at the ACS Section. All applicants for original social security numbers must submit documentary evidence of their identity, age and citizenship. Where the application is signed by one person on behalf of another, e.g. a parent for a child, the signer's own identity must be established. As evidence of age the applicant should submit his birth certificate. If you were born in the U.S. you need to submit your American Birth Certificate. If you were born in Egypt you need to submit your Egyptian Birth Certificate. Evidence of your identity and citizenship is your passport. You can present photocopies along with the originals of these documents to the ACS Section at the Embassy to certify these photocopies as originals. Then, send the certified photocopies to the following address and allow 120 days for a reply.

Social Security Administration
P.O. Box 17769
Baltimore, MD 21235-7769

The American Citizens Services Unit performs a variety of services on behalf of other federal agencies. You may collect federal income tax forms here, as well as pick up your Social Security check. However, the ACS Unit cannot represent you in any dealings that you may have with another federal agency. We can try to assist you in finding addresses or phone numbers for the agencies in the United States, but we are not permitted to write or telephone on your behalf.

Reporting A Change of Address

If you wish to report a change of address for your Social Security checks, please fill out form SSA-21 which is available at the American Citizen Services Unit. The form should be completed and mailed to:

Social Security Administration
Baltimore, MD 21235-7769

It is preferable to use registered mail to minimize risk of loss of your letter. Please allow about 120 days for a reply.

Reporting The Death Of A Social Security Beneficiary

If you wish to report the death of a Social Security beneficiary, please contact the Consular Section, American Citizen Services unit (Please check “Hours of Operation”) and provide the following information:

The name and the Social Security claim number of the deceased beneficiary;
The date of death of the beneficiary;
if the beneficiary is survived by a spouse or a child; and
your own name, address and telephone number.

 Reporting a Lost Social Security Check

Monthly social security checks are normally received at the beginning of each month. If you are waiting for your check, please wait until the end of the present month before you notify or e-mail us (

If you wish to report the loss of a social security check, please notify us by email ( or in writing.


Send your letter to:
The Embassy of the United States of America
American Citizen Services
5, Tawfik Diab St. Garden City
Cairo, Egypt

Include in your letter the name and social security claim number of the beneficiary whose check is lost. Also state in your letter when the lost check was expected and for what month it was issued. Please observe that the social security check is received retroactively, e.g. a check received in January is for the previous month, December.

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