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About Us

Welcome Message

We are pleased to welcome you to our new website. The U.S. Embassy in Turkmenistan opened on March 17, 1992. Since then the Embassy has sought continued engagement and cooperation with Turkmenistan on a broad range of issues including education, culture, economic reform, energy, border security, counter-narcotics, health and legal reforms. The U.S. Embassy also implements a variety of programs to promote better understanding between the people of the United States and Turkmenistan.

Educational Exchanges and Cultural Programs

Since Turkmenistan attained independence in 1991, about 2000 Turkmen citizens have participated in U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs, from high school to professional exchanges. The Public Affairs Section also offers a wide range of opportunities for the alumni of these exchange programs.

The United States and Turkmenistan have also jointly implemented many successful cultural preservation projects within the framework of the Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation. Over the past several years, the U.S. government has supported 20 projects worth more than $1,100,000 to preserve historically important cultural sites and objects in Turkmenistan.

We are also proud of the continued friendship between the people of Turkmenistan and the United States. Each year, Ashgabat hosts a delegation from its sister-city in the U.S.A., Albuquerque, from the state of New Mexico. The Embassy regularly hosts English Language Fellows, Fulbright Scholars, performing groups, teachers and students from the United States that come to Turkmenistan. The Public Affairs Section offers small grants to organizations for initiative projects. The Information Resource Center (IRC) provides information on U.S. society, culture, economics and other areas through its public library with Internet access. The Public Affairs Section also offers English classes, Internet workshops and themed presentations, as well as a large variety of publications to study the United States.

Economy, Health and Democratic Governance

The American people through USAID have provided more than $80 million in programs that support Turkmenistan’s economic growth, social sector, and community initiatives. The Economic Reforms to Enhance Competitiveness project assists Turkmenistan in strengthening its fiscal management to create the foundation for a competitive private sector and to stimulate investment in Turkmenistan. USAID economic sector projects support the Certified International Professional Accountant Program, Regional Energy Market Assistance Program and Junior Achievement Program. USAID supports co-funding for small-scale community projects to meet local economic development needs and to strengthen the community’s relationships with their local governments. USAID works with local organizations to expand legal advice to NGOs, the media and other organizations. Additionally, USAID’s Community Connections Program offers home-stay practical exchange opportunities in the United States for Turkmenistan’s business, community, and local government leaders to build lasting linkages. In the health sector, USAID focuses on improving the quality of maternal and child health services, training health care providers, implementing tuberculosis (TB) control projects, and reducing the transmission of HIV and other blood-borne diseases.

Counternarcotics and Border Security Programs

The Governments of the United States and Turkmenistan continue cooperation on narcotics control, law enforcement assistance and border security. The US Embassy has assisted in improving the ability of Turkmenistan's counternarcotics forces to interdict narcotics in transit across Turkmenistan. The Embassy’s International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Program has conducted training, provided special laboratory equipment, and sent Turkmenistan’s forensic scientists to international meetings. Also, the United States Government has built three border checkpoints for Turkmenistan that serve to represent the continuing efforts between the United States and Turkmenistan to work together to battle against those forces which threaten the peace and stability of both countries.

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