Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities
Copyright Notice

Please Note: For brevity, the Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities will be referred to simply as "DOT&PF" in the following text.

Department Copyright Notice:
Subject to fair use, such as limited copying for purposes of scientific research or criticism, the unauthorized copying and posting of material contained within a department publication or web page to a non-DOT&PF hard publication, web page or other electronic publication may constitute copyright infringement. A person seeking to copy material from a department web page or hard publication to a non-DOT&PF web page or publication must first obtain permission from the department. Downloading of web materials for uses allowed under fair use, such as making a paper copy for subsequent reading is permitted without department authorization and approval, but republication is prohibited.**

The Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities’ authority to claim copyright protection for its original works of authorship derives from (Alaska Statutes) AS 16.05.050(2), 16.05.050(8), and AS 44.99.400. Copyright protection begins automatically from the moment the work is created in fixed form and begins without any formality, process, or application. In keeping with changes in copyright law in 1987, the standard copyright notice (e.g., "© 2001 Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities") is not required to establish copyright, nevertheless, we have attempted to include a copyright notice on all of the department's web pages to inform users of DOT&PF’s copyright. Users of this website should not assume that pages, materials, or graphics found on this website without any copyright notice are unp rotected and free to copy, as this may not be the case.

If you are not sure whether the Fair Use provision of the Copyright Act would allow copying a needed item or material, request copies or copying permission from the department (specifically the DOT&PF Commissioner’s Office or the appropriate division directors or webmasters) before using DOT&PF materials.

As an alternative to reposting our materials on other web sites we encourage the use of one or more of the following web techniques: (1) sites can link to our own pages containing those materials or information, (2) create coding such that a NEW browser window will open displaying our appropriate web page (A HREF=" " . . . target="_blank" or target="_new"), or (3) write to us and request that specific data or information that is currently not posted to our site be added to our site so links can be established to our original material on our site. For materials that we are unable to post immediately (for your site to link to), you may inquire about licensing those materials for posting to your own web site.

The use of "frames" to reproduce/display our web pages/site on an external website is prohibited.
When requesting permission to copy, republish, or reprint material from DOT&PF, prepare a letter of request that includes the following: (1) explain the nature of the request (i.e., your intended use and its duration), and (2) include pertinent source information (e.g., year, volume, number, edition, pages or portions of a page, URL of the web page, and/or nature of the information or data) that clearly identifies the material.

Review of your request may take some time. If you receive no immediate response, do not assume permission has or would have been granted. Contact DOT&PF again and request a follow-up to your initial inquiry.

DOT&PF reserves the right to revoke any authorization of use at any time, and use of our materials shall be discontinued immediately upon written notice from this department.

Documents or materials specified above may not include the design or layout of this web site. Elements of this web site are protected by trade dress and other laws and may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part. No logo, graphic, sound, or image from DOT&PF’s web site may be copied, republished/reposted, or retransmitted unless expressly permitted by DOT&PF.

Alteration or Manipulation of Distributed Electronic Documents and Forms
Documents distributed in an electronic manner (e.g., Adobe Acrobat documents - .pdf; PostScript files - .eps, .ps, .prn; word processing documents - .doc, .wp, .rtf, .txt; spreadsheet documents - .xls, .csv; or hypertext markup language - .htm, .html; etc.) are not to be altered or manipulated (largely or in part) and then republished or reposted through any medium without department approval. Non-approved alteration of our original materials beyond fair use under the Copyright Act and reposting or duplication of our electronic documents or files is expressly prohibited.

Adobe Acrobat PDF files require a free viewer available directly from Adobe. Need a hard copy of a publication? Contact the DOT&PF Publications/Web Staff.

Restricted Rights Legend
Any software which is downloaded from our web server(s) for or on behalf of the United States of America, its agencies and/or instrumentalities ("U.S. Government"), is provided with Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable.

Restrictions on using the DOT&PF logo
The DOT&PF logo is our official "trademark" and not available for general use. Use of the DOT&PF logo is reserved for official publications, electronic or paper. Restrictions on use of the DOT&PF logo are based on our copyright protection of an original work of authorship as derived from (Alaska Statutes) AS 16.05.050(2), 16.05.050(8), and AS 44.99.400.

Contact Andrea Hedrick in the Juneau Office – Division of Administrative Services for assistance at (907) 465-8858 or

** For additional information please see the following page concerning our Terms of Use.