News About Maria Image
February 2013
Date Title
2/13/13 Cantwell Fights for Women
2/13/13 Bill targets non-Indian crimes
2/9/13 Reauthorize Violence Against Women Act with Tribal provisions | In Our Opinion
January 2013
Date Title
1/28/13 Murray, Cantwell tell Obama: We want San Juans monument NOW
1/26/13 In Our View: Cheers & Jeers
1/24/13 Bipartisan drive to protect King County wild places
1/23/13 Cantwell seeks to make sales tax deduction permanent
1/21/13 Obama strong on climate, Cantwell encouraged
1/17/13 Lawmakers react to gun bill
1/16/13 Editorial: Fisher sale raises local-ownership concerns
1/11/13 Cantwell names Mary Pavel of Skokomish Tribe to Committee on Indian Affairs staff director job
1/10/13 Fairchild is finalist for newest tankers
1/3/13 Wind power gets tailwind in Congress’ budget deal
1/1/13 Fiscal cliff deal includes Wash. sales-tax break
December 2012
Date Title
12/25/12 Editorial: Congress should renew battle against human trafficking
12/23/12 Editorial: a U.S. presence in the Arctic
12/20/12 UPDATE — Tsunami debris team fails to reach huge dock on coastal beach
12/19/12 Tsunami debris? Dock makes landfall near La Push
12/19/12 Conditions too dangerous to examine dock from Japanese tsunami ashore at La Push
12/18/12 Senators hope to keep lookout
12/18/12 Dem senators to GOP women: Help us pass violence law!
12/18/12 Cantwell praises tsunami-debris law
12/17/12 Cantwell to chair Senate Indian Affairs committee
12/16/12 Editorial: The FCC blinks, for now, at media consolidation
12/13/12 Another chance for U.S. icebreaker Polar Sea amid Arctic changes