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Temporary Protected Status Designated Country: Syria

TPS Designated Through: September 30, 2013
Registration Period: March 29, 2012 through September 25, 2012
Continuous Residence Date in U.S. Since: March 29, 2012
Continuous Physical Presence in U.S. Since: March 29, 2012
TPS Designation Date: March 29, 2012
Federal Register Notice Citation:

77 Federal Register Notice 61

77 Federal Register Notice 64 Correction

On March 29, 2012, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced the designation of Syria for TPS and that eligible Syrian nationals (and persons without nationality who last habitually resided in Syria) in the United States may apply for TPS.

When to File for TPS

In order to register for TPS status, you must file your TPS package during the 180-day registration period that runs from March 29, 2012 through September 25, 2012. We encourage you to register as soon as possible within the 180-day registration period.  Although the Federal Register notice erroneously states that TPS applications must be filed March 29, 2012 through September 30, 2013, USCIS will only accept applications filed through September 25, 2012. USCIS is working with the Federal Register to correct the public information on the registration filing deadline date.

Go to the TPS Web Page for information about what you need to file to register.

Where to File

If you are filing an initial application, please follow instructions below. E-filing is not available for TPS for Syria. You must send your TPS package by mail or courier to the appropriate address in the table below:

If you: Then, mail your application to:
Would like to send your application by U.S. Postal Service USCIS
P.O. Box 6943
Chicago, IL 60680-6943
Would like to send your application by non-U.S. Postal Service courier

Attn: Syria TPS
131 S. Dearborn 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60603-5517

For more information on TPS eligibility requirements, what to file, and step by step instructions go the TPS Web page

Last updated: 11/20/2012