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For Contractors Already Enrolled

Once your company has been awarded a federal contract that contains the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) E-Verify clause, you must designate your company as a federal contractor with FAR E-Verify clause by updating your company profile.

Note: If you choose "Entire Workforce" at the time of enrollment or when updating your "Maintain Company" page, you must verify all existing employees except those who are completely exempt from E-Verify. You are not permitted to change this decision once you begin verifying your existing workforce outside a covered contract.

Federal Contractor Tutorials

Once you have designated your company as a federal contractor with the FAR E Verify clause, your E-Verify program administrator and general user must complete a federal contractor-specific tutorial and pass a mastery test before they can continue to use E-Verify. 

Memorandum of Understanding

As a federal contractor using E-Verify, your company must comply with the federal contractor-specific terms of the E-Verify Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). 

  • Depending on when your company enrolled in E-Verify, the MOU that your company agreed to may not contain federal contract-specific terms. 
  • All E-Verify enrolled companies must comply with the terms of the current MOU, regardless of when they signed the MOU.
  • We recommend that you review the current MOU to ensure your company complies with and agrees to any new terms. 

For additional information see the E-Verify Supplemental Guide for Federal Contractors. 

Last updated: 10/20/2010