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Religious Workers

The Immigration and Nationality Act provides a nonimmigrant visa category "R" for aliens proceeding to the United States to work in a religious capacity.

Definition of Religous Workers

Religious workers include ministers of religion who are authorized by a recognized denomination to conduct religious worship and perform other duties usually performed by members of the clergy such as administering the sacraments, or their equivalent. The term does not apply to lay preachers. A religious vocation means a calling to religious life, evidenced by the demonstration of a lifelong commitment, such as taking vows. Examples include nuns, monks, and religious brothers and sisters. A religious occupation means a habitual engagement in an activity which relates to a traditional religious function. Examples include liturgical workers, religious instructors or cantors, catechists, workers in religious hospitals, missionaries, religious translators, or religious broadcasters. It does not include janitors, maintenance workers, clerks, fund raisers, solicitors of donations, or similar occupations. The activity of a lay-person who will be engaged in a religious occupation must relate to a traditional religious function: i.e., the activity must embody the tenets of the religion and have religious significance, relating primarily, if not exclusively, to matters of the spirit as they apply to the religion.

Background Requirements

The applicant must be prepared to present to the consular officer any or all of the following documented to verify that the applicant and the religious organization qualify for the R status:

  1. The applicant must be a member of a religious denomination having a bona fide nonprofit religious organization in the U.S.
  2. The religious denomination and its affiliate, if applicable, are exempt from taxation, or the religious denomination qualifies for tax- exempt status
  3. The applicant has been a member of the denomination for two years immediately preceding admission; The applicant is entering the United States solely to carry on the vocation of a minister of that denomination, or, at the request of the organization, the applicant is entering the United States to work in a religious vocation or occupation for the denomination or for an organization affiliated with the denomination, whether in a professional capacity or not
  4. The applicant has resided and been physically present outside the United States for the immediate prior year

Family Members

A nonimmigrant religious worker's spouse and unmarried children under 21 years of age may be granted derivative status. They may study but may not accept employment in the United States.

Holders of R visas may remain in the U.S. for up to five years to pursue their calling.

Further Inquiries

Questions on qualifications for the religious worker classification and visa application procedures should be made to the American consular office abroad where the applicant intends to apply. Questions on conditions and limitations on employment should be made to the local BCIS office.

Additional Information is also available from the Bureau of Consular Affairs.