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Image: Crops

Market Outlook

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The Economic Research Service (ERS) conducts a variety of market outlook activities on the rice industry. Details on major changes and events in the world rice market are published monthly in Rice Outlook (previously published outlook reports are also available). An annual report provides a recap of the previous market year.

ERS--along with USDA's World Agricultural Outlook Board, Agricultural Marketing Service, Farm Service Agency, and Foreign Agricultural Service--develops USDA's monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report (WASDE). WASDE provides supply and disappearance tables for all-rice, long-grain rice, and combined medium/short-grain rice for the domestic rice market. For the global market, WASDE provides an all-rice supply and disappearance table.

Long-term supply and utilization projections for rice are published in USDA Agricultural Baseline Projections, released annually in February. For further information on the supply and demand issues underlying the baseline for rice, see the following:

Last updated: Sunday, May 27, 2012

For more information contact: Nathan Childs