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39 publications, sorted by date 

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Amber Waves, February 21, 2013
Southeast Asia is the leading source for rice exports and the second-largest importing region in the world. This region’s rice surplus of exports over imports has grown steadily over the past decade. Despite slower production growth, USDA projects that the surplus will remain large over the next dec...
RCS-13B, February 12, 2013
The February 2013 Rice Situation & Outlook report will contain projections for the 2012/13 U.S. and global rice markets. The report is done 12 times a year and relies on the most current World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates.
RCS-13a, January 15, 2013
The January 2013 Rice Situation & Outlook report will contain projections for the 2012/13 U.S. and global rice markets. The report is done 12 times a year and relies on the most current World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates.
RCS-12l-01, December 31, 2012
Southeast Asia dominates the world’s rice trade as the leading source of rice exports and the second-largest importing region. This region’s rice surplus of exports over imports has grown steadily over the past decade and the USDA projects that it will remain large over the next decade.
RCS-12L, December 12, 2012
The outlook for both the U.S. and global rice markets are analyzed based on the latest projections contained in the World Agricultural Supply and Use Estimates report.
EIB-103, November 16, 2012
Since 2003, direct payments have accounted for a significant portion of farm program payments. If direct payments were eliminated, many agricultural producers would be affected, both through the loss of income and potential declines in land values and rental rates. This report considers the potentia...
RCS-12K, November 13, 2012
The outlook for both the U.S. and global rice markets are analyzed based on the latest projections contained in the World Agricultural Supply and Uses Estimates report.
RCS-12J, October 12, 2012
The outlook for both the U.S. and global rice markets are analyzed based on the latest projections contained in the World Agricultural Supply and Uses Estimates report.
RCS-12i, September 13, 2012
The outlook for both the U.S. and global rice markets is analyzed based on the latest projections contained in the World Agricultural Supply and Uses Estimates report.
RCS-12h, August 13, 2012
The outlook for both the U.S. and global rice markets are analyzed based on the latest projections contained in the World Agricultural Supply and Uses Estimates report.
RCS-12G, July 12, 2012
There were several major revisions to the 2012/13 U.S. rice balance sheet this month. On the supply side, the 2012/13 carryin was increased 5.0 million cwt to 34.5 million cwt. A higher area estimate raised the 2012/13 production forecast 8.0 million cwt to 191.0 million cwt. In contrast, 2012/13 im...
RCS-12F, June 13, 2012
There were several revisions this month to both the 2011/12 and 2012/13 U.S. rice balance sheets. For 2011/12, total exports were raised 4.0 million cwt to 101.0 million, with milled rice accounting for all of the increase. On the 2011/12 supply side, imports were lowered 0.5 million cwt to 20.0 ...
RCS-12e, May 11, 2012
The total supplies of U.S. rice in 2012/13 are projected at 239.0 million hundred weight (cwt), a decline of 6 percent from a year earlier and the smallest since 2000/01. A big decline in carryin and a slightly smaller crop are projected to more than offset higher imports.
RCS-12d, April 11, 2012
The first survey-based indication of 2012/13 U.S. rice plantings peg area at 2.56 million acres, down 5 percent from a year earlier and the smallest since 1987/88. Medium-grain accounts for all of the indicated decline. Growers indicated smaller plantings in all reported States except Louisiana and ...
RCS-12c, March 12, 2012
This month, USDA made several small revisions to the U.S. 2011/12 rice balance sheet. On the supply side, total imports were raised 1.0 million hundredweight (cwt) to 20.0 million cwt, up 5 percent from a year earlier and the first year-to-year increase since 2007/08.
RCS-12b, February 10, 2012
There were no U.S. supply-side revisions this month. The total 2011/12 U.S. rice supply remains forecast at 252.5 million cwt, 15 percent below the year-earlier record. The U.S. rice crop remains estimated at 185.0 million cwt, down 24 percent from the year-earlier record. Beginning stocks of all-...
RCS-12a, January 13, 2012
This month, the 2011/12 U.S. rice crop estimate was lowered 3.1 million cwt to 185.0 million cwt, down 24 percent from the year-earlier record and the smallest U.S. rice crop since 1998/99. Production estimates were lowered for both long-grain and combined medium- and short-grain rice.
RCS-11L, December 12, 2011
There were no revisions this month to the U.S. supply and use balance sheet. Total supplies U.S. rice remain forecast at 255.5 million cwt, 14 percent below the year-earlier record. The 2011/12 crop remains forecast at 188.1 million cwt, down almost 23 percent from the year-earlier record.
EIB-87, November 22, 2011
This report provides a classification of types of overlap and a synthesis of ERS research about overlapping payments in the U.S. farm safety net, including how to identify and measure overlap among crop revenue insurance, ACRE, SURE, and ad hoc disaster assistance. Future research avenues are sugges...
GFA-22, July 15, 2011
The number of food-insecure people in developing countries is estimated to decline about by 9 million, from 861 million in 2010 to 852 million in 2011 and the number is projected to decline by 16 percent, or nearly 140 million over the next decade. Food security in Asia and the Latin America and the...
WRS-1103, June 28, 2011
The report describes the factors that have contributed to the large and rapid increase in agricultural prices during the past year. The report focuses particularly on food commodity prices—which have risen 60 percent since June 2010.
RCS-11d-01, April 21, 2011
This report examines how the structure of the U.S. rice industry has evolved over the past two decades, including a reduction in the number of farms, increased average farm size, and the shifting concentration of rice production away from higher-cost production regions. The authors analyze the econo...
ERR-115, April 15, 2011
Since 2001, the United States has concluded negotiations with 13 countries, resulting in 8 trade agreements (TAs). Three additional agreements have been negotiated but not yet ratified by Congress, as of March 2011. Other countries have become increasingly active in negotiating their own trade pacts...
ERR-84, December 29, 2009
Authorized by the 2008 Farm Act, the Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) program is the first revenue-based, income-support program that calculates payments using recent market prices and a producer’s actual plantings. The payments are triggered when a farm’s revenue and State revenue (price multip...
FAU-125, August 06, 2009
Using import data from the U.S. Census Bureau, this study examines patterns of U.S. food imports for fiscal years 1998-2007. Results indicate faster import growth trends for consumer-ready foods, such as fruit, vegetables, meats, seafood, and processed food products. Although the United States impor...
EIB-55, June 03, 2009
Consumer demand for organic products has widened over the last decade. While new producers have emerged to help meet demand, market participants report that a supply squeeze is constraining growth for both individual firms and the organic sector overall. Partly in response to shortages in organic su...
RCS-09D-01, May 07, 2009
Global rice prices rose to record highs in the spring of 2008, with trading prices tripling from November 2007 to late April 2008. The price increase was not due to crop failure or a particularly tight global rice supply situation. Instead, trade restrictions by major suppliers, panic buying by seve...
WRS-09-03, March 31, 2009
Implementation of the agricultural provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has drawn to a close. In 2008, the last of NAFTA’s transitional restrictions governing U.S.-Mexico and Canada-Mexico agricultural trade were removed, concluding a 14-year project in which the member coun...
WRS-0801, July 23, 2008
World market prices for major food commodities such as grains and vegetable oils have risen sharply to historic highs of more than 60 percent above levels just 2 years ago. Many factors have contributed to the runup in food commodity prices. Some factors reflect trends of slower growth in production...
EIB-33, March 28, 2008
This report examines major trends in the amount of food available for consumption in the United States between 1970 and 2005 using data from the ERS Food Availability (Per Capita) Data System. The report also estimates whether Americans are meeting Federal dietary recommendations for each of the maj...
AP-022, January 23, 2008
The Farm Security Act of 2002, which governs Federal farm programs for 2002-07, was signed into law on May 13, 2002. This publication presents an overview of the Act and a side-by-side comparison of 1996-2001 farm legislation and the 2002 Act. For selected programs, information is provided to additi...
FAU-123, June 29, 2007
U.S. agricultural exports reached a record in fiscal 2006 at $68.7 billion, some $6.2 billion higher than the record set in fiscal 2005. California, Iowa, Texas, and Illinois continued their reign as top exporting States, while Minnesota dropped to seventh position behind Nebraska and Kansas. North ...
ERR-41, May 03, 2007
During 1998-2002, India experienced record public surpluses of wheat and rice, sharply higher Government subsidy outlays, and declining per capita consumption. By 2006, despite continued high subsidies and sluggish domestic consumption, India developed a large wheat deficit. The pronounced market cy...
WRS-0701, March 29, 2007
Implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is drawing to a close. In 2008, the last of NAFTA’s transitional restrictions governing U.S.-Mexico and Canada-Mexico agricultural trade will be removed, concluding a 14-year project in which the member countries systematically disman...
ERR-35, February 28, 2007
U.S. grains were once exclusively handled by commodity markets characterized by standard grades (for example, number 2 yellow corn), a large number of buyers and sellers, and prices that were transparent on commodity exchanges. Increasingly, though, specialty grains (for example, fiber-enriched whea...
ERR-39, February 22, 2007
A model developed for this analysis improved on the USDA method of estimating counter-cyclical payment rates by accounting for the variability in market price forecast errors. This enhanced method produced unbiased estimates. Forecasters and producers can use the model to calculate the probabilities...
OCE-2007-1, February 14, 2007
This report provides longrun (10-year) projections for the agricultural sector through 2016. Projections cover agricultural commodities, agricultural trade, and aggregate indicators of the sector, such as farm income and food prices.
SB-974-7, March 31, 2004
The average cost of producing a hundred pounds (cwt) of rice was $6.00 for U.S. producers surveyed in 2000, ranging from about $2 per cwt to more than $10. Producers in the lowest quartile of production costs averaged $3.99 per cwt compared with $8.94 for producers in the highest quartile. Regional ...
AIB-498, April 01, 1986
The Food Security Act of 1985 (P.L. 99-198) establishes a comprehensive framework within which the Secretary of Agriculture will administer agriculture and food programs from 1986 through 1990. This report describes the Act's provisions for dairy, wool and mohair, wheat, feed grains, cotton, rice, p...

Last updated: Saturday, May 26, 2012

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