News and Events

News and Events


Plasma Facing Components Meeting held in Princeton, NJ, June 20-22, 2012

Briefing on the Administration's Proposed Funding Levels for FES in FY 2013 on February 13, 2012


Presentation titled "On the FES Vision" given by E. J. Synakowski at the International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology in Portland Oregon on September 12, 2011

Briefing to the Fusion Program Leaders by E.J. Synakowski at the FES FY 2012 Congressional Budget Request Rollout on February 14, 2011


Presentations presented at the International Workshop on Requirements for Next Generation PMI Test Stands in Fusion Research in Oak Ridge Tennessee on August 31 through September 2, 2010

Presentation titled "Status of the VLT" by Stan Milora and Richard Nygren at the 28th Japan-U.S. Executive Secretaries meeting on March 24, 2010

Presentation titled "Enabling R&D Plans and Budgets" by Stan Milora and Richard Nygren at the OFES Budget Planning Meeting on March 11, 2010

FY 2011 Budget Request to Congress for DOE's Office of Science presentation by W. F. Brinkman to the Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee on March 9, 2010

Presentation titled "On an Emergent FES Vision" by E.J. Synakowski to the Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee on March 9, 2010

FY 2011 Budget Request to Congress for DOE’s Office of Science by Dr. W. F. Brinkman at the FES FY 2011 Congressional Budget Request Rollout on February 1, 2010

Briefing to the Fusion Program Leaders by E.J. Synakowski at the FES FY 2011 Congressional Budget Request Rollout on February 1, 2010


"The Role of Fusion Nuclear Science & Technology in Establishing the Credibility of Fusion" presentation by R. Nygren (SNL) at December 9, 2009 Briefing for Dr. Edmund Synakowski

"Scientific & Technical Challenges for Development of Materials for Fusion" presentation by R. J. Kurtz (PNNL) at December 9, 2009 Briefing for Dr. Edmund Synakowski

Summary of Technology Areas and Related Primary ReNeW Thrusts, July 2009

Support of ITER in the VLT's Base Technology Program by Stan Milora and Richard Nygren at April 14-15, 2009 U. S. ITER Technical Advisory Committee Meeting


Virtual Laboratory for Technology Input to Budget Planning Meeting by Stan Milora, March 11-12, 2008, Gaithersburg, Maryland


Virtual Laboratory for Technology Input to Budget Planning Meeting by Stan Milora, March 14-15, 2007, Gaithersburg, Maryland


The US Techology Program and ITER by Stan Milora at Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting, Washington, DC - September 27-28, 2006

Virtual Laboratory for Technology Input to Budget Planning Meeting by Stan Milora, March 15, 2006, Gaithersburg, Maryland


Burning Plasma Technologies by Stan Milora @ U.S. Burning Plasma Workshop, Dec 7-9, 2005 , Oak Ridge

Virtual Laboratory for Technology Input to Budget Planning Meeting, Rockville, MD., March 16, 2005