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American Corners

An American Corner is a cultural center focusing on United States society, culture and values. U.S Embassy, Colombo has established two American Corners in Sri Lanka and one in Maldives.

Two American Corners in Sri Lanka are housed at Kandy Public Library and Jaffna Social Action Center, Jaffna. They provide a collection of books and other resources highlighting key aspects of life in the U.S. 


The American Corner Kandy

The American Corner was established at the D.S. Senanayake Public Library as a cultural and information office for the people of Kandy. This is the only American Corner in the Central Province of Sri Lanka functioning as a resource center to the general public and more specifically to youth.

The basic function of the American Corner is to provide access to current and reliable information about the U. S. via books, video and DVD collections, the Internet, and through events such as public readings, films, speaker programs, workshops, meetings, exhibits and digital video conference (DVC) programs.

Products & Services

  • Books and multimedia collections
  • Periodicals and newspapers
  • U.S. Government materials
  • CD-ROM Databases
  • Internet access
  • Cultural programs
  • DVC programs
  • Photocopy service
  • Computer printouts

Events & Programs

  • Orientation program on “Higher Education in the United States” by US-Sri Lanka Fulbright Commission for graduates, undergraduates, O/L and A/L students
  • Digital Video Conference programs with notable speakers from the U.S.A.
  • Screening of films for children, youth and adults
  • Training programs for youth
  • Public Lectures

    Inoka Rathnayaka
    American Corner
    D.S. Senanayke Public Library

    Tel / Fax: (081) 222-3716 

The American Corner Jaffna

The American Corner is established in Jaffna so that a cultural and information office could come into existence for the people of North. This is the only American Corner in the entire North region of Sri Lanka functioning as a resource center to the general public and more specifically to youth.

The basic function of the American Corner is to make information about the United States available by providing access to current and reliable information about the U. S. via books, video and DVD collections, the Internet, and through events such as public readings, films, speaker programs, workshops, meetings, exhibits and digital video conference (DVC) programs.

Products and Services:

  • Books and multimedia collections
  • Periodicals and newspapers
  • U.S. Government materials
  • CD-ROM Databases
  • Internet access – WiFi Hotspot
  • Cultural programs
  • DVC programs
  • Photocopy service
  • Computer printouts

Events / programs:

  • Library orientation for school students
  • Regular screening of films for children and youth
  • Documentary films and discussions
  • Public Lectures / speaker programs
  • Cultural programs
  • English communication skills with reading clubs 
  • Education advising for higher education in the U.S.

For further information on above events / programs contact:

Kirushanthini Jerin
American Corner Jaffna
No. 159, Jaffna Social Action Center
4th Cross Street

Telephone: 021 2220665