Directives and Guidelines for Voting Assistance Officers

The following directives and guidelines help Voting Assistance Officers in the execution of their duties.

Department of Defense (DoD) Instruction 1000.04, Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP)

This DoD Instruction defines the responsibilities of the Federal Voting Assistance Program and provides direction to DoD components and other Federal agencies in carrying out their responsibilities under UOCAVA.

To view the Instruction in its entirety, go to DoD Instruction 1000.04.

Additional Directives

Department of Defense Directive 1344.10, Political Activities by Members of the Armed Forces

Memorandum for Senior Service Voting Representatives of the Military Departments

10 USC 1566 and 1566a. Voting Assistance


2013 FVAP Voting Action Plan for Voting Assistance Officers

2012 Voting Monthly Planner

2012-13 Air Force Voting Action Plan

2013 Army Voting Action Plan

2013 Marine Corps Voting Action Plan

2012 Military Postal Service Agency Voting Action Plan

2012 Navy Voting Action Plan

Air Force Implementation of Voting Assistance Offices

Army Guidance in Implementing Installation Voting Assistance Offices

Marine Corps Implementation of Voting Assistance Offices

Navy Establishment of Installation Voting Assistance Offices

Air Force IG Checklist

Political Activity (Hatch Act)

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Last updated: 01.31.2013