Subscription Service

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If you'd like to receive the latest news and voting information from FVAP, use our subscription service to get updates.

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FVAP's email subscription service is a way for you to keep up with voting and election information. When you subscribe, you will get an email update when FVAP sends out updates. You can add or delete subscription items at any time and you have the option to password protect your account.

Subscription Categories and Subcategories are listed below. You may subscribe to an entire category and automatically receive items added under that same heading.

  • News Information
    • News Release & Updates
  • Absentee Voter Resources
    • Uniformed Service or Family Members
    • Citizing Living Outside of the U.S.
  • Voting Assistance Officers
    • Directives and Guidance
    • Workshops and Training
    • Voter Assistance Officers Voting Alerts
  • Election Officials
    • Grants
    • Election Officials Voting Alers
  • FVAP Social Media Updates
  • Absentee Voter Resources by State
    • Uniformed Service or Family Members
    • Citizen living outside of the U.S.
    • State Specific Information

This is a free service provided for FVAP by GovDelivery, Inc. Your contact information will only be used to deliver the requested information or to give you access to your profile and subscriptions.

Last updated: 01.14.2013