Home Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) - U.S.

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) have agreed to enhance their collaborative efforts to improve the management of water and related land resources. This partnership will harmonize both agencies’ efforts and improve the efficiency of joint conservation and water resources management projects. IWR plays a role in the implementation of this agreement.

About the Partnership Agreement

Signed: May 26, 2011

Previous Partnership Agreement: July 7, 2005

Signing Parties:

  • Dave White, Chief (NRCS)
  • Jo-Ellen Darcy, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works)

Purpose: The partners intend to promote a long-term working relationship to improve the management of water and related natural resources under the missions and authorities of NRCS and USACE.

Terms: The agencies will jointly pursue opportunities in:

  • Watershed planning and implementation
  • Wetland creation, restoration and enhancement, including coastal restoration
  • Recovery from natural disasters impacting natural resources, including restoration
  • Water quality improvements, water supply development and water management
  • Coordination of other programs and activities including Wetlands Conservation Compliance (Swampbuster) and Regulatory (Section 404 Clean Water Act)
  • Coordination of programs and activities that promote the wise use of floodplains

About Natural Resources Conservation Service

The Natural Resources Conservation Service provides technical and financial assistance to private landowners; local, state and federal government units; tribes; and international governments to maintain, conserve and enhance natural resources and the environment.

Partnership Agreement, May 26, 2011 (pdf, 1.28 MB)
Partnership Agreement, July, 7, 2005 (pdf, 269KB)
Natural Resources Conservation Service This link leaves this site for another Federal Government web site.
Natural Resources Conservation Service Partnership Story This link leaves this site for another Federal Government web site.
NRCS/USACE Partnership Handbook (pdf, 3.76MB)
NRCS/USACE Partnership Webinar: Working Together Toward Shared Goals (pdf, 1.25MB)
Partnership Fact Sheet (pdf, 136 KB)
Wise Use of Floodplains Fact Sheet (pdf, 131 KB)


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