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ADaptive Hydraulics Modeling (ADH)
American Geophysical Union
American Shore and Beach Preservation Association (ASBPA)
Aquaveo, LLC
Army Job Vacancies
Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography
BeachMed: Strategic management of beach protection measures for the soustainable development of Mediterranean coastal areas
Beneficial Uses of Dredged Material
Burns Harbor Wave Gage Data
Burns Harbor, Indiana 1985-1988 Deployment
Burns Harbor, Indiana Climatic Summaries
Burns Harbor, Indiana Extremal Analysis
Center of Expertise for Inland Navigation
Chicago, IL Directional Wave Gauge Data
Chicago, IL Wave Gauge Climatic Summary Data
Chicago, IL Wave Gauge Extremal Analysis Data
CIRP Inlet Publications Archive
Civilian Personnel On Line
Clean Beaches Council
Clear Creek Classroom (Engineers Suit Up to Study Water)
Coastal Data Information Program (CDIP)
Coastal Engineering Manual at ERDC
Coastal Inlets Research Program (CIRP)
Concrete Layer Innovations (CLI)
Core-Loc Africa
Core-Loc North America (CLNA)
COULWAVE Model (Modeling Wave Generation, Evolution, and Interaction with Depth-Integrated, Dispersive Long Wave Equations)
CRREL Ice Engineering Research Facility
Delaware Historical Aerial Photos
Delft Hydraulics Laboratory, The Netherlands
Department of Defense (DoD)
Dissolved Gas Abatement Studies
Download WIS Hindcast Data
Dredging Calculators and Screening Tools
Dredging Operations and Environmental Research
Dredging Operations Decision Support System
Dredging Operations Technical Support (DOTS) Program
Dredging Research Technical Notes
Eastern Surf Magazine
Electronic Classroom on Ocean Wave Theory
Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
Enterprise Coastal Inventory Database (ECID)
Environmental Modeling Systems, Inc. (EMS-I)
ERDC Human Resources Office
ERDC Library
ERDC Navigation Information
ERDC Vacancy Announcements
ERDC Visitor Information
Estuarine Research Federation
Federal Interagency Sedimentation Project (FISP)
Field Data Collection and Analysis Branch Data Repository (Sandbar)
Field Research Facility (FRF)
Fish Management Division
Flood & Storm Damage Reduction Gateway
Historial Aerial Shoreline Photography: New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Louisiana, etc.
Hydropower Design Center (pdf)
Inland Waterway Navigation (pdf)
Inlets Online
Institute for Water Resources (IWR)
Interagency Performance Evaluation Task (IPET) Force
Long Beach, CA Harbor Spectral Data
Long-Distance Pipeline Transport of Dredged Material to Restore Coastal Wetlands of Louisiana Workshop
Los Angeles, CA Harbor Spectral Data
Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration (LACPR) Project
Louisiana Historical Aerial Photos
Marine Forcasts - NOAA, NWS
Marine Sand and Gravel Information Service
Marine Transportation System "Making It Possible" - Video
Michigan, South Lake NDBC Buoy Data 1994 - 2004
Missouri River Mitigation Project
Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee
National Center for Supercomputing Applications - NCSA
National Data Buoy Center (NDBC)
National Dredging Quality Management Program
National Hurricane Operations Plan
National Ocean Partnership Program
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National Office for Integrated and Sustained Ocean Observations : Ocean.US
National Operational Wave Observation Plan
National Shoreline Management Study
National Technical Information Service
Navigation Data Center
Navigation Data Center Dredging Program
Navigation Gateway
Navigation Information Connection
New Jersey, Historical Aerial Photos of Coastline
New York, Long Island, Historical Aerial Photos of Coastline
Ocean City, MD Climatic Summaries
Ocean City, MD Extremal Analysis
Ocean City, MD Wave Data
Oceanography Society, The
Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI)
Oregon State University
Pacific Islands Land-Ocean Typhoon Experiment (PILOT-Exp)
Pentwater, MI Wave Data
PIANC - International Navigation Association
Reef Balls - Artificial Reefs
Regional Sediment Management (RSM)
Regional Sediment Management (RSM) Demonstration Program
REMR Research Program (Repair, Evaluation, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation Research Program)
Report: Development of a Numerical Fish Surrogate for Improved Selection of Fish Passage Design and Operation Alternatives for Lower Granite Dam: Phase I
Scanning Hydrographic Operational Airborne Lidar Survey (SHOALS)
Sea Technology Magazine
SMS Wiki
Southern California Beach Processes Study
System-Wide Water Resources Depot
Texas DOT Hydraulic Design Manual
The ADvanced CIRCulation model (ADCIRC)
The Gulf of Maine Observing System
Tides and Currents - NOAA (Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services)
Tides Online - NOAA
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Education Center
United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
United States Patent and Trademark Office
Univ. of Tennessee - Roughness Characteristics of Natural Channels
US Army Corps of Engineers Buffalo District
US Army Corps of Engineers Chicago District
US Army Corps of Engineers Detroit District
US Army Corps of Engineers Galveston District
US Army Corps of Engineers Honolulu District
US Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District
US Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District
US Army Corps of Engineers Mobile District
US Army Corps of Engineers New England District
US Army Corps of Engineers New York District
US Army Corps of Engineers Philadelphia District
US Army Corps of Engineers San Francisco District
US Army Corps of Engineers SWIMS Lab Data
US Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg District
US Army Corps of Engineers Walla Walla District
US DOT Bridge Technology - Hydraulic Publications
US DOT Bridge Technology - Hydraulics Engineering Software Reference List
USA Jobs
USACE Civil Works Engineering Manuals
USACE Education, Dredging - Keeping Our Underwater Highways Open
USACE Employment Homepage
USACE Engineering Manuals, All
USACE Headquarters Publications
USACE Huntington District Navigation Links
USACE Index of Engineer Manuals
USACE Vicksburg District Flood/Stage Data
USGS OSW Hydroacoustics
Veri-Tech, Inc.
Veri-Tech, Incorporated
Vicksburg District Student Career Experience Program (Cooperative Education Program)
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Water Level Tidal Predictions - NOAA
Water Quality and Contaminant Modeling Branch, Environmental Laboratory
Water Resources (pdf)
Waterways Coastal Data Information Program
Waterways Facts
Web Camera Images at ERDC/CRREL Allegan MI
Wittman Hydro Planning Associates (Water Resource Planning Consultants)
XMS Wiki

Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory - Engineer Research and Development Center
Waterways Experiment Station - Vicksburg, Mississippi
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