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Customer Service Statement

The Department of State manages the visa process strictly but fairly in order to best protect the United States.  We are committed to the essential openness for which the United States has always been known.  Travel to the United States is welcomed and encouraged. 

We promise our visa applicants that:  

  • They will always be treated with respect and dignity.
  • They will be treated as individuals, and that we recognize each case is unique.
  • We understand the process may be intimidating, and that applicants may be nervous.
  • We will give each applicant our full attention in order to get as complete a picture as possible of their travel plans and intentions.
  • We will do our best to have open appointments that will allow travel in time for business, study and other important obligations.
  • We will explain the reason for any visa denial.

Meanwhile, we expect visa applicants to:

  • Plan their visa interviews as far in advance as possible.
  • Be honest about your purpose and plans.
  • Prepare for the interview by being able to clearly and concisely describe their intentions.