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Computer Science and Mathematics Division
Seminar Series

The Computer Science and Mathematics Division Seminar Series is a platform to bring in scientists performing pre-eminent work of interest to the Division. The goal of the main portion of the series is to keep staff current on computer science and mathematics research and foster external collaboration. There is an effort by the committee to bring in a wide variety of speakers covering some form of the development and/or application of numerical methods.

Current Schedule for the 2009 - 2010 Season

Abstract/ Presentation
January 28, 2009 Christopher Jones UNC - Chapel Hill Abstract
February 19, 2009 George Biros Georgia Tech. Abstract
March 10, 2009 Andreas Dedner University of Freiburg Abstract
May 12, 2009 Beth Wingate Los Alamos National Laboratory Abstract
June 10, 2009 Ken Zou Univ. of Alabama Abstract
July 9, 2009 Pat McCormick Los Alamos National Laboratory Abstract
July 14, 2009 Duane Johnson Univ. Illinois Abstract
November 4, 2009 Tom Manteuffel University of Colorado at Boulder Abstract
February 5, 20010 Yousef Saad University of Minnesota Abstract

If you'd like to become involved in the seminar series, or have suggestions for speakers,
please contact Phil Roth.


2008 Seminars Show/Hide

2007 Seminars Show/Hide

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Updated: Monday, 18-Oct-2010 14:20:34 EDT
