The Accelerated Climate Prediction Initiative

The Accelerated Climate Prediction Initiative (ACPI) is proposed by the DOE/ Office of Biological and Environmental Research (OBER) , in cooperation with other government agencies and in conjunction with the Information Technology Program ( IT2 ), and the Strategic Simulation Initiative ( SSI), within the Department of Energy.   The ACPI responds to a need for projections of climate variability and climate change to support U.S. participation in international assessments of climate change, as well as to understand the regional and national effects of global change.  The promise of dramatic improvements in computational capabilities and simulation science affords the global modeling community an opportunity to accelerate the development of global system models and to make breakthroughs in understanding and projecting long-term changes in the global environment.

Program documents can be found here :

Other relevant documents:

Other sites related to the ACPI:
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