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News and events of interest to Tribal Energy and Environmental Information Clearinghouse (TEEIC) users.

February 12, 2013

Applications for START Round 2 Being Accepted (Applications due: March 15)

On January 30, 2013, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the second round of the Strategic Technical Assistance Response Team (START) Program, which provides federally recognized Tribal governments with technical assistance to accelerate clean energy project deployment. Additionally, the Energy Department plans to seek information from Tribes interested in launching or expanding utility services in their own communities, which will help establish a new START Utility Program (START-UP).

The DOE Office of Indian Energy is accepting applications for round two of the START Program until March 15, 2013. For more information, see the DOE Announcement and the START Program page of the Office of Indian Energy Web site.

February 1, 2013

Indian Community Development Block Grant Funding Opportunity (Applications due: March 18)

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Native American Programs (ONAP) announced a possible funding opportunity under the Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) Program. The purpose of the ICDBG program is the development of viable Indian and Alaska Native communities, including the creation of decent housing, suitable living environments, and economic opportunities primarily for persons with low and moderate incomes.

Eligible applicants are Indian tribes or tribal organizations on behalf of Indian tribes. The application deadline is March 18, 2013. For more information, see the Notice of Funding Availability and the ICDBG opportunity synopsis on

January 17, 2013

NRC Tribal Policy Development – Open Comment Period

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is seeking comments on draft agency procedures for consulting with Native American tribes and suggestions for a policy statement on tribal consultations that the staff will develop.

The draft Tribal Protocol Manual provides guidance on effective interaction between NRC staff and tribal governments, along with background on the historic relationship between the federal government and Native Americans. To aid in the development of an agency-wide policy statement, the NRC is looking for comments from tribal governments and organizations, the public, and other interested parties. The comment period closes April 1, 2013.

For additional information on the NRC Tribal policy development, please visit the NRC website or Federal Register Notice.

January 16, 2013

Tribal and Alaska Native Workshop Presentations Available

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Tribal Energy Program has made available the presentations from the following two workshops held in 2012:

Both workshops were designed to help tribal leaders and staff understand the range of energy efficiency and renewable energy opportunities that exist in their communities, and the workshops also covered project development and financing for clean energy projects.

January 8, 2013

Upcoming Tribal Renewable Energy Webinar on January 30

In cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs and Western Area Power Administration (Western), the DOE Tribal Energy Program is sponsoring the Tribal Renewable Energy Webinar Series. The series is intended for tribal leaders and staff who are interested in developing commercial-scale energy projects, responding to utilities' requests for proposals, and learning more about the competitive power market. The next webinar in the series is listed below. Click the webinar title for more information and to register. There is no charge to participate in the webinar, but registration is required.

A list of the webinars currently planned for the series in 2013 is available on the Webinars page of the Tribal Energy Program website. For archives of some of the past Tribal Energy Program webinars, see the Webcast Presentations page of the Western Area Power Administration website.

December 19, 2012

Bureau of Indian Affairs Leasing Final Rule Published November 27, 2012

On November 27, 2012, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Kevin K. Washburn announced final regulations that will streamline the leasing approval process on Indian land, spurring increased homeownership, and expediting business and commercial development, including renewable energy projects.

The comprehensive reform, informed by nation-to-nation tribal consultations and public comment, overhauls antiquated regulations governing the Bureau of Indian Affairs' process for approving the surface leases on lands the federal government holds in trust for Indian tribes and individuals. As trustee, Interior manages about 56 million surface acres in Indian Country.

For more information and to view the final rule, see the full U.S. Department of the Interior Press Release: Salazar Finalizes Reforms to Streamline Leasing, Spur Economic Development on 56 Million Acres of American Indian Trust Land.

December 17, 2012

WaterSMART: Water and Energy Efficiency Grants (Applications due: Jan. 17, 2013)

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's WaterSMART Water and Energy Efficiency Grant program provides funding to communities in the western United States to conserve and use water more efficiently, increase the use of renewable energy and improve energy efficiency, benefit endangered and threatened species, facilitate water markets, and carry out activities to address climate-related impacts on water.

The application deadline for a 2013 WaterSMART grant is January 17, 2013. The following entities may apply provided they are located in an eligible region of the United States: any state, Indian tribe, irrigation district, water district, or other organization with water or power delivery authority. Eligible regions of the U.S. are the following western states and U.S. territories: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

For more information, see the Grant Opportunity Synopsis on

December 12, 2012

Summer 2013 Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (Applications due Jan. 10, 2013)

The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program encourages undergraduate students to pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers by providing research experiences at U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories. Selected students participate as interns appointed at one of the participating DOE laboratories. They perform research, under the guidance of laboratory staff scientists or engineers, on projects supporting the DOE mission.

Applications are currently being accepted for the Summer 2013 SULI Program. The deadline to apply is January 10, 2013. Applicants must identify their first and second choice laboratories where they would like to do their research internship when they apply.

For more information and to apply, visit the SULI Program website. Information about DOE laboratories participating in the program is also available.

November 8, 2012

DOE Tribal Energy Program Technical Assistance

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Tribal Energy Program offers free technical assistance for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects that fit within the program's scope and can be addressed with available resources. Requests are only considered from federally recognized Indian Tribes, bands, nations, and other organized groups and communities—including Alaska Native villages or regional and village corporations.

Typically limited to 40 hours, technical assistance may include renewable energy technology information, renewable resource information, energy efficiency techniques, project support, system performance modeling, policy information, design review, special studies, strategic energy planning, and training.

To request assistance, complete the online request form located on the Tribal Energy Program website.

October 30, 2012

Grant Researching and Proposal Writing in Indian Country Workshop (December 3-5)

The Seminole Tribe of Florida Native Learning Center will present a Grant Researching and Proposal Writing in Indian Country Workshop from December 3-5, 2012, in Orlando, Florida. Designed for anyone from a beginner to an expert, this three-day workshop will provide the skills necessary to explore, seek out, and successfully write a grant proposal.

Registration is free to Native Americans and those working within Indian Country. A prearranged lodging rate is available before November 2, 2012. For more information, see the workshop agenda and course descriptions and the Grant Workshop web page.

September 26, 2012

Tribal Renewable Energy Solutions and Partnerships Workshop at RETECH 2012 (October 16-19)

RETECH 2012, which is a renewable energy technology conference and exhibition, will be held from October 16-19, 2012, in Washington, D.C. On October 16, 2012, the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Indian Energy (DOE-IE) will host an RETECH 2012 pre-conference day-long workshop titled "Tribal Renewable Energy Solutions and Partnerships: Collaborating through the Headwinds of Change." This workshop will bring together tribal and industry renewable energy leaders to explore best practices, public-private partnerships to support and encourage energy infrastructure solutions, and public finance options for tribal clean energy projects. More information about this DOE-IE Workshop is available on their website.

DOE-IE is extending an exclusive invitation to tribal elected leaders or their designated representatives to attend DOE-IE's pre-conference workshop, all conference sessions, and the exhibition free of charge. For information about registering under this special offer, contact the Office of Indian Energy at Tribal government employees and staff may register for the full RETECH conference package at the government rate. For more information about RETECH 2012, see Discounted registration rates are available through September 30. See the Registration and Pricing page for registration options and rates.

September 25, 2012

Cancelled: START Program Status Updates Webinar

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Tribal Energy Program webinar titled "DOE Office of Indian Energy's START Program Status Updates" has been cancelled. The webinar had been scheduled to take place on September 26, 2012.

September 20, 2012

Annual DOE Tribal Energy Program Review (November 13-16 in Denver, CO)

The annual U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Tribal Energy Program Review will provide an overview of the wide range of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects under way in Indian Country. The annual gathering provides Tribes an opportunity to network, report on their energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, and learn from the experience of other tribes pursuing similar projects. Currently, the program has more than 50 active projects.

The Tribal Energy Program Review will take place from November 13 through November 16, 2012, and will be held in Denver, Colorado, at the Renaissance Denver Hotel. There is no registration fee for attending, but advance registration is required.

For more information, including lodging rate information, see the 2012 Tribal Energy Program Review page. To register, please use the registration form on the Tribal Energy Program's website, and select "Annual Tribal Energy Program Review" near the end of the page.

September 11, 2012

Tribal Rights, Sovereignty and Economic Development Conference (October 18-19)

Law Seminars International is organizing a conference on new legal issues for tribes in Tribal Rights, Sovereignty and Economic Development. The conference will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, on October 18 and 19, 2012.

This conference will provide an update on legal and policy developments impacting tribes. There will be discussions of tribal energy and environmental matters, including the interplay with recent federal efforts to regulate Indian Country. The conference will address federal efforts, via the National Labor Relations Board, to intervene in tribal matters. Additional topics to be covered include settlement of trust fund management lawsuits, taxation, tribal water rights, and federal responsibilities for funding tribal contracts in the wake of Salazar v. Ramah Navajo Chapter.

For more information and to register, visit the Tribal Rights, Sovereignty and Economic Development conference web page.

September 5, 2012

Upcoming Webinar: START Program Status Updates (September 26, 2012)

In cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Green Power Partnership Program, and Western Area Power Administration (Western), the DOE Tribal Energy Program is conducting a series of free webinars that promote tribal energy sufficiency and foster economic development and employment on tribal lands through the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. The final webinar in the series is listed below. Click the webinar title for more information and to register.

  • DOE Office of Indian Energy's START Program Status Updates
    Date/Time: September 26, 2012, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. MDT.
    Overview: This webinar will provide an update on the Office of Indian Energy's Strategic Technical Assistance Response Team (START) Program and the range of projects that were selected in 2012. START and Alaska START aim to advance clean energy generation in Indian Country and provide federally recognized Native American and Alaska Native governments with strategic technical assistance to accelerate clean energy project deployment.

For archives of some of the past webinars in the series, see the Webcast Presentations page of the Public Renewables Partnership Web site.

August 29, 2012

Midwest Native American Economic Development Conference (October 17-18)

Native Nation Events is organizing the Midwest Native American Economic Development Conference, which will be held in Chicago, Illinois, on October 17-18, 2012. Early bird registration rates for the conference are available until August 31.

At the conference, tribal leaders and industry professionals will discuss the latest strategies to promote economic development, and there will be networking opportunities for tribal leaders and professionals to build relationships to help tribes reach their economic goals. This conference will explore a variety of economic development topics, including renewable energy projects, financing options, construction planning, tribal entrepreneurship, tourism, and gaming.

For more information, see the Midwest Native American Economic Development Conference page on the Native Nation Events website. The registration form provides more information about the registration fees, registration instructions, and hotel information.

August 27, 2012

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for Alaska Native Community Development (October 16-17)

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Tribal Energy Program will be conducting a course titled "Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for Alaska Native Community Development" in Anchorage, Alaska, from October 16-17, 2012. The training is being offered at no cost, but advance registration is requested.

This course is intended to help Alaska tribal leaders and staff understand the range of energy efficiency and renewable energy opportunities that exist in their remote communities. The course will also cover project development and financing for clean energy projects, and there will be case studies highlighting the efforts of Alaska Native Villages to deploy clean energy technologies.

For more information, see the Tribal Energy Program's Workshops page. To register, please use the registration form on the Tribal Energy Program's website, and select "Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for Alaska Native Community Development" near the end of the page.

August 22, 2012

Tribes to Receive Technical Assistance Through START

Earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs (DOE-IE) announced tribes to receive technical assistance through the Strategic Technical Assistance Response Team (START) initiative. START is a project of DOE-IE aimed at advancing next-generation energy development in Indian Country. The START initiative is focused on the 48 contiguous states and Alaska. It is led by a technical assistance team comprised of experts from DOE and its National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

For more information, including a list of the tribes selected to receive technical assistance, see DOE-IE's START Program web page.

August 16, 2012

Land-Based and Offshore Wind Resource Map

Earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released a wind resource map compiled by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and AWS Truepower that combines land-based with offshore resources.

The combined map provides developers and policymakers a comprehensive picture of the nation's wind resources at 80-m for all 50 states as well as offshore resources up to 50 nautical miles from shore. It allows users to easily compare land-based with offshore wind resources. For example, it shows that the offshore wind resource of the Great Lakes is comparable to that found in the windier areas of the western plains states. It also demonstrates the potential for offshore resources to provide for the electricity needs of the heavily populated coastal regions.

The map is available for viewing on the Resource Assessment & Characterization page of the DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Wind Program website. For more information, see the article announcing the release of the map.

August 14, 2012

First Commercial Solar Energy Project on American Indian Trust Lands

On June 21, 2012, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar approved a 350-MW solar energy project on tribal trust land of the Moapa Band of Paiute Indians in Clark County, Nevada. The project marks a milestone as the first-ever, utility-scale solar project approved for development on tribal lands.

The Record of Decision signed on June 21 approves the construction, operation and maintenance of a low-impact PV facility and associated infrastructure on about 2,000 acres of the Tribe's reservation, located about 30 miles northeast of Las Vegas. The site represents about 3 percent of the Tribe's 71,954 acres, which are held in trust by the U.S. government. The project is expected to generate about 400 jobs at peak construction and 15 to 20 permanent jobs.

For more information, see the U.S. Department of the Interior Press Release about the solar project.

August 1, 2012

Solar Energy Environmental Mapper Update

Solar Energy Environmental Mapper is an interactive web-based map of information relevant to siting of utility-scale solar energy development in six southwestern states. It was developed to share information about decisions being evaluated in the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Development Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (Solar PEIS). The Final Solar PEIS was released on July 24, 2012.

Version 1.4 has been released with following enhancements:

  • Updated layers for the Solar PEIS alternatives.
  • New layer displaying data from the Solar Energy Industries Association about existing, planned, and proposed solar projects in the U.S.
  • New tool to view interactive 3D panoramic photos taken at the proposed Solar Energy Zones
  • New report based on the USGS GAP Protected Areas Database
  • Other new map layers including:
    • Brownfield sites from the Environmental Protection Agency
    • Formerly Used Defense Sites from the Department of Defense

Solar Mapper provides access to data about the Solar PEIS alternatives, land use designations, hydrography, and ecological resources in six southwestern states. The site supports analysis of environmental and other siting conflicts that might be present at specific locations, particularly in the context of BLM's new solar energy program.

July 31, 2012

Workshop Related to Small Hydropower Development (August 23, 2012)

On August 23, 2012, the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) will hold a joint workshop to focus on small and low-impact hydropower licensing and exemption processes. This workshop is part of the National Hydropower Association's (NHA's) Alaska Regional Meeting, which will be held from August 21-23, 2012, in Sitka, Alaska.

The purpose of the workshop is to share information with prospective small hydropower developers on tools the FERC has recently made available to assist with preparation of small hydropower project applications. The workshop will walk participants through the licensing and exemption processes for small hydropower projects, and will include participation from the DOI and other entities regarding their involvement in the review of hydropower licenses and exemptions. The workshop will include a discussion of opportunities to develop hydropower in small communities and Alaska Native villages that may have limited access to other power sources.

For more information, see the NHA Alaska Regional Meeting page of NHA's website.

July 25, 2012

Electric Utility Basics Seminar (August 21-22, 2012)

Electric Utility Basics: Generation, Delivery, Operations, Regulation, and Economics is a two-day course that will be held in Portland, Oregon, on August 21 and 22, 2012. This course is organized by Electric Utility Consultants Inc. (EUCI).

This seminar will cover material on basic concepts, terms, and integration of functions in electric power systems. It will address the primary functions of generation, transmission and distribution, planning concepts, operations and maintenance, regulation, rates, and economics. The course will identify challenges, opportunities, and uncertainties that the energy industry faces in the energy market and evolving regulatory environment.

A reduced registration rate is available through August 10, 2012. In addition, every fourth registrant is free if multiple people are registering from an organization at the same time. For more information about the course, including the agenda, background on the instructor, and pricing, registration, and hotel information, see the Electric Utility Basics seminar information on the EUCI Web site.

July 19, 2012

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for Tribal Community Development (August 7-9)

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Tribal Energy Program will be conducting a course titled "Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for Tribal Community Development" in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, from August 7 to 9, 2012. The training is being offered at no cost, but advance registration is requested.

This course is intended to help tribal leaders and staff understand the range of energy efficiency and renewable energy opportunities that exist within their communities. The course will also cover project development and financing for clean energy projects, and there will be case studies of tribes' efforts to deploy clean energy technologies on their reservations.

For more information, see the Tribal Energy Program's Upcoming Events and Trainings page and the draft agenda for the course. To register, please use the registration form on the Tribal Energy Program's website, and select "Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for Tribal Community Development" near the end of the page.

July 12, 2012

USDA Offering Grants to Assist Rural Communities with Extremely High Energy Costs

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development is making available up to $7 million in High Energy Cost Grants during fiscal year 2012 to assist communities where expenditures for home energy exceed 275 percent of the national average. The maximum amount of grant assistance that will be awarded is $3 million.

  • Eligible applicants include: states, local governments, businesses, federally recognized Indian Tribes and tribal entities, and other entities organized under state law.
  • Applications due: July 30, 2012.

For additional information, including application instructions, please see the Grant Programs page of the USDA Rural Development Web site. A USDA news release announcing the grants is also available.

July 10, 2012

Upcoming Webinars Related to Tribal Energy Development

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), DOE's Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs, DOE's Tribal Energy Program, and Western Area Power Administration are conducting webinars on energy-related topics in July. These webinars are free, but advance registration is required. Information about each webinar is provided below. Click the titles for more information and to register.

  • Community Renewable Energy Success Stories: Landfill Gas-to-Energy Projects
    Date/Time: July 17, 2012, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. MDT.
    Overview: This webcast will highlight both the challenges and benefits of developing successful community landfill gas-to-energy projects at the Prairie View Recycling and Disposal Facility in Will County, Illinois, and the Perdido Landfill Gas-to-Electricity Project in Escambia County, Florida.
  • Grid Reliability – Impacts to Tribal Renewable Projects
    Date/Time: July 25, 2012, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. MDT.
    Overview: In 2008, NERC reliability standards compliance became mandatory. This has raised the importance of compliance programs throughout the electric industry, as noncompliance can result in monetary sanctions. This webinar will provide an overview of the purpose and organization of a compliance program, what parts of the bulk electric system are in scope, the range of reliability standards affecting power operations and maintenance, responsible registered entities, and how tribal renewable projects can be impacted by reliability requirements. This webinar is part of the DOE Tribal Webinar Series. More information about upcoming and past webinars in the series is available on the Public Renewables Partnership Web site.

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