National Endowment for the Arts
About Us

NEA Customer Service Standards

Our Commitment to You

For all public inquiries, the Endowment pledges to:

  • Treat you with courtesy and efficiency.
  • Have someone available to answer your phone calls during regular business hours (M-F, 9:00-5:30 Eastern Time).
  • Respond to phone messages promptly, generally within two business days.
  • Respond to written communications promptly, generally within five business days.
  • Provide clear and accurate information about our policies and procedures.

For all potential applicants, the Endowment also will:

  • Provide timely information about funding opportunities (including application forms), both through our Agency Web site and, the Federal government portal to funding opportunities government-wide.
  • When necessary to accommodate special needs, mail available guidelines promptly, generally within three business days.
  • Clearly describe the application eligibility and review criteria.

For all applicants, the Endowment also promises to:

  • • Offer guidance on how to prepare the application, at your request.
  • • Promptly acknowledge receipt of your application.
  • • Ensure all eligible applications are reviewed thoughtfully and fairly, consistent with established eligibility and review criteria.
  • • Provide notifications of application review, and grant award or rejection, in accordance with our published timetables.

For all grantees, the Endowment will:

  • Provide notification of your award with clear instructions for requesting grant funds, reporting their use, and complying with terms and conditions.
  • Answer your questions accurately about complying with Arts Endowment policies, procedures, and relevant Federal regulations.
  • Provide other assistance that you require throughout the grant period.

Improving Our Customer Service

In response to what we have learned from applicants and grantees, the Arts Endowment is improving its performance by:

  • Continuing to clarify guidelines, instructions, forms, and administrative requirements so they are easier to understand.
  • Moving toward accepting all application and grant materials electronically.

How Are We Doing?

Because we are always seeking to improve our service to you, we welcome suggestions. Please let us know how we are doing by e-mailing your comments and suggestions to the Arts Endowment's Web Site Manager, Attention: Customer Service Coordinator, at You may also write us at the following address:

Customer Service Coordinator
National Endowment for the Arts
1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Room 710
Washington, DC 20506-0001

FFor general information about the National Endowment for the Arts, information about our specific programs and activities, and our publications, please visit our Web site. If you prefer, you may send your inquiry to us at the following address:

Public Information Office
National Endowment for the Arts
1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Room 614
Washington, DC 20506-0001

Our public information telephone number is 202-682-5400.

The Voice/TTY for individuals with hearing loss is 202-682-5496.





