Individual Development Plan Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is an Individual Development Plan (IDP)?
An IDP is an official planning and record-keeping document used to capture the training and development activities of NASA employees.  Individual development planning is a process through which an employee partners with his/her supervisor to identify professional development goals and create a plan to achieve those goals. 

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Why did NASA implement IDP in SATERN?

An IDP is an official planning and record-keeping document used to capture the training and development activities of NASA employees.  Individual development planning is a process through which an employee partners with his/her supervisor to identify professional development goals and create a plan to achieve those goals. 

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Who can create an IDP in SATERN?

Any NASA civil service employee can create an IDP in SATERN. The IDP is not available for use by contractors.

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Is it mandatory to have an IDP?

The Agency supports employee growth and development and strongly recommends the use of Individual Development Plans (IDPs) to capture all career development activities. The IDP form in SATERN is recognized as the official development planning document within the Agency. While there is no Agency requirement for every employee to have an IDP, if a Center has a requirement for an IDP, employees must use the IDP form in SATERN.

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Why should I create an IDP?

Individual development planning offers you the formal opportunity to collaborate with your supervisor in designing a strategy for career growth. The IDP allows you to document short-range, mid-range, and long-range career goals, as well as the training and development activities required to reach each goal. This electronic document can then be updated as you complete these activities, providing a comprehensive view of skills and competencies over time.

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When should I create an IDP?

While it will not be a factor in your performance summary rating, the IDP process will coincide with the performance appraisal period. You and your supervisor will meet within this timeframe to discuss goal-setting and development activities that will help build skills.

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What if I'm a supervisor?

As a supervisor, you have an important role in the IDP process and are encouraged to meet with your employees to discuss developmental goals early in the year. You are the only person who can approve and activate an employee's IDP in SATERN.

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What if I'm a coach or mentor?

An employee has the option of routing his/her IDP to a coach or mentor for review. As a coach or mentor, you can offer comments on the IDP but cannot approve or activate the IDP in SATERN.

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How will I learn how to create an IDP?

The IDP Quick Reference Guide is available for Learners, Supervisors, and Coaches/Mentors for step-by-step instructions. Additional training materials are forthcoming.

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Can I have multiple IDPs?

Yes, you may now create and maintain multiple IDPs in SATERN.

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Can I change my coach or mentor in my IDP?

Yes, you can change your coach in your Talent Profile, but you can only have one coach or mentor. You can also add a coach or mentor at a later time, if you do not select one when you initially create your IDP.

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Can I select a coach or mentor who is not at my Center?

Yes, your coach or mentor can be any Learner in SATERN.

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Can the target dates for a goal or activity exceed the IDP expiration date?

Yes, you can choose any target dates. For example, for mid-range and long-range goals, it would not be unusual for target dates to extend beyond a one-year period.

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Where can I get more information?

To learn more about using the IDP in SATERN, contact your Center’s Training Office or refer to IDP Information.

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