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News > Panetta signs memo extending benefits to same-sex partners
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Panetta signs memo extending benefits to same-sex partners

Posted 2/11/2013 Email story   Print story


2/11/2013 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Calling it "a matter of fundamental equity," Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta today signed a memorandum to the service secretaries and the Pentagon's top personnel official extending benefits to same-sex partners of service members.

Here is the secretary's announcement of the policy change:

"Seventeen months ago, the United States military ended the policy of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell.' We have implemented the repeal of that policy and made clear that discrimination based on sexual orientation has no place in the Department of Defense.

"At the time of repeal, I committed to reviewing benefits that had not previously been available to same-sex partners based on existing law and policy. It is a matter of fundamental equity that we provide similar benefits to all of those men and women in uniform who serve their country. The department already provides a group of benefits that are member-designated. Today, I am pleased to announce that after a thorough and deliberate review, the department will extend additional benefits to same-sex partners of service members.

"Taking care of our service members and honoring the sacrifices of all military families are two core values of this nation. Extending these benefits is an appropriate next step under current law to ensure that all service members receive equal support for what they do to protect this nation.

"One of the legal limitations to providing all benefits at this time is the Defense of Marriage Act, which is still the law of the land. There are certain benefits that can only be provided to spouses as defined by that law, which is now being reviewed by the United States Supreme Court. While it will not change during my tenure as secretary of defense, I foresee a time when the law will allow the department to grant full benefits to service members and their dependents, irrespective of sexual orientation. Until then, the department will continue to comply with current law while doing all we can to take care of all soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and their families.

"While the implementation of additional benefits will require substantial policy revisions and training, it is my expectation that these benefits will be made available as expeditiously as possible. One of the great successes at the Department of Defense has been the implementation of DADT repeal. It has been highly professional and has strengthened our military community. I am confident in the military services' ability to effectively implement these changes over the coming months."

(Courtesy of American Forces Press Service)

2/15/2013 11:43:36 AM ET
SNCO Ret your argument is nonsensical. If nations are like individuals in that they expire then why exactly is this problem if it is the NATURAL progression of things Oh and for the record. You are not the mainstream. You were the mainstream but people are becoming educated and enlightened. You are on the losing side of the argument and I hope you realize that.
Sergeant Progresss, Maxwell AFB AL
2/15/2013 9:35:07 AM ET
Major Britton at LAAFB well said. Thank you for your service and your courage.
Dean Vinson, Wright-Patterson AFB
2/15/2013 9:30:24 AM ET
Major Britton thank you for your service and boldness to post your personal contact information. My only question to you is why should the DoD draft policy based on someone's personal preferences be they sexual ice cream flavor dog breed pizza topping etc. If the DoD chooses to adopt policy that violates current federal law then we have a bigger problem.
Notfooled, Real World
2/15/2013 8:15:58 AM ET
What you call social progress I call moral deterioration and social depravity. I also observe that historically when nations move in this direction that nation falls. Read the Rise and Fall of Nations. Spangler said Society is like an individual. It is born and then after passing through various stages it expires. The author Toynbee basically observed that nations decline when there is an inability to cope with changes in society. A new social force in society very much like your social progress erupts but fails to bring the essential changes in various organs of society to cope with the change. Nations have a life cycle. I happen to think that we are heading to the winter side of our life cycle. Your reference to people who happen to posit another opinion as Trolls and whiners or your term criers ought to leave shows just how far this nation is moving in its decline. You cant force social change if you dont bring in the mainstream society. We have faile
SNCO Ret, Scott
2/14/2013 4:32:37 PM ET
Chris you really don't see how skirting around a law and allowing everything that the law doesn't specifically disallow is a bad precedent to set What if every airman that worked for you only did exactly what was required by law and routinely did unsafe or immoral acts that were not specifically prohibited by law or regulation. From now on when they do they will have a precedent set by the SECDEF to tell you to pack sand.
Maj, Home for a change
2/14/2013 10:28:13 AM ET
Mark if you read the article as completely as you should've before commenting you would have seen that Panetta specifically addressed DOMA and how it limits his capacity to provide benefits. That is this step to extend benefits isn't done in a fashion that ignores any law put in place it simply provides all the benefits we can to current service members without ignoring a law on the books as you so eloquently put it. I for one feel like this is an excellent step in the right direction in anticipation of DOMA being repealed.
Chris, Hill
2/14/2013 7:33:34 AM ET
Spare me the feel-good talking points J from Wichita Falls. All animals are equal but some are more equal than other right
Mike, Florida
2/14/2013 4:06:15 AM ET
J Lincoln didn't grant equality to the blacks - an Amendment to the Constitution did. Same with women's suffrage that was also a Constitutional Amendment. AT present there is NOTHING in the Constitution about marriage gay or straight. What there is though is the Defense of Marriage Act and what I'm seeing is an administration that is picking and choosing what laws it wants to follow and what laws it wants to ignore. If it's the law fo the land we need to be following it or changing it. Leaving it on the books and ignoring it sets bad precedent.
Mark, Creech
2/14/2013 1:44:39 AM ET
It seems to me that every time this site posts news that relates to social progress the trolls come out crying about the direction of the country. If you think our direction is so bad move to Canada. I hear it is swell up there. Stop complaining about the direction the country is going on here. This is what democracy is about. America cannot and will not remain the utopian fantasy you dream about. Let go let live. Dont want to pay taxes move. Dont like gays get out. This is not Burger King. Cant have it your way all the time.
Sergeant Progress, Maxwell AFB
2/13/2013 6:11:29 PM ET
I am an active duty Air Force officer who happens to be gay. My partner and I are in a legal domestic partnership in the State of Nevada. If anyone has any problems with my partner being allowed to shop at the commissary while I'm downrange putting my life on the line for your freedoms please feel free to contact me directly so we can discuss the merits of your argument. You can reach me at 310-653-0611 or Thanks.
Maj William Britton, Los Angeles Air Force Base
2/13/2013 2:47:26 PM ET
Mr. Ice Man this is called progress. I assume you would have said the same thing when women were granted the right to vote or when blacks were granted equality by Lincoln.Brandon the government will always make some kind of decision that goes against your ethics and morals but that does not mean payment of your taxes should make you less enthused. Everyone deserves equality even if you do not agree with someone's lifestyle choices especially if it does not directly impact you. Collectively we are a stronger nation when we encourage family - be it traditional or non-traditional - and give everyone equality and a fair shake in life.
J, Wichita Falls TX
2/13/2013 1:08:31 PM ET
Many of those affected by this change have been serving and sacrificing putting their lives on the line for our country for years. Theyve been watching out for our nation and our Constitution even in the face of inequality and we havent been watching out for them in return like we should have. This is a great step in the right direction though it seems like there are some issues that may need to still be examined such as what Brett brings up.
N, Montgomery
2/13/2013 10:37:30 AM ET
JT. Homosexual couples do not have to enter a civil union to receive these benefits if hetero couples have to that is discrimination. Maj. I plan to as soon as I can find this declaration of domestic partnership form. Brandon. Your peronalreligious morals and beliefs have nothing to do with equality and what is right.
Brett, Lackland
2/13/2013 9:36:24 AM ET
Our Country is in a flat spin and headed out to sea.
Mr. Ice Man, Thirty Thousand Feet
2/13/2013 8:46:51 AM ET
This decision makes me less enthused to pay taxes to a government that continually passes laws that go against my values morals and ethics.
Brandon, Anchorage
2/13/2013 12:57:09 AM ET
Brett I urge you to file a declaration of domestic partnership which is what is needed to extend benefits. When it is denied because of her sex I urge you to then file a discrimination suit.
Maj, Home for a change
2/12/2013 3:48:43 PM ET
Brett. You and your girlfriend are free to join into a civil union and obtain those benefits. And unlike marriage a civil union does not have any spiritual requirements or commitments. Notice that the SECDEF and the article do not speak of marriage but of partners. In my opinion marriage is defined by and executed by a Church. And with that come responsibilities as determined by ones faith and the Church. Civil unions are not marriage. They are civil status or tools used by the government. Whether or not the government should use them is another debate. But in my opinion you and your girlfriend are not suffering any injustice. You are free to enter into a civil union which carries with it no spiritual or religious requirements contrary to popular misconception.
JT, Maxwell
2/12/2013 12:51:40 PM ET
I am all for equality but why can't my girlfriend that lives with me have the same benefits especially while I am deployed Neither of us believe in marriage so now we get punished Make this rule for ALL couples.
Brett, Lackland
2/11/2013 5:50:02 PM ET
That's all well and good and not that I have a problem with this. What I do have a problem with is the President Congressand the Secretary of Defense and DOD feeling it's OK for them to say me and my family can no longer use Tricare Prime because I'm retired and don't live within 40 miles of an active duty military installation. It's not like they're giving it to me I paid my premiums
Frank Mullins, Lebanon TN
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