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Florida Water Science Center

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Picture showing sediment inflow from a tributary to a larger river.


Surface-Water Information and Data

Current streamflow conditions in Florida; click to go to a live map.

The U.S. Geological Survey operates and maintains approximately 7,300 streamgages nationwide, 558 here in Florida, which provide long-term, accurate, and unbiased information that meets the needs of many diverse users. The USGS collects the streamflow data needed by Federal, State, and local agencies for planning and operating water-resources projects and regulatory programs.

The links below allow you to find information and data about Florida's surface-water resources. The map to the left shows current streamflow conditions in Florida; click the map to go to a full size version from USGS WaterWatch.

Surface-Water Data



Surface-Water Use

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Page Last Modified: 21:13:10 Fri 28 Dec 2012