Message from the Mission Director

USAID Ghana Mission Director Cheryl Anderson in her office

USAID was born out of a spirit of progress, innovation, and a reflection of American values. Since its start in 1961, USAID has been a force for progress, fostering a more peaceful and secure world.

For 50 years, USAID has been committed to the vision of empowering Ghanaians to build a prosperous nation through programs in good governance, economic growth, health, and basic education. The success of these programs has been achieved through the combined efforts of the Government and people of Ghana, implementing partners, our donor colleagues, and dedicated U.S. staff.

In the 1960s, USAID partnered with foundations and foreign governments to support the Green Revolution – investing in new seeds, fertilizer, and irrigation systems so that countries including Mexico, Brazil, and India could grow enough food to feed themselves. As a result, hundreds of millions of lives were saved.  Today, USAID is working to replicate that success in Ghana through the president’s food security initiative, Feed the Future.

Ghana is an important U.S. partner in Africa. We are proud of the work that we have done together over the past 50 years which has brought Ghana to the threshold of being a prosperous, self-reliant country, with government systems that deliver essential public services to its people. We look forward our continued relationship with Ghana as it becomes a model and catalyst for good governance and sustainable development in Africa.


Cheryl Anderson

Mission Director, USAID/Ghana