
Lisa Risley Assistant Inspector General
Lisa McClennon Deputy Assistant Inspector General

The OIG Office of Investigations (IG/I) conducts worldwide investigations into allegations of criminal, civil, and administrative violations relative to the Agency. Our investigative priority is to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse within programs and operations of our client agencies and to foster and encourage the integrity of USAID employees, as well as those of our contractors, grantees and host country counterparts. The IG/I's role in this area includes identifying cases of embezzlement, bribery, kickbacks, false claims, conflicts of interest and other instances of program abuse. IG/I pursues allegations of abuses in USAID programs and activities as well as other violations of law or misconduct by those who participate in these programs. Our Special Agents, be they Civil Service Criminal Investigators or Foreign Service Criminal Investigators, have full law enforcement officer authority and employ an array of investigative techniques including interviews, surveillance, electronic monitoring, undercover operations, subpoenas, and the execution of arrest and search warrants.

Our Special Agents, who conduct investigations worldwide are assigned to either our Headquarters Office in Washington, D.C. or to one of eight international offices located in:

  • Kabul, Afghanistan
  • Cairo, Egypt
  • San Salvador, El Salvador
  • Baghdad, Iraq
  • Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Manila, Philippines
  • Pretoria, South Africa
  • Port-au-Prince, Haiti

IG/I focuses on critical and sensitive issues supporting, not only, the mission of USAID but the overall U.S. foreign policy, objectives and national security interests, as well.