
"Agency Must Regain Edge to Explore Celestial Frontier" -Rep. Rohrabacher, Orlando Sentinel

Feb 4, 2013 Issues: Space and Science

NASA's most important mission is exploring the solar system. Near-term human exploration missions are possible, and they should start soon. Yet our current plan seems to be waiting a decade or more developing the perfect launch vehicle while we...

Under Cover by Dana Rohrabacher, as published in Foreign Policy Magazine

Jan 9, 2013

In early January, Chris Buckley, a Beijing correspondent newly hired by the New York Times, was forced to leave China along with his family after his visa was not renewed. Philip P. Pan has also been waiting for more than 8 months for a visa to work...

Rohrabacher Offers Condolences Over Tragic Death of U.S. Coast Guardsman Killed By Mexican Panga Crew

Jan 8, 2013

Upon learning of the tragic death of United States Coast Guard, Chief Petty Officer Terrell Horne III, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (CA-46) released the following letter of condolence to Admiral Robert J. Papp, Commandant of the USCG: “Please accept this...

What the embassy attacks really mean

Sep 14, 2012 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Washington, Sep 14 - I don't believe in coincidences. The assaults on American diplomats in Libya and Egypt that left Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three members of his staff dead in Benghazi took place on the anniversary of the September 11,...


Jun 15, 2012 Issues: Space and Science

Washington, Jun 15 - On June 14, 2012  a “humongous asteroid” flew past Earth.  It was just discovered on Sunday night.  This is not a “Hollywood” threat – it is real, it is clear the Earth has been hit before, and we need to protect ourselves from...

Grant Pakistani Hero Citizenship, Gold Meda

Feb 16, 2012 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Washington, Feb 16 - The Pakistani doctor who helped Navy SEALs bring down Usama bin Laden and got locked up for his trouble deserves U.S. citizenship and a medal, according to a lawmaker. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) introduced a bill that...

In Memoriam, Tony Blankley ( 1948-2012)

Jan 10, 2012

Washington, Jan 10 - I am proud to have called Tony Blankley my friend for over four decades. He played a significant role in not only my life but the life of this great nation. Values that we shared made him a mighty force for liberty and the...

WSJ: A Balkan Peace Bargain

Oct 18, 2011 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Washington, Oct 18, 2011 - With America's focus on the war in Afghanistan and the crises in the Middle East and northern Africa, it is understandable that the Balkan war of a decade and a half ago has fallen off the international radar screen. But...

China undermining economic recovery and U.S. security

Oct 6, 2011 Issues: Foreign Affairs

Washington, Oct 6, 2011 - With a fledgling economy the focus of the 2012 presidential campaign, there has been one glaring omission from the debate so far: the failure of our current trade policy, particularly with China. Trade policy affects...

Are The New Patent Reform Rules Fair?

Sep 26, 2011 Issues: Patent Reform

Washington, Sep 26, 2011
