FTC Endorsement Guides: Let's go to the videotape

Has it been a while since you touched base with clients about the FTC’s Endorsement Guides?  Of course, you’ve shown them the three major take-away points in black and white:

  1. Endorsements must reflect the truthful experience of the endorser;
  2. You can’t make claims that require proof you don’t have; and
  3. Clearly disclose any material connection between the endorser and the advertiser.

But maybe it’s time for a refresher in living color.  A new FTC video reinforces the message for advertisers.  Even if you have just  a few minutes to spare, you can find out more about substantiating consumer testimonials and learn just how easy it is to disclose a material connection between an advertiser and an endorser.

As the sportscasters used to say, let’s go to the videotape:

While you’re at it, check out the FTC’s advice for consumers about online veviews and recommendations.  Set to a jumpin’ and jivin’ beat with don’t-blink graphics — we’ve come a long way from AV Club film strips — the latest multimedia offering helps shoppers separate the facts from the fluff when evaluating information about products online:

Visit consumer.ftc.gov (consumidor.ftc.gov for resources in Spanish) to find out more.  And if you use endorsements in your marketing, bookmark the BCP's Business Center's Endorsements page.




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