GrainGenes Home



In this page:

University Agronomy and Crop Science Websites

Agricultural Research Centers

Agronomy-Related Websites


Companies and Organizations

  • Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC) AgNIC is a distributed network established by the National Agricultural Library in collaboration with land-grant universities to facilitate public access to agriculture-related information & subject specialists.
  • ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, the American Society of Agronomy, the Crop Science Society of America, and the Soil Science Society of America provide this joint page with links to the individual organizations' home pages and with information about Society Services, Publications, Awards and Fellows and Membership
  • The Grains Resource Database Links to several good resources about wheat - anatomy, uses, history, genes, and more.
  • Croplife America (previously: American Crop Protection Association) represents companies that produce and distribute the active compounds used in crop protection chemicals
  • American Phytopathological Society, an online service of APS with registration, publication, meeting and career information
  • Enconair Home Page, plant growth chambers, plant growth rooms, tissue culture chambers and rooms, incubators, and seed germinators
  • GAIN, the Global Agribusiness Information Network, "the Web's Most Comprehensive Source of FREE Ag Market Information"
  • Haying Mantis, a site for those interested in large and intermediate square bale handling
  • World Agricultural Information Centre, a United Nations effort to disseminate agricultural information around the world. Has several searchable databases containing extensive data from many countries
  • Yahoo List of Agricultural Companies, under "Business and Economy:Companies:Agriculture"

U.S. Government

Websites for Geneticists

Websites for Pathologists


  • MolBiol.Net Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology Software Portal
  • Genetics and Breeding Related Software. This site is provided by the Laboratory of Plant Breeding at Wageningen University. Freely downloadable software include Cross Checker, PhylTools, and ComBin, a new software for the creation of Ultra-Hi-Density genetic maps.
  • CGIAR Home Page the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, an international organization whose mission is to "harness modern science for the sustainable develoment of agriculture in developing countries."
  • Colleagues' WWW Home Pages home pages from some of GrainGenes' data contributors and colleagues
  • Community of Science Webserver designed to help scientists identify and locate researchers with interests and expertise similar to their own. Should be a huge resource

GrainGenes is a product of the Agricultural Research Service of the US Department of Agriculture.