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Brady Couvillion


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Short Biography

Brady Couvillion is a Geographer with the Coastal Restoration Assessment Branch of the USGS National Wetlands Research Center.  His research topics commonly include wetland morphology, vegetation monitoring, applications of remote sensing to natural resource assessments, and landscape modeling/forecasting.


Raymond F. Kokaly, Brady R. Couvillion, JoAnn M. Holloway, Dar A. Roberts, Susan L. Ustin, Seth H. Peterson, Shruti Khanna, Sarai C. Piazza, and George R. Aiken. 2012. Spectroscopic remote sensing of the distribution and persistence of oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill in Barataria Bay marshes. Submitted to Remote Sensing of Environment.

Allen, Y.C., Couvillion, B.R., Barras, J.A. 2011. Using Multitemporal Remote Sensing Imagery and Inundation Measures to Improve Land Change Estimates in Coastal Wetlands. Estuaries and Coasts. Received: 4 February 2011 / Revised: 11 July 2011 / Accepted: 8 August 2011.

Kokaly, R. F., Heckman, David, Holloway, JoAnn, Piazza, Sarai, Couvillion, Brady, Steyer, Gregory D., Mills, Christopher, and Hoefen, T. M., 2011, Shoreline surveys of oil-impacted marsh in southern Louisiana, July to August 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011–1022, 124 p.

Couvillion, B.R., Barras, J.A., Steyer, G.D., Sleavin, William, Fischer, Michelle, Beck, Holly, Trahan, Nadine, Griffin, Brad, and Heckman, David, 2011, Land area change in coastal Louisiana from 1932 to 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3164, scale 1:265,000, 12 p. pamphlet. [Link]

Jeff P. Lin, Scott Bourne, Brady Couvillion, Jane M. Smith, Gregg Snedden, Gregory D. Steyer, and Sally L. Yost. 2010. Evaluation of a Method for Measuring Lateral Obscuration of Coastal Marsh Vegetation in Louisiana. ERDC/EL TN-10-2, 15 pp. [Link]

Yvonne C. Allen, Glenn C. Constant, and Brady R. Couvillion, 2008, Preliminary Classification of Water Areas Within the Atchafalaya Basin Floodway System by Using Landsat Imagery: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1320, 12 p.

Twilley R., Couvillion B., Hossain I., Kaiser C., Owens M., Steyer G., Visser J. (2008) Coastal Louisiana Ecosystem Assessment & Restoration Program: The role of Ecosystem Forecasting in Evaluating Restoration Planning in the Mississippi River Deltaic Plain. "Mitigating Impacts of Natural Hazards on Fishery Ecosystems,” 64:29-46

Craig P. Conzelmann, William Sleavin, and Brady Couvillion. 2007. Using Geospatial Technology To Process 911 Calls After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita (in) Farris, G.S., Smith, G.J., Crane, M.P., Demas, C.R., Robbins, L.L., and Lavoie, D.L., eds., 2007, Science and the storms—the USGS response to the hurricanes of 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1306, 283 p.

Stephen Faulkner, Wylie Barrow, Brady Couvillion, William Conner, Lori Randall, and Michael Baldwin. 2007. Impacts of Hurricane Katrina on Floodplain Forests of the Pearl River (in) Farris, G.S., Smith, G.J., Crane, M.P., Demas, C.R., Robbins, L.L., and Lavoie, D.L., eds., 2007, Science and the storms—the USGS response to the hurricanes of 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1306, 283 p.

Barrow, W., Jr., Buler, J., Couvillion, B., Diehl, R., Faulkner, S., Moore, F., and Randall, L., 2007. Broad-scale Response of Landbird Migration to the Immediate Effects of Hurricane Katrina (in) Farris, G.S., Smith, G.J., Crane, M.P., Demas, C.R., Robbins, L.L., and Lavoie, D.L., eds., 2007, Science and the storms—the USGS response to the hurricanes of 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1306, 283 p.

Barrow, W., Jr., Chadwick, P., Couvillion, B., Doyle, T., Faulkner, S., Jeske, C., Michot, T., Randall, L., Wells, C., and Wilson, S., Chenier Forest as Stopover Habitat for Migrant Landbirds: Immediate Effects of Hurricane Rita (in) Farris, G.S., Smith, G.J., Crane, M.P., Demas, C.R., Robbins, L.L., and Lavoie, D.L., eds., 2007, Science and the storms—the USGS response to the hurricanes of 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1306, 283 p.

Gregory D. Steyer, Alaina B. Owens, and Brady R. Couvillion. 2006. Data Collection Network to Support Ecosystem Forecasting for the Barataria Basin - Mississippi River Domain. Coastal Environment and Water Quality.


My Science Topics

Science Topic
Geographic Analysis and Mappingaerial photography
Earth Characteristicsearth history
Earth Characteristicsearth structure
Earth Characteristicsland surface
Ecology and Environmentbiodiversity
Ecology and Environmentecological processes
Ecology and Environmentecosystem diversity
Ecology and Environmentecosystem functions
Ecology and Environmentecosystems
Ecology and Environmentenvironmental assessment
Ecology and Environmentestuarine ecosystems
Ecology and Environmentforests
Ecology and Environmentfreshwater ecosystems
Ecology and Environmenthabitat alteration
Ecology and Environmentwetlands
Geographic Analysis and Mappingcartography
Geographic Analysis and Mappinggeospatial analysis
Geographic Analysis and Mappingremote sensing
Geographic Analysis and Mappingspatial analysis
Geographic Analysis and Mappingtopography
Oceans and Coastlinescoastal ecosystems
Oceans and Coastlinessea-level change
Plants and Animalsplants

My USGS Science Strategy Areas

Understanding Ecosystems & Predicting Ecosystems Change

Climate Variability & Change

Wetland loss/coastal land change.

Landscape change trend analyses.

Vegetation monitoring.

Applications of remote sensing to natural resource assessments

Landscape modeling/forecasting.

Contact Information

Brady Couvillion
C/O Livestock Show Office, Parker Coliseum
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
337-266-8616 - Fax
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