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Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan

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Combat Logistics Company 36 Marines place the roof on their igloo during the First World Igloo Building Championship competition, which took place at the Osorakan Snow Park, located in the town of Akiota, Feb. 3, 2013. CLC-36 entered three teams into the event, two in the speed-building competition and one in the artistic competition.
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Combat Logistics Company 36 Marines place the roof on their igloo during the First World Igloo Building Championship competition, which took place at the Osorakan Snow Park, located in the town of Akiota, Feb. 3, 2013. Teams were limited to a maximum of six participants.
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Pfc. Alexander Uribe, First World Igloo Building Championship competitor, works on his team
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2nd Lt. Zully Pasindo-Rubio, First World Igloo Building Championship competitor, works on her team
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Lance Cpl. Markeith Allencampbell, First World Igloo Building Championship competitor, works on his team
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Lance Cpl. Francisco Oritz, First World Igloo Building Championship competitor, works on his team
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Lt. Col. F. Lance Lewis, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron commanding officer, and Lance Cpl. Channing Leinen, H&HS crew chief, take photos of a memorial in Imjingak, a famous tourist attraction in Korea, which was developed after the North-South Joint Statement in 1972. Imjingak is also home to many other significant memorials, such as the Bridge of Freedom, which was used to free 12,773 prisoners in 1973, the Bell of Peace, which represents peace for humankind and unification for Korea in the new millennium by displaying a 21 ton bell, preceded by 21 stairs, and multiple other locales.
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Tourists use binoculars to peer into North Korea on the Mt. Dora Observatory Jan. 26, 2013. The observatory is part of the Korean Demilitarized Tour, which stops by all the main tourist attractions up to the Military Demarcation Line.
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A child touches the Jangdan Station Steam Locomotive, which sits in Imnjingak, a famous tourist attraction in Korea, which was developed after the North-South Joint Statement in 1972. The locomotive is a symbol
of the division between Korea, having been left in the Korean Demilitarized Zone since it was destroyed by bombs during the Korean War.
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A monument dedicated to reunification and peace sits outside the entrance to the 3rd Infiltration Tunnel, which is part of the Korean Demilitarized Zone tour, which stops by all the main tourist attractions up to the
Military Demarcation Line.
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Matthew C. Perry High School sophomore Jon Cadavos drives to the basket for a layup against the Kinnick High School Red Devils Jan. 11, 2013. Cadavos was the top scorer of the game with a total of 27 points, leading the
Samurai to a 55-40 win.
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The Matthew C. Perry High School boys Samurai set up in a 1-3-1 defense during their game against the Kinnick High School Red Devils Jan. 11, 2013. The defense was especially strong on Friday night, holding the Red Devils to 40 points. The Samurai went on to win the game 55-40 in front of a packed gym.
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Lance Cpl. Justin Coverdale, Ironman Team Competition participant, cheers on Lance Cpl. Ronald Watts, Ironman Team Competition Participant, during the Ironman Team Competition, which started at the obstacle course here, Jan. 18, 2013.
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(Left) Lance Cpl. Douglas Do and Lance Cpl. Mason McGerry, Ironman Team Competition participants, climb over a wall as a part
of the obstacle course here Jan. 18, 2013. The
competition was held in commemoration of
the battle of the Chosin Reservoir. Winners will receive a scheduled educational trip to Korea with Lt. Col. F. Lance Lewis, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron commanding officer, as the pilot.
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Ironman Team Competition athletes fight to reach the top of the obstacle course rope climb here, Jan. 18, 2013. Teams were challenged by having to execute 400 push-ups, complete the obstacle course, and then perform a resupply run while answering knowledge questions along the way. During the resupply run, teams had to carry water jugs, sand bags, plastic rifles, ammunition cans and a stretcher. The last leg of the run required teams to carry a designated "casualty" as well.
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Willie Dearinge, Open Bench Press Competition athlete, performs a bench press during the competition, which took place inside the IronWorks Gym Sports Court here, Jan 19, 2013. Athletes competed in their specific weight classes and were judged by how much total weight they were able to lift in three attempts.
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