It just got easier to start your future with the GRE® revised General Test!

Accepted worldwide, the one test for graduate school or business school gives you more opportunities for success and features a test-taker friendly design that can mean a better test experience for you.

The new ScoreSelectSM option helps you approach test day with even more confidence knowing you can send the scores that reflect your personal best.

And check out our newest test prep tools to help you do your best, including the GRE® Success Starter video, the expanded edition of The Official Guide and the recently released mobile app.

Don't wait. Register now to test in 2013, before seats are filled.

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The GRE revised General Test

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test date today.
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Get Official Test PrepThe latest GRE prep, from the maker of the test, to help you do your best.
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Considering an MBA?

Business schools worldwide accept GRE scores for their MBA and other graduate business programs. That's good news for you! Find out why >