• U.S. Department of Energy
  • Fermilab



International Services Assistant:
Barbara Book x3111

International Services Assistant:
Kappatolia Sherman x3811

Visa Office hours
Hours Wilson Hall
Monday through Friday
7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Property Protection Areas (PPAs)

Although much of Fermilab's site is currently open to the public, this is not true of Property Protection Areas. PPAs may be accessed only by persons who have been issued Fermilab ID badges, either as Users’ who are visiting Fermilab from other institutions, or our own employees.  There are 2 exceptions to the general requirement for ID badges.  

Access to PPAs without ID badges is possible when:

  1. it is a critical visitor who must access the PPA, but this person lacks the documentation needed to obtain an ID badge.  E.g. an outside repair person who must work on equipment in a PPA.
  2. it is a group of visitors, who are to be given a Fermilab tour that includes a PPA.

PPA staff must escort such visitors while they are within the PPA. Temporary Escortee Badges are issued by the Communications Center.  The escort must complete a form that provides information about the escort and the visitor, and must ensure that the visitor adheres to all security measures.

For tour groups of 10 or more, reduced information is needed on each member of the tour, and only the escort will wear an ID badge. Please contact the Lederman Science Center to schedule tours.

DOE rules require that all escorts be Fermilab employees.

Questions? Comments? Contact the Users’ Office!