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Question of the week: Do you support sequestration or an alternative spending reduction plan?
Posted by Randy | February 08, 2013

In 2011, the Budget Control Act (BCA) was introduced, calling for arbitrary and sharp spending reductions as a means of reducing the deficit. The BCA, which Congressman Forbes voted against but was passed and signed into law, calls for $984 billion in automatic, largely across-the-board spending reductions composed of $492 billion from national security and $492 billion from programs such as education, law enforcement, Medicare, housing, and medical research. These cuts, through the process of sequestration, are scheduled to take place on March 1, 2013, unless Congress and the President act.

The U.S. House of Representatives has voted twice to replace the sequestration; however, the Senate has failed to act.  It has now been eighteen months since the Budget Control Act was signed into law and our nation has just weeks until sequestration takes effect. This week, the President delivered a speech, calling on Congress to avert sequestration.  According to The Washington Post, “Obama did not outline a specific proposal,” but indicated his support for tax increases and some spending cuts as a means of postponing or replacing sequestration.

Today, our national debt stands at over $16 trillion, and we have annually run a deficit of $1 trillion for the past four years.  Congressman Forbes has taken steps to champion real, effective solutions to address overspending, such as consistently supporting a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, voting against $800 billion instimulus spending, and introducing the Congressional Accountability Pay (CAP) Act to tie the salaries of Members of Congress directly to federal spending. 

Further, since 2011, Congressman Forbes has continuously warned against dangerous cuts under sequestration, and has taken steps to prevent it:

July 2011 --- Launched an initiative called Strong Defense, Strong America to warn about the dangers of slashing defense to pay for stimulus spending
August 2011 ---- Voted against the Budget Control Act, which set up the process of sequestration
October 2011­­ ­­­­­­---- Introduced Strong Defense, Strong America Resolution
May 2012 ---- Supported legislation to replace sequestration
May 2012 ---- Launched ‘Defending our Defenders,’ a series of 7 listening sessions around the country
December 2012 -----Again supported legislation to replace sequestration

Question of the week:
Do you support sequestration or an alternative spending reduction plan?

( ) I support sequestration called for under the Budget Control Act.
( ) I support an alternative plan to reduce the deficit and control spending. 
( ) I don’t know.
( ) Other.

Take the Poll here.

Find the results of last week’s InstaPoll here

Users are solely responsible for the opinions they post here and their comments do not necessarily reflect the views of Congressman Forbes.
  • Thomas G commented on 2/8/2013
    My view congressman is let the President manage this because you have done but screw up the economy ever since you arrived in Washington. You acted very unwisely on tax policy, totally mismanaged the debt limit, have failed to have any influence at all in your caucus. You ignored the warnings of the Federal Reserve, the IMF, Treasury secretaries, the nation's largest CEO's. Just step aside sir and cease harming the country. You have misled the voters on regulations and were exposed by the CBO. You voted against the middle class on several occasions. I've written you letter after letter and never do you respond with the specifics I ask for and need. These were elementary questions sir, simple. Millions of Americans could answer these questions, but not you. I frankly do not know how to counsel you sir except to say that I hope that you do not yet again, harm this nation by doing nothing. I hope you do not harm this country with more obstruction. I truly hope sir, that you will defer judgment to the President because you do not have a clue what to do.
  • Deanna Ward commented on 2/8/2013
    While we need to control waste and cut everywhere possible, we need to take a hard look at entitlement programs and government waste first. If you are not a US citizen, why should you get any government assistance? All welfare type of programs should be limited with a time period and a life time cap. Everyone needs a hand up now and then and I don't mind helping those when they need but it needs to be temporary and there needs to be cap on what you can get period. John Smith saved Jamestown by instituting a "if you do not work, then you do not eat policy" - we should take a look at our history books.
  • Johnny Hiott commented on 2/8/2013
    I support sequestration of the federal government by elimination of the Depts. of education,energy, HHS, homeland security, epa and all of the other illegal departments of the federal government that do nothing other than stiffle America's economy and provide jobs for lawyers who produce nothing.
  • Jason Hayek commented on 2/8/2013
    I support anything that will accomplish 2 things - 1. Reduce government spending, intrusion, overreach, waste, and idiocy. 2. Stop the incessant can kicking for 30 - 90 days. This indecision is killing business. Make a decision, whatever it is, and go with it. Once we know what government has decided, we can begin to solidify long-range planning and start to grow our companies and therefore the economy.
  • Harry Harrington commented on 2/8/2013
    It seems like you need to find additional revenue and cut spending. Unfortunately, with all the politics, we will be lucky to do anything. Common sense does not seem to apply to Congress. You cut spending too much and more people lose their jobs, and this reduces spending, etc. We need stimulus spending on our infra-structure. This would employ many people, open up the construction industry, and spur spendig. What is so hard about this? Congress. Needs to start functioning.
  • Eric Ames commented on 2/8/2013
    I want to see Rep. Forbes show some willingness to compromise. It is going to take a combination of increased revenue (taxes) and spending cuts to put us on a correct path for the future. Yes Sequestration is bad, but it has happened because our elected officials can't find a middle ground.
  • benjamin jordan commented on 2/8/2013
    60 of cuts should come from entitlements; 20% from defense & 20% from other domestic non-entitlement spending
  • William Stephens commented on 2/8/2013
    Eliminate all entitlements before cutting any defense spending.
  • Charles Gaskill commented on 2/8/2013
    As I have said before we need a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution! The Congress, Senate, President, and Chief Justices need to come down off their high horses and stop giving themselves pay raises and exempting themselves from just about everything they vote on. You need to do away with the Golden Umbrella that you have voted for yourselves and start taking responsibility and be held accountable for your actions and or in-actions! Stop blaming us, your constituents, for the mess you ALL have made and then tell us that "WE" have to pay for the clean up. I don't mind paying taxes, I'm more than willing to pay "my fair share", I also served in the US Navy for ten years, so don't tell me that I haven't done my bit for God and Country. It's high time you all did your part and get this mess cleaned up! We the people didn't make this mess, you and your counter parts did!! Make the cuts that need/can be made; safeguard the military so they can keep ALL of us safe. Stop threatening to cut SS, Medicaid, and Medicare! Cut the programs that DON"T work and cut your own pay and benefits.
  • travis elks commented on 2/8/2013
    I honestly believe that that Republicans are afraid to stand up to the President. Now he continues with out a budget, along with Reid. Will U republicans get a steel back bone and tell this President NO means NO MORE SPENDING. NO MORE PHOTO OPS at the WHITE HOUSE He the President acts as a dictator
  • David Blevins commented on 2/8/2013
    Sir. I do not support sequestration for it removes numbers of people that are taxpayers and does nothing to curb entitlement programs that are funded by taxpayers. I believe that an alternative idea would be the sequestration of entitlement programs as opposed to the sequestration of a taxpayer base.
  • Jim Walthall commented on 2/8/2013
    Raise taxes the rich!!! Cut elected officials pay, give them the same benifits as we get from Medicare. Congress is the problem, do something other than giving speeches
  • Bruce Anderson commented on 2/8/2013
    Sequestration uses a machete where a scalpel is called for -- or perhaps a carving knife. I know it's popular to claim that the Defense Department's finances are too confusing to audit, but that's precisely why they should be audited. Rather than chopping 10% off everything from maintenance to veterans benefits, I bet you could easily find 10% out of waste, fraud and duplication. Not to mention unnecessary weapons systems. For instance, do we need 11 carrier task forces when no other nation on earth has more than one! We need to use our heads on this. 4Q2012 GDP declined because DoD stopped spending in anticipation of sequestration. In 1Q2013, we have a payroll tax increase already slowing consumer spending and the wholesale spending cuts will slow the economy even further. You guys in Washington (and I mean everyone from Congress and Executive) are playing chicken with the economy and people's livelihoods. You need to wise up.
  • Brian Nedvin commented on 2/8/2013
    Our wonderful country needs all of the elected officials to put their heads together and simply ask: "What is in the best interest of the country?" It seems that there are too many people asking: "What is in the best interest of my staying in office and being elected for the next term?" Obviously we are all going to have to compromise, and it would be great if you would take the lead in doing so. Too many people are taking advantage of entitlements and more than making decisions about where to make cuts, our elected leadership needs to be a role model. We need to hear a modern voice ask the question that JFK posed: "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." I would be honored if you were the person to lead us. Sincerely, Brian Nedvin
  • Rebecca Reed commented on 2/8/2013
    I want to see a program like the CCC where unemployed people can work to build and repair our crumbling infrastructure -mostly bridges and roads. We need employment; the wages earned will go back into our economy. We can work on this at the same time we begin paying down the debt. Without more income in the economy, the debt will be hard to take of.
  • Amos Eby commented on 2/8/2013
    The alternative plan I back for deficit reduction is (1) Close tax loopholes or go with a consumption tax (2) Reduce government red tape on businesses to stimulate economic growth (3) CUT SPENDING!
  • Minister Robert Hee commented on 2/8/2013
    1. Have the congress and administration develope and approve a realistic budget that they will up hold and has no pork.
  • Minister Robert Hee commented on 2/8/2013
    1. First, have the congress and administration develope and pass a budget that is realistic, and has no pork. The United States people are hard working and will go along with a plan they can respect. Even if that plan cuts their profits. We want to hold are head high again. Why can't you all do the job you were elected to do. I know of no company that would continue to pay a group of people what you get payed or even continue being employed with such inept performance.
  • Norwood Powell commented on 2/8/2013
    My understanding was that part of the last budget "fisca cliff" deal was a 2 month extension to solve this problem. If that is not happening the public needs to be made aware of that in a very clear fashion. A budget is vital and I for one will be glad when Congress does THEIR JOB and quits the political gamesmanship
  • George Fuller commented on 2/8/2013
    Go back to 2004 or 2005 budget........what doesn't fit doesn't get funded....... Don't forget we have an education dept that didn't exist 50 years ago......why do we need it?....... We have an Energy dept that does not to get us to energy independence and needs to be eliminated.......I think it was begun in Carter' administration
  • George Fuller commented on 2/8/2013
    Go back to 2004 or 2005 budget........what doesn't fit doesn't get funded....... Don't forget we have an education dept that didn't exist 50 years ago......why do we need it?....... We have an Energy dept that does not to get us to energy independence and needs to be eliminated.......I think it was begun in Carter' administration
  • Josh White commented on 2/8/2013
    Instead of cutting education, and military. Why don't we cut the amount of free handouts or put a time limit on the welfare recipients. If we keep cutting education and giving more welfare the country will be at the bottom of the barrel in 10-15 years. It can't work, taking more taxes from an ever shrinking work force to pay for the ever climbing amount of federal money recipients. Communism does not work and we are quickly headed toward communist leadership in Washington.
  • Kevin arthur commented on 2/8/2013
    there are other means to balance the budget.How about taking the pork out of bills that are necessary to only the Consttutional operation of the United States. Stop sending money to countries that are truly not our allies.Make ALL people who reside in the United States pay some percentage of tax(even if on assistance),so they have some skin in the game,instead of taking and taking from working Americans. Washington needs to stop spending money they do not have.
  • David Nation commented on 2/8/2013
    The budget, the deficit, fiscal and monetary policy... These are things that congress either doesn't understands, or chooses not to understand in favor of drumming up scary scenarios that bear no marks of reality. The level of deficit spending is not at ultra-scary levels as so-called "conservative" Republicans would have us believe. When climbing out of a recession (especially one as deep as what we've been through due to the unbalanced regulatory policies of the Bush years and before), government deficit spending actually helps the economy. Running a government cannot be compared with running a private household as conservatives seem to think. They don't operate by the same rules and the consequences. Policies that may seem frugal for an individual, a family, or even a business, may have disastrous consequences when followed by Congress. You guys in Washington should all be required to pass a test on macro economics before being allowed to vote on bills related to fiscal policy.
  • Neal Gilbert commented on 2/8/2013
    I strongly support getting the special interest projects out of politics. The power of a line item veto to remove the fat from the bills and resolutions before congress would go an extremely long way to solving the nations problems. Every measure in committe or up for vote has so much pork in it it sickens me.
  • Dan Hafeman commented on 2/8/2013
    I selected "other" for this week's poll. Sequestration is a too austere step to be taken now. The economy is still fragile and I want continued recovery more than a balanced budget. However, defense spending, especially for expensive programs which don't make sense anymore, has to be at least 50% of the cuts. The F35 program should be cut. There should be treaty work to eliminate all land based nuclear weapons. And the anti missile program should be scrapped. Drone technology should be fully funded along with most of the carrier groups.
  • Darryl Perkinson commented on 2/8/2013
    It is time for both parties to sit down and work out a plan that shares the pain of deficit reduction. It will and may already be too late to prevent the negative effects this standoff has created. The President has and I support the balanced approach of getting the deficit under control. Instead of appearing surprised at this sequestration nightmare result in the DoD, fix it. The American people deserve all of you to stop bickering and fix it. Did I say fix it -- that is what must happen and soon....
  • David Girardin commented on 2/8/2013
    Congressman Forbes: Thank you for these surveys! I checked other on this week's poll re sequestration. I'm frustrated, the budget proposed has Billions of dollars of new spending while we are Trillions in debt! I laugh at the Dems who talk about the Reps wanting to cut the budget through the sequestration. The sequestration is limiting new spending and not cutting the already out-of-control programs. It has been said that if the gov't was a business it would be bankrupt; the gov't is bankrupt. No where else can an organization run on a $16 Trillion deficit and vote in spending growth. As drastic as it may sound, there needs to be NO NEW SPENDING, existing programs (Across the board; from Defense to Health & Human Services) need to be scaled back with the goals of: 1. No budget growth until the deficit is gone. 2. A budget that reclaims at least $1Trillion of the existing $16Trillion each year. Thanks for all that you are doing. Blessings, Pr. Girardin
  • Jeremy Mitchell commented on 2/8/2013
    Personally, I think we should view this from the opposite perspective. Don't ask "How do we pay for what we have?" We should be asking what do we want, as a people, badly enough that we are actually willing to pay for it. There are, undoubtedly, a large number of federal programs that could be cut and reduced, and maybe some with overlap that could be streamlined. However, there are also areas where we perhaps need to spend even more than we currently do. I don't know whether "right-sizing" our government would result in a net gain or a net loss, but I think that is a far better question to ask than the dull-axe method we are looking at - an option that no one is really happy with. The United States, I maintain, will always receive the government we deserve. In the past, that has always been one that rose to the occasion of any conflict we faced. Now, we face a threat of our own devising - letting ourselves be crippled by a simple lack of planning and a fear of complex solutions would be a disgrace to all of those that toiled, fought and died for us in years past.
  • Lawrence Cary commented on 2/8/2013
    I perfer a targetted spending reduction of equal value to the sequestration. If however the choice includes a tax increase or the spending package is less than the sequestration I perfer the sequestration.
  • Charles Gustafson commented on 2/8/2013
    I support a budget that does NOT try to balance it on the backs of the poor, the elderly, disabled, veterans, single mothers, ending Social Security as we know it, well, at the same time, protecting the richest Americans, continuing multi BILLION DOLLAR subsidies to OIL COMPANIES, protectecting the crooked banks and Wall Street. Also continuing to give Defense contrators all the money they want, even those who have been guilty of DEFRAUDING the U. S. Government in contracts.
  • Billy Sullivan commented on 2/8/2013
    I support the development of a realistic Budget with oversight of projects that provide assurances of a real return on the dollars spent. I am embarrassed for America in that our elected officials do not perform tasks for the good of the people but for political pacts and those groups who solicit votes for their own enrichment.
  • Dorsey Kimbrell, Sr. commented on 2/8/2013
    The alternative plan I offer is that our elected officials in Washington get serious about our financial situation and do something about it. I don't spend money I don't have, and I don't spend the money I do have foolishly. There is no reason whatsoever that our elected officials can't use some common sense and a reasoned approach toward balancing the federal budget and preventing foolish spending of taxpayers' money. Thank you for letting me vent my frustration. Dorsey Kimbrell LTC, U.S. Army Retired
  • Edward Kosewicz commented on 2/8/2013
    We need to cut handouts. Welfare, WIC, free cell phones basically all programs which promote dependency on the government. This excludes Social Secuity and Medicare. Folks worked for them. I am in favor of getting rid of the last two programs in time and replacing them with self funded programs. If I had been able to invest all my Social Security contributions I would be wealthy today.
  • Thomas HISTEN commented on 2/8/2013
    It's very hard to cut spending when the Senate won't do it's job. That being said, since there is no appetite for cuts I would cut every government worker,military,retired person all salaries, social programs, grants 1o percent and thats just for starters. If that wasn't clear I mean ALL government spending ,10 percent!
  • WILLIAM BRIGHTWELL commented on 2/8/2013
  • Gary Loe commented on 2/8/2013
    Mr Forbes:No to any defense cut's.It will kill virginia and make us look weak to our enemy's.China,japan,korea,iran are all buiding there defense's.We had over 600 ships when president reagan was in office,we are under 300 now.I'm a former and am a ashamed of how weak we must look to other country's
  • Matthew Niziol commented on 2/8/2013
    Cut the Pentagon Budget. Feed the people at home and stop feeding defense contractors bloated revenues. Everyone knows that the defense budget is blown out of proportion and their is waste in all contracts. Leave the schools and social services alone. Oh, and stop giving yourselves raises while the rest of us lose our homes.
  • Cheryl Whisenant commented on 2/8/2013
    I agree with Mr. Jim O'Brien. It is very hard to trust people who appear to have no knowledge how their actions impact the people that put them in their jobs! Your ongoing political one-up-manship is destroying this country. We are all American's and you, as an elected official especially need to behave as if you have our well being, freedoms and safety in the foremost of your mind as you argue Democrat against Republican. We must stop the excessive spending and have a budget to balance, but not at the cost of our Military and ability to defend ourselves. Stop giving yourselves raises (we can't get), insane pensions, separate insurance (not the lousy Obamacare we got stuck with) stop studies on the sex life of worms and other porkbarrel junk that end up attached to bills that you people pass.... I'm sure you see what I a saying, there is a lot of waste that can be trimmed if you really care enough. You want more money from us? It is now time to forget how people make their money and employ fair taxation in a flat sales tax. End IRS control of our lives and collect the taxes when people spend it. This will mean that criminals, drug dealers, illegals, prostitutes (get my drift) will, for the first time pay taxes and their ill gotten gains. It is a well known fact that people that have more money (rich, drug dealers etc.) spend it will be paying more taxes. NO LOOP HOLES~ A ten percent Federal sales tax on all purchases except food and necessities (you're smart and can work out the details, will supply more than enough money to support REASONABLE Government spending. I bet most people would agree to a flat sales tax of 15% just to get rid of the IRS and April 15th! (I know that I would) IRS can work out a simple tax law for business and corporations. That way you don't have to fire all of them! It's simple "try walking in our shoes" before giving our money to Countries that hate us, Feed our families and VETERANS before we feed the world and enforce the LAWS already on the books before adding to or striking down already established! LIMITED FEDERAL GOVERNMENT
  • David Brickey commented on 2/8/2013
    DoD needed to have some fat trimmed, but we all know the result of crash diets that go too far, too fast. When the need arises again, and it will as history bears out, the cost to get DoD back up to fighting weight will be enormous and more wasteful. Look at the cost of relief following Katrina. Had the money allocated to repair and maintain the levee system around New Orleans been properly managed, then the relief would have been less and thus less to be stolen. DoD is a drop in the bucket compared to the unfunded entitlements that are SSA and Medicare/Medicaid. Slash the Interior, EPA, HHS, do away with Commerce and DoEd, end gov't employee unions along with tailored reduction of DoD and we have a start at a balanced budget (amendment?). But nothing will happen as long as the Democrat Party runs the Senate and the President refuses to abide by the law requiring budget submissions. Thanx.
  • randy plummer commented on 2/8/2013
    Really I don't get it. Our choices are cut money for our soldiers cut education cut Medicare!?! Wow. How about Congress or the Senate take a paycut? How about we let someone real start making decisions. Seems to me the rich keep getting rich and the poor keep getting poor but only the rich get to make decisions!
  • Keith Ludwig commented on 2/8/2013
    A flat tax is our Nation's best option for resolving our debt combined with spending cuts to include DoD. Every year two to three months prior to the end of the fiscal year, various higher headquarters require commands to return unused funds. Once the funds are received thry are sent out to "unfunded" requirements. These were unfunded because thry did not meet a threshold of importance in meeting mission requirements. Return those funds to the Treasury to be used for debt service. Eliminate redundant or underperforming departments: DHS, Department of Education. DoD is tasked to protect the Nation. The Department of Ed consistently reports failing schools year after year while "throwing money" at the problem. Eliminate it and give the funds back to the States.
  • Mike Santacroce commented on 2/8/2013
    I want to see Congress actually do their job. As an American tax payer I want to see a budget with "zero" pork that actually reduces spending across the board on all “entitlements.” Leave defense alone. Mr. Forbes you are representing us very well and I'm very comfortable with your voice speaking for me on the hill.
  • Gary Metzinger commented on 2/8/2013
    Other than national defense, we don't need the rest of the Federal overhead. Start with the blotted Executive Branch, Office of the President and work down. Unfund the President's travel and let him take it out of his hide. Then, unfund all those projects I sent to you yesterday including foreign aid. Basically, cut non-defense in half starting with the EPA. Everybody should feel the pain of getting our financial house back in order so let's get on with it.
  • Georgette Lasorso commented on 2/8/2013
    I support an alternative spending reduction plan, starting with eliminating ALL fraud & waste that is rampant in all departments of government.
  • John Inge commented on 2/8/2013
    Suspend all federal spending in districts represented by Tea Party members!
  • Charles Henderosn commented on 2/8/2013
    I would return congress to a part time job before cutting ALL of the government services. This way we would return to a congress that had to work for a living and follow all of the laws they pass. They would be normal people!
  • Robert Perkins commented on 2/8/2013
    Reduce spending in all federal agencies by tightening down on waste and fraud. Make common sense reforms that will save money in entitlement programs. Avoid increasing taxes because that will adversely affect job creation. Raising taxes should be a last resort and should only be done if the increase in taxes is matched by an equal spending cut. Sequestration should only be considered if Congress is not successful in passing spending cuts. It is important for the federal government to provide defense of our country. I do not support sequestration because a strong Defense Department is important for our safety.
  • William Detwiler commented on 2/8/2013
    I do not like the defense cuts in sequestration, but it looks like allowing it to happen is the only way to get the Democrats to actually cut something other than defense. They have stonewalled any spending reform for years. It would be much better to have an across the board real decrease in spending (not a decrease in the rate of spending increase) For 10 years. That in itself would quickly get us toward a balanced budget and then we must pass a balanced budget amendment.
  • Linda Lyons-Bailey commented on 2/8/2013
    Interesting how the poll is worded, I support an alternative plan TO REDUCE THE DEFICIT AND CONTROL SPENDING, as if the very idea that a person might not find going right for America's jugular in this way during such a poor economy would simply be unthinkable. Nobody is saying or even thinking that owing money ever into the stratosphere is good. However, if your family is hungry because you lost your job, what should you do first: Go hungry and let the kids starve because paying down your credit cards is much more important, or feed yourself and your family--make sure pressing human needs are taken care of--FIRST, and THEN worry about debt? I mean...duh. One reason there is such a deficit is less taxes coming in. Less taxes are coming in because people are unemployed and underemployed and have no money. People who can't feed themselves or afford housing can't afford anything, therefore they can't pay taxes, and there's all this money that otherwise would be circulating through the economy, but isn't. Where is all the money these days? Upstairs with the very, very wealthy, who got it by shipping jobs overseas and paying people here less and less and less, to do more and more and more. When the stock market crashed, the very very wealthy ended up with quite a lot of loot. Corporate profits have already recovered from the recession; it's just you and me, Jane and Joe Q. Public, who have no wages, no jobs, no futures. People, average people, everyday people who work average, everyday jobs for our living, need some government spending right now to CREATE DECENT JOBS and get the economy moving again. My stepson is homeless in a minivan right now. He has two college degrees. I have another friend who has been looking for work for several years now. These are decent people who were raised in suburban middle class homes and never touched an illegal drug, or any of those other things we like to say are the reasons people are poor. Can we please, please, please, please MEET HUMAN NEEDS FIRST? Jobs. A living wage. A future for everyone. McJobs are no future, and pretty soon, that's all regular people will have. Treat the American worker RIGHT for a change, and the deficit will take care of itself. If you put the cart before the horse, and force the American worker to bleed every last drop of blood into the street to pay down a stupid deficit, we will end up like Britain and Greece and there will be no recovery, not for decades and decades. I'm sure the very very wealthy would love that. People would be so desperate for every little crumb of bread, they'd never have to pay anyone a decent living wage ever again. More for them! But I don't think that kind of life for the mass of the people is what made America the envy of the world from the 50's until just recently, do you?
  • John Pearl commented on 2/8/2013
    We need to reduce the size of government, specifically agencies that do little or nothing except hire more people to sit on their thumbs and make work. Lets get rid of the department of energy for one.
  • Topher G commented on 2/8/2013
    For those saying let sequestration happen, know that the military will take the brunt. Also, for those who think it will have a good impact should think again. It may have some impact but not on those programs many conservatives would like to see change in. For example, sequestration will not trigger any cuts on Medicaid or the food stamp program.
  • Walker Williams commented on 2/8/2013
    If you would not kill the U.S. economy with drastic governmental cuts, like sequestration, but as someone else said, make reasonable cuts eliminating fat and waste, the U.S. economy can continue on it's recovery and this giant economy can solve its own deficit problems. It will take some smart additional taxes also. The largest tax cut ever implemented, the Bush tax cuts, did not work in preventing the worst recession we have had since the depression, proving to me that it was a much too large of a tax cut.
  • Alicia Kilts commented on 2/8/2013
    I believe in a duell approach, I have been in trouble and lost most everything even now I work 3 part time jobs no insuranance while my husband finally works 1 part time job and is going back to school at age 53 . My son learning disabled and challenged again no insurance and trying to get him through school with no medications. With all this I have to cut expenses and raise income by taking on clients to watch pets for or fight for as many hours as I can to get extra money for everyday needs or I have to do without. The goverment needs to do both I am an avid political person, I can take both sides down the middle I only watch history, Cspan (Fun) or CNN sometimes MSNBC or FOX for these news channels are greatly skewed to the left or right. As a country there is thousands of dollars of waste in every department from education to social service dept and military at the same time I believe we need to raise income yes the taxes we need to fairly look at a new tax code that collects, based on income and earnings. Student grants are wasted on preliminary classes that are non transferable and do not count toward GPAs I have noticed this more at community colleges. Sometimes these classes are not needed or so accelarted for the students they fail. Drug testing for all individuals getting ebt or goverment subsides you are not employable if you are taking drugs so how do they ever plan to get off the system if they are. I support step down programs for those trying to earn money as to keep them employed and not think it is easier to just collect even if it is part time 10 hour work. I can not collect unemployment if I fail a drug test because I am unemployable so why should they. Military: we need to keep some innovation going to keep ahead but other foreign countries have bankrupt themselves spending all there money by keeping up with the neighboring countries and running there population into complete poverty to prepare for some war that was not there. We have enough arsenol and technology and spend more money then next 10 countries combined. We need to look like we are part of the world not trying to run it but have a balance were we are prepared for a war if ATTACKED! Please lets work together on middle ground and yes you CAN NOT totally please the FAR RIGHT or the FAR LEFT.
  • Bob Sharak commented on 2/8/2013
    As you've noted in prior messages, sequestration would be bad for the regional and national economies. It's bad economics because spending cuts in a weak economy are a further hit to the recovery. ... In fact, the deficit is not our biggest problem right now - that dubious distinction belongs to unemployment. As the CBO reported earlier this week, the deficit is projected to fall to $845 billion this year, the first time it has come in under $1 trillion since 2008. In fact, federal spending as a percentage of GDP in FFY 2013 (23.28%) is projected to be lower than FFY 2009 (25.24%). ... Cutting spending in the current economy, whether on defense; safety net programs or others, is a recipe for double dip recession. While individual programs may or may not be worthwhile, aggregate spending is not the problem members of Congress should be addressing. It's jobs. In fact, what we really need are more public investments - not less. Spending now on education and infrastructure would increase the Nation's productive capacity, inject needed spending into the economy, and increase long term GDP. Such spending is an investment in our nation's future. Respectfully, Bob Sharak
  • Rose coon commented on 2/8/2013
    Will all of you start acting like grown ups ? I so agree with Jim O'Brien. We elected you and expected you to do the wishes of those who did. Take pay as we do-- we get paid for work done - not for campaigning . I watch you on CSpan 1 & 2 and 3/4 never there Give fighting men & women some of your raises or get yourselves over there and do their jobs. Oh I forgot you are rich - old - men.
  • Charles Williams commented on 2/8/2013
    Dir Sir: I'm 71 years old and I have voted Republican all my life. What the current Republican back room leadership has done has removed all confidence from their Republican base during these last two election and four years of setting the stage for a Dictatorship, or communistic control. You have painted yourself into this problem and you have to work to get yourself out. These Weathermen have been planning this for over forty years. They have been yanking you guys around from piller to post. What you have to do now is take a stand. You know they can't stand a sequestration any more than you can. But you have got to draw a a line in the sand. You have got to get their attention. The only way you are going to get it is to vote for sequestraion. They think you are too 'chicken' to do it and your Republican base thinks the same way! It is my strong believe that it you do this, the admistration will have to do something because they can't stand a sequestration either. So you have to stand up to these people or pack it in. If you don't stand up to them, then you will have countedd your last votes from the party base. Because I won't vote Republican again and I will stop giving any money to the party. If we have a president who refuses to follow the contitution, makes his own laws and does anything else he wants to do, I say he is in conflict with his oath of office to uphold the constution and is nothing more than a TRAITOR and should be called on it itstead of all this politically correct BS that is going on. Take this Ya hoo to task and lets take our counttry back from the brink of desaster.
  • James Bangs commented on 2/8/2013
    I think the first thing that we should do is reduce or eliminate foreign aid to all countries, including allies, until we stabilize our own finances. I know this may seem short-sighted but I beg to differ. If we cannot stabilize our own economy we will not be able to aid them in the future. Instead of sequester of the military we should look at reducing the "perks" of the people that are in our Executive and Legislative branches of the government. Political office is for public serfice not a career. Most of them have other ventures and/or careers that sustain them as well so why should they continue to be a burden on our country after they have left office and no longer hold political office. Any increases in pay for political positions must be approved by popular vote of the American people. We should eliminate the ability of any person in our country that is here illegally to be able to utilize any government program. This should include medical and education. Our nation has too many children in schools and not enough teachers so if we eliminate the children of illegal immigrants it will free up the resources to take care of true American children.
  • James Bangs commented on 2/8/2013
    I think the first thing that we should do is reduce or eliminate foreign aid to all countries, including allies, until we stabilize our own finances. I know this may seem short-sighted but I beg to differ. If we cannot stabilize our own economy we will not be able to aid them in the future. Instead of sequester of the military we should look at reducing the "perks" of the people that are in our Executive and Legislative branches of the government. Political office is for public serfice not a career. Most of them have other ventures and/or careers that sustain them as well so why should they continue to be a burden on our country after they have left office and no longer hold political office. Any increases in pay for political positions must be approved by popular vote of the American people. We should eliminate the ability of any person in our country that is here illegally to be able to utilize any government program. This should include medical and education. Our nation has too many children in schools and not enough teachers so if we eliminate the children of illegal immigrants it will free up the resources to take care of true American children.
  • Randolph Covington commented on 2/8/2013
    My son is inthe infantry. He has done three combat tours. Right now he is involved in planning how to cope with sequestration if it comes. I talked to him last night. He says the army is already being demoralized by what Congress is doing.Think what will happen the the nation's defense if Congress goes through with this. Congress needs to quit the posturing and pay attention to the wellbeing of the country rather the power of their parties.
  • Danny Green commented on 2/8/2013
    Congress should act as we do. We can't print more money or postpone our bills. When you have reached your spending limit, common states that you stop spending. We have our own problems without you adding to them.
  • Joseph Teachey commented on 2/8/2013
    How about Congress performing the job you collectively were sent to Capital Hill to perform which is work across the isles and create a balanced budget. Defense spending is out of control. Pork Barrel projects are out of control and Social Programs are in dire need of an overhaul as well. The tax burden needs to be shared by all income levels and we need a comprehensive immigration plan that controls the number of new immigrants and doesn't place a burden on our infrastructure.
  • Kenny Kumm commented on 2/8/2013
    We need to control our spending FIRST. I do NOT think we need more taxes and we need to work within a budget. Tax reform is a must. The President and Congress need to understand our Constitution that makes America unique and strong. We the people make the USA great and I thank you for your representation. Kenny
  • Scott McCauslin commented on 2/8/2013
    My ideal of an alternate plan: The Whole Congress is called to session. NO exceptions. Doors are locked, and armed guards placed. No one leaves until a balanced budget is passed. MRE's will be provided for food. NO pay allowed until your job is actually done. Neither side of the political aisle will look good, to a polarized party-line, IF you solve this crisis. YOU are our leaders..... DO your job. Reductions don't count. CUTS will need to be made, to both party's "pet-projects". You no longer have the luxury of posturing. BOTH sides NEED to meet in the middle. plain and simple.
  • Jack Phillips commented on 2/8/2013
    Why not just freeze the budget as it is - no new programs, no increases in dollars. Doing this we will either grow out or inflate out of the budget deficits. Add in additional revenue (yeah, sounds bad but is necessary) this will happen even quicker.
  • Philip Seyfried commented on 2/8/2013
    I don't think it is the best way to "cut spending" but you'al have not figured out any other way. Even this is not a cut in spending. At best it is a slowing down in the increase in future spending. For example, if you spend $1,000 this year and plan on spending $1,500 next year and then say you are only going to spend$1,250, you have increased spending by $250 not cut spending. When will congress be honest and tell the truth about spending.
  • Cliff Ingari commented on 2/8/2013
    As a small business defense contractor, the threat of a sequestration is already having an impact on our contracts and our company. We fear that going further down the road to sequestration will have dire consequences on our business and the strength of our warfighters. Our plea to Congress is to avoid sequestration at any cost, while seeking other ways to cut wasteful spending from the budget.
  • Chris Christensen commented on 2/8/2013
    Foreign aid should not be provided to any country that is not our ally. Are we giving money to China? If so, why? Eliminate the department of education. You can verify any value added by looking at number of high school graduates before and after initiation of Education cabinet level and all the vast support jobs created. Talk about pork. Why don't unemployment recipients no longer have to prove they are looking for work - another pork barrel initiated . This just restablishes waiting for a handout rather than looking for work.
  • DARRYLL JOHNSON commented on 2/8/2013
    1. pass a budget that will balance within 10 years. 2. pass a law that no new spending programs can be passed without funding identified. no phantom savings and slight of hand 3. in 10 years, amend the budget to pass off the national debt in 15 years.
  • V Ejma commented on 2/8/2013
    It is time we stop taking away from "human" needs, such as education and medicare by controlling the salaries of government employees and the perks for the big business--such as the auto industry.
  • Brant Mathis commented on 2/8/2013
    The cuts don't amount to a hill of beans. Just another load of BS from OB. A smaller increase in spending is not a cut. No one in DC has the backbone to stand up to OB so to quote Hillary..."What difference does it make now"
  • Brad Cole commented on 2/9/2013
    Quit your whinning and get to work. My vote for a Representative was a vote for a leader who could do something in Congress. It's not happening. Demonstrate your abilities and quit being one of 435 representatives running in circles yelling fire. I can't believe the chaos that has been caused by a group of people who are suppose to be our leaders and you are part of them.
  • Mike Conley commented on 2/9/2013
    First of all, defund Obamacare. Take all of the money away from that monstrosity. Cut out the pork spending. All of it. Cut out all stimulus. Cut out funding superfluous studies like the sex life of house flies. Cut all funding of Planned Parenthood. Do away with the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, the E. P. A., and the Department of Agriculture. They've been getting too much money for years and have made no improvement on any aspect of life in America. The number of high school graduates in our urban areas has decreased, the number of illiterate people has increased. The D. O. E. has done nothing to decrease our dependence on foreign oil. The E. P. A. is shutting down power plants and making it more expensive for people, many on fixed incomes to pay their power bills. The D. O. A. is regulating family farms out of existence. There are other programs that need to be cut before Defense, but the biggest cut that would help bring down the deficit is to cut taxes. There's no way around it, the numbers prove that more revenue is collected when taxes are cut and people can invest their money. All raising taxes does is redistribute money from people that have earned it to people that have done nothing to earn it.
  • A L commented on 2/9/2013
    1st – Medicaid/Food Stamps needs to be reorganized and made into a similar program like WIC. There needs to be a specific amount of foods put on the program and a dollar amount needs to be set for things like meat and dairy. The foods purchased need to be reviewed by people that run the program. There needs to be a stop to junk foods that are not healthy for children or even adults to eat. Specific example: Only store brand juices that contain no added sugar instead of Sunny D, Punches, etc. Fresh/Frozen fruits and vegetables. Random checks at Medicaid fed homes should be mandatory to ensure the items purchased are actually being used by the dependents. If we as tax payers are going to fund this then we should be allowed to make decisions making sure our money is going to proper nutrition. There should also be a time limit on how long adults can stay on Medicaid unless they have some type of medically sound reason to remain on it. If they can't find work then they need to volunteer to help others in need. 2nd - Government paid employees need to lose all these paid holidays. John Q Public only gets an average of 6 paid holidays a year, if that. They should they be getting the same. How much money would that save? 3rd - All this extra money being funneled into the prison systems for television, weight rooms, computers, etc. needs to stop. If the inmate looses the right to vote, looses the right to bare arms, etc then why do they have the right to have tv. This does not better them in any way. There is no rehabilitation in watching tv. Computers should only be made available if they are completing a high school education. There should be no college! The kids on the street can't afford college. Why is an inmate getting a free education or trade? There is a real problem if the government is completely ok with taking away basic underlined Constitutional Rights for free but is ok with spending money to fight for them to have lesser ones. 4th - The members of the government that are charging the secret service rent for living in apartments, mother-n-law suites, ect. on their property should be stopped immediately!!! The Secret Service's protection should not be a personal business for anyone they are protecting. They should feel fortunate that someone is even there, not profit from it! The government needs to start looking at it's own extracurricular activities and misrun programs before they start coming to us for more money!!!!!!!!!! 5th - The military needs to lose some of the money they are getting. If they lose some of it then maybe they will find a better way to manage what they get instead of acting the same as all these years of having almost a bottomless bag of it. They have quotas to spend or they lose it so people buy things unnecessarily to keep money coming. The families that get transferred aren't having their pay decreased when they move from say Hawaii to Virginia. The cost of living is not decreased for months or years if the soldier is overseas then their post doesn't change even if their family relocates to a lower cost area. This is wasted money. Example: Soldier is overseas was in Hawaii, his family moves to VA. Military knows this because they have to know where to send the housing allowance. The cost of living allowance for Hawaii is 1500.00 the actual rent being paid in VA is 920.00. Why, if the soldier is getting housing allowance, food allowance is it not for the state that the actual money is being used in? I am a supporter of the American Soldier but not of the government being lazy and not keeping up with its money, then saying we need more!!!! Do any of us get to do that without personal consequence, NOOOOO!
  • Bruce Jacobs commented on 2/9/2013
    As usual the people that didn't cause this mess are the ones that have to suffer. Why can't we stop sending billions of dollars overseas trying to buy the loyalty of countries that are don't give a dam about us. Why can't we furlough some of the congressman and senators.
  • Barbara Sayre commented on 2/9/2013
    I do not pretend to have a solution-- except to stop spending..NOW.. perhaps a percentage decrease in all salaries? But the biggest concern I have is the reducing the efficiency of our Defenses, and I worry for our safety as a nation. And now that we have sent tanks and planes to the Black Muslim in Egypt - it os more dangerous for us.. but no one seems to understand it... Thanks for listening!
  • C. Eugene Meek commented on 2/9/2013
    I think that Congress may be the very place to lead by example. For instance, each and every Congressman has more perks and benefits that we, the taxpayers provide, than the average American citizen. As most Congress Members are not just a little wealthy, but are well off financially (many being multi-millionaires), let them lead by deciding to live within their means for awhile and not accept many of the wonderful perks that WE THE PEOPLE provide such as Health Insurance coverage that many envy and which we would deny to those less fortunate. Let's balance the spreadsheet of deficit spending by showing that you all are not immune to some cutting your obligations that we the people provide and show us all some belt tightening. I for one citizen do not yet see you all leading the charge by showing some sacrifice. We give you millions of dollars to spend toward your election or re-election; it is almost a certainty to be returned for another term if you are a reasonably intelligent person. Seldom do you fail to fall in w/ your constituents who elect you, nor ignore the lobbyists whom you curry for favor and before you know it, you've been in the House and Senate for several decades. After so long a time you forget who you got your first election campaign contribution from as a freshman, and now you solely work to please that lobbyist whom you have really gotten to know by all the junkets that he / she has now paid for and provided over the years; certainly not expecting anything in return (tongue in cheek!!!). Can you lead us in a real endeavor to jump out from under someone's influence and work ever again foe We The People? I think not and so until you decide to break out from under this very comfortable system, you and your colleagues cannot lead us to the promised land of living within our budgeted money, because you obviously can't live within yours. You remember us (the People) when you need more cash to run your next campaign. I've been around a few years and I get a great half bushel of franking privilege mail soliciting my support every election cycle. And I say, if they can't live within their budgets, how can they lead us out of providing greater and greater deficits? I do not see much difference between Parties, Republicans or Democrats! This is where you ought to start and start working together for the preservation of this Grand Experiment at Democracy!!!!
  • Brad Moore commented on 2/9/2013
    There are certainly areas where defensive budgets could be cut. Namely the arms being squandered in Egypt and Israel. If it has come to a point where we are "forced to lie in the bed we have made ourselves", then congress must act to ensure the cuts are efficient. Gut Pentagon salaries or closely examine foreign aid. Longer deployments and base closures will only assist in crippling Virginia's economy. Never mind the social implications of this "domino effect". Sweeping entitlement analysis is called for here. Challenge the government handout programs that benefit those who do not work. This goes for upper and lower class citizens in the private sector. Coddling the rich while encouraging dependence from the poor leaves us, the middle class citizens, footing the ridiculous bill. Challenge your co-workers in the beltway to stop wasting public funds debating topics manufactured by mass media and special interest groups. Balance the books and then work on social issues with a balanced budget.
  • Brenda Hundley commented on 2/9/2013
    How can anyone chop indiscriminately across the board to cut costs? How this was ever instituted is beyond the scope of my imagination. Prioritize the needed cuts and do NOT jeopardize our national security , aviation safety, good and drug safety and aspects of other programs that are so important. Cut administrative costs, be sure costs of goods and services are being compared to get the best price. As the largest purchaser of many goods, the government should be getting the best pricing. COMMON SENSE!! Please
  • Latorial Faison commented on 2/9/2013
    Dear Congressman Forbes, I support cutting federal spending, but I DO NOT support reducing cuts in military pay or service. These young men and women were good enough to fight in 2 wars, and I think it's embarassing for our government to introduce cuts that will put thousands of service men and women out of work. Many of these have incurred health issues related to service for our country. It's a slap in the face. I am in support of cutting funding for the arts outside of education, but I, again, DO NOT support cutting costs in education. We need more good teachers. We need higher teacher salaries. We do not need as much technology as I'm seeing spent and wasted in many schools in VA. Technology is dumbing down our kids instead of making them smarter and more competitive. Many of today's middle and high school students have poor penmanship because it's been forsaken for word processing skills. Thus, our children can not write a basic letter or format an envelope or letterhead. As for medicare, we've always had an issue with it. The government needs to work to not so much reduce medicare but and medical assistance but to form and work with organizations and doctors who can do pro bono work for those without insurance. Every working doctor in Virginia should be able to volunteer at least 5% of their time or services to helping Virginians who are not covered. This country and this state must care about individuals who cannot make it in order for us to move forward successfully. Finally, the salaries and longevity of salaries for those in government service to senators, congressmen, and even the president, need to be adjusted. Your retirement packages should mirror the people you serve. I think it's appalling that folks walk away from government service after having served only a few years and get more than what they deserve. The American people are carrying this burden, yet these individuals who have been elected are not taking care of the American people. I hope that you will work hard and convince your colleagues of all parties and persuasions to do so. There will not be a country for anybody to enjoy if you don't make smarter decisions now. And then this great legacy that many have tried to sustain will pretty much amount to nothing. Do what you can now! Don't be too proud, and don't be afraid. Virginia and America needs people who will speak up for the good of all mankind. The citizenry is pretty tired of the BS going on in the state house and in Washington.
  • James J Gibson commented on 2/9/2013
    Let sequestration happen for this and next fiscal year. There is not enough time before 1 March to assemble a realistic alternative that just might have a chance passing the Senate. Obama pushed for this back then, let him own it now. Let the public know in loud and clear terms why this has happened and that the House plans to develop offsetting actions to reverse certain cuts.
  • Sergio Romero commented on 2/9/2013
    I support a BALANCED BUDGET AMENDMENT to the Constitution. The White House and Congress need to STOP SPENDING MONEY WE DO NOT HAVE. For example: 1. Defund or reduce our tax money given to the United Nations. 2. Defund completely our tax money used to kill babies (Abortion) and 3. Stop giving billions of our tax money to Muslim states that want to kill us.
  • Arthur Locke commented on 2/9/2013
    Mr Forbes, I wonder sir, if cutting foreign aid isn't one avenue to pursue. It has been my understanding, we still provide Germany and Japan with such. I hardly think they need it. As you know Germany has the largest economy in Europe. Japan must certainly be a leader in the Asian Pacific. The U.S. government sends billions of dollars of aid each year. Perhaps it is time to have a look at who the recipients are, and re-evaluate the necessity of this aid. Perhaps it is time to send some domestic aid to U.S. citizens, in the form of lower taxes. I do not wish to take up too much of your time, so I will end here except to say, there are too many domestic programs as well which have become a bottomless well, which gives no incentive for recipients to strike out and make their own way. By no means do I advocate forsaking those in need, however I do subscribe to the give a man a fish, teach a man to fish proverb. Its time to cut bait sir. Thank you for your time. Best wishes. Keep the heat up. Arthur Ray Locke III
  • Carroll Marshall commented on 2/9/2013
    I am one of those people who will be affected by sequestration, there has to be another way to recieve the same results, the Federal Government do waste lost of money, we should stop with Foreign Aid, lets look at the Perks that people enjoy at the highest level of govenment.
  • clarence logan commented on 2/9/2013
    RAISE REVENUE ! there was a surplus before the bush era tax cuts and starting the iraq war. there are other ways of raising revenue. adopt an import tax or tariff on all manufactured goods. this should also help bring jobs back to our shores and help restore the tax base. repeal all job stealing "free" trade agreements. create a border crossing fee to help pay for the security checks needed for the hundreds of thousands of people who cross our borders daily. our govt. at it's best as we learned yesterday of the pentagon wasting another BILLION dollars on an air force computer system that didn't work. you signed the grover norquest pledge, didn't you ? SHAME !
  • Kenneth Ehrenthal commented on 2/9/2013
    I agree that the government, in the long run, must reduce the deficit and the national debt. Spending must be cut, however, any spending cut should only be to programs that do not, in any way, reduce economic growth. Revenue also must be increased. Special interest loop hole must be closed to increase revenue. The long term problems with the budget concern the growth of medical care and social security. I believe that both programs should be means tested.
  • Mike Myers commented on 2/9/2013
    I support sequestration if the alternative is another continuing resolution without real spending reduction. What I really support are term limits for Senators and Congressmen. Unfortunately, Congressman Forbes, you do not agree with term limits. We see eye to eye on most issues, but we do not agree on term limits. We will never break the cycle of deficit spending without them.
  • Donald Boozer commented on 2/9/2013
    I do not support sequestration called for under the Budget Control Act, and although I do support an alternate plan to reduce the deficit as well as controlled spending...I want our elected officials to work together to achieve results for the people of this great nation. I pray more than that all memebers of each congressional caucus, will gain the wisdom and fortitude to do what's best for our country by working together to make timely decisions in the hope of resolving the nation's shortfalls. This is bigger than politics at this point, people's lives as well as livelihoods are on the line and our representatives should have the mind set of one team, one fight of mission accomplishment for the country.
  • Michael Phillips commented on 2/9/2013
    It is way past time for congress and Senate to meet and prepare a balanced budget. I do not support the Seaquestration as it hurts our defense and our nation as a whole. It has been over four years since a budget was passed. It is time congress does its job and put aside party politics.
  • Joe Daniels commented on 2/9/2013
    I am a firm believer in a "Fair Tax for every one...A straight 15% tax I feel will close the gap and kill this so call high taxes on the middle class and do away with junk being throne on any bill...I am tired of seeing the rich not paying their share to live the American way...What is wrong with being fair? And these scum's that still from our government should get a higher jail term....Not pat on back so they could do it again...Far too much money is going out of our Social Security to people that has not paid into it...Why?
  • Dale Barrows commented on 2/9/2013
    We must have targeted spending cuts along with a tax system overhaul.
  • Philip McPherson commented on 2/9/2013
    NO MORE CONTINUING RESOLUTIONS! It's time to pass a BALANCED budget. That takes care of deficit spending.
  • Ed Goodin commented on 2/9/2013
    I would support minimal cuts in defense, and definitely no increases to the defense budget. Beyond that, I am in favor of a three-step process: 1. Short-term. Immediate drastic cuts (call it sequestration) in the amount of money that we send overseas (e.g., humanitarian assistance, nation-building, etc.) and deep cuts in the government payroll for all non-DOD departments. Do the latter via retirement incentives, lay-offs or whatever means is necessary to decrease the size of the bureaucracy in the U.S. government. If you look "under the hood" of nearly ANY government office, you will find mediocrity, complacence and "retired on active duty" attitudes in our civilian ranks. It is time that we dealt with this unspoken problem in American government by truly right-sizing our government. 2. Begin immediately a bi-partisan study to overhaul the U.S. tax code, including a close look at everything from a flat tax option, a consumption tax (similar to Europe's VAT taxes), and a major reduction in the use of "non-profit" status to avoid paying taxes in this country. Don't laugh until you evaluate the non-profit situation - there is a GOLD MINE bypassing the government coffers via this route. 3. Pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, and get us back to spending less than we're taking in! In closing, I am also a long-time proponent of term limits. For many, many years, with all due respect, Congress has proven that more time in the position earns more knowledge, more experience, more wealth, and less productive output. I beg Congress to hold yourselves accountable in the same manner that every working man and woman in America holds ourselves accountable in our daily lives - for the care of our families and the protection of our jobs. Thanks for soliciting and reviewing my feedback. Ed Goodin Chesapeake, Virginia
  • Greg Killough commented on 2/9/2013
    Reduce entitlements, increase taxes or reduce tax loops for the ultra wealthy, vote on individual items instead of multiple items in a bill, control lobbiest and campaign donations, refocus on leadership.
  • Jessie Genevish commented on 2/9/2013
    I would only support an alternative to sequestration if it had meaningful spending cuts to the ENTIRE budget, changes to Obamacare (protection for those of faith i.e. Hobby Lobby, et. al.) and no further tax increases. If the democrats are not willing to make the spending cuts necessary and only want to defer this process further then we have no choice but to allow this painful sequestration (that the President wanted all along) to be implemented.
  • Brian Neilan commented on 2/9/2013
    I just took the poll and support sequestration because there is no alternative that I have seen. It is unfortunate that the Senate and the President have failed to pass a budget for 4 years let alone come together with Republicans to come up with a workable solution to sequestration. I am bothered by the fact that the President's ideology prevents him from providing leadership on this and many other issues. I support what the Republican party has been attempting to do. However, I feel as though you all need a PR firm to get your common sense message out so that the MSM will cover it.
  • Brian Neilan commented on 2/9/2013
    I just took the poll and support sequestration because there is no alternative that I have seen. It is unfortunate that the Senate and the President have failed to pass a budget for 4 years let alone come together with Republicans to come up with a workable solution to sequestration. I am bothered by the fact that the President's ideology prevents him from providing leadership on this and many other issues. I support what the Republican party has been attempting to do. However, I feel as though you all need a PR firm to get your common sense message out so that the MSM will cover it.
  • William Dunn commented on 2/9/2013
    I support many of the sequestration cuts with less defense budget reductions. I believe that to best provide our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren the United States of America that they deserve is for the current generation to slightly suffer most of the sequestration reductions and drastically reduce government spending. I recommend raising the age at which individuals can begin Social Security (SS) from 62 to 65 for reduced benefits and 69 for full benefits. The salary range subject to SS taxes should be raised to a minimum of $400K (with no increase of benefits except COLAs) Further, I recommend reducing MEDICARE and MEDICAID reimbursements for medical costs and eliminate what is called obamacare. I also recommend that Secret Service protection only last as long as a president served, not more than the max of 8 years.
  • John Hulett commented on 2/9/2013
    I support the US Constitution, the US Military and policies that are in the best interest of the US; I don’t support political agendas (by either party) that jeopardizes national defense. I don’t support sending foreign aid to countries that are not strong US allies. I don’t support the cost of continued US military presents in Europe; why should the American tax payer continue to pay for the EU’s national security while they squander their money on socialist programs. I support significant reform of entitlement, welfare and other failed domestic socialist programs. I recommend a top-down-crack-down on the massive fraud, waste and abuse of US tax dollars (see Senator Coburn’s 2012 Waste Book as a starting point) by the Washington politburo. I support honest politicians (from either party) that put American interests and the Bill of Rights first before all other issues. In order to solve most of America’s current problems (which have been caused largely by elitist politicians, unscrupulous lobbyists and other self-severing hypocrites inside the belt-way), I recommend a 10% cut on ALL federal government spending (across-the-board) for both discretionary and non-discretionary programs; this way everybody has ‘skin in the game’ and there are no sacred cows! I recommend American politicians actually ‘support and defend the Constitution of the United States’ by passing budgets that will thwart the coming financial apocalypse caused by the runaway national debt. Finally, I recommend a Constitutional amendment that eliminates the current and mind-numbingly ridiculous federal tax code and replace it with the ‘Fair Tax’ system thus limiting the power of the federal government by putting the power-of-the-purse back in the hands of the American people.
  • John Redd commented on 2/9/2013
    I strongly support spending cuts. I am strongly opposed to any more tax increase. My message to you in Washington is this; you're getting enough of our money, you need to be more careful with how you are spending it!
  • Paul Powers commented on 2/9/2013
    Deficit spending has to stop. I suggest that the President submit his budget and have it bounced against the CBO numbers for projected Federal income. Take the difference (the deficit) and divide it into the number of Citizens, Green Card holders and Questionable Status Aliens. In the spending bill, include a line to have the deficit paid by these groups as an additional tax, dollar for dollar, the same amount across the board. Send each a bill for the difference to be paid in monthly installments. For minors, include the tax on their parent's bills. Send that legislation to the President to sign. If he doesn't, sequestration. It may sound harsh, but the consequence is Greece and maybe another Depression. Those are real harsh.
  • Chris Powell commented on 2/9/2013
    It is disheartening to even consider the question of whether the voter base supports sequestration. The legislation was intentionally made so "damaging" as to force action by Congress to address the growth in spending. The cuts are damaging and done with a meat-cleaver - and not apportioned equally amongst each contributor to the budget. Since 2008, the budget for defense has grown around 11%. During that same time - the commerce department and other social programs have grown multiples of that percentage. The budget problem is not defense spending (which will naturally draw down as war efforts are shut down) - but rather spending on more government programs and bureaucracy. The growth in government spending for non-defense sectors of government during the Obama administration is 2-300% if you account for "stimulus." I like the concept of drawing a line in the sand at the end of 10 years to allow for planning - set law to require a balanced budget, put teeth to impacts if budgets do not comply with law, target a smart "right-sizing" of government through reducing the number of GS employees as they retire. Can you reduce military spending? -absolutely. Within DoD we replicate functions and services that the federal government also does - Cyber, medical, research etc... Support sequestration? BAD question - what we support is our elected representatives doing their jobs!!
  • Stephen Dexter commented on 2/9/2013
    The purpose of the sequestration law was to force a discussion of a balanced approach to dealing with the deficit and reducing the National Debt. Those on the Right wanting to avoid sequestration appear to want to (a) avoid revenue increases, (b) avoid any cuts to defense spending and (c) to reduce social welfare spending as THE solution. The earlier comment about the US already spending nearly 40% of all defense spending worldwide is well taken; we really do need to examine whether we are getting that much out of all this defense spending. I happen to believe that we can get the same or better defense AND spend a whole lot less on defense. Will that mean a lot of change, yes. Will that cost some jobs, yes.
  • tom ford commented on 2/9/2013
    I support Congress doing their jobs, and the budget is, or lets say should be Number One . Its time for supporting "WE THE PEOPLE" and not "WE THE PARTY". If we had term limits, we might not have to live with the DEAD WOOD we now have in DC. If I had a choice I would cut 5% across the board starting at the presidents salary through all of the social programs. Its time for people to realise that sitting at home and collecting a check is not a way of life. I have worked for 50 years non stop, and proud of it. Its time for those who are able to do for themselves to do so, and get off of the couch.
  • Heith Treglown commented on 2/9/2013
    I support sequestration as the starting place for cuts. The sequestration cuts the first trillion, now let's find another trillion in other areas and then find another trillion after that until we balance the budget!
  • Heith Treglown commented on 2/9/2013
    I support sequestration as the starting place for cuts. The sequestration cuts the first trillion, now let's find another trillion in other areas and then find another trillion after that until we balance the budget!
  • Barbara Walsh commented on 2/9/2013
    It is important to stop sequestration and pay the bills that Congress has already passed in the past. However, we do need to control spending. To achieve this, I believe we should all give up a little. I just turned 65 and am willing to got my benefits by 10 % if everybody gives a little. I believe everbody could take a 10 % cut and survive. No one group should bear the burden; it should be shared. I think we have to keep our defense strong. While I hope we can stay at peace, we face dangeros challenges from Iran and North Korea. These could require military action.
  • Jeri Askew commented on 2/9/2013
    There needs to be a balance of where the spending is cut. Defense shouldn't be the largest target for cutting expenses. Certainly there are military programs that can be cut or scaled back for huge savings, but there can also be huge savings by cutting the spending we send supporting foreign countries and foreign wars when we aren't doing a great job taking care of our US citizen's basic needs. It sure was nice the inaugeration "celebration" that cost so much money was enjoyed by the few with the sequestration threat hanging over the heads of those who might loose their jobs, might not be able to feed their family, might not be able to pay the rent. This is what I just don't get!!!!!!!!!!! The sequestration looming to happen is drastic and not welcomed. It might save lots of money, but it's not going to keep taxes or extravagent spending from going up. It will impact those who do work, who do support their families, who do pay their own bills, and who do pay their own taxes and for some, they live pay check to pay check. The CAP act is a nice gesture, but that's all I see it as. How about it also include a reduction in all the per diem that is paid out when everyone is in Washington and nothing is accomplished. Now that would be a significant cut in spending, take away tax free money.
  • Allen Trombley commented on 2/9/2013
    I have voted Republican since 1980 for three reasons; fix medicare/medicaid/social security, develop a coherent energy policy, fix the tax code. Republicans have failed miserably on all counts (as have the democrats). I see absolutely no reason social security cannot be incrementally increased. Paul Ryans plan for medicare/medicaid, although not perfect, is the only reasonable plan I have seen. My problem with the 'health care plan' is absolutely no one defined exactly what constitutes basic health care is before authorizing another outrageously expensive government program. I have neither the time nor inclination to express all of the things congress is screwing up. It is not the Presidents place to propose a budget, it congress - get your act together and do your job! quit sending out silly surveys that are pointless and irrelevant.
  • Shaun Chittick commented on 2/9/2013
    We Americans tend to think of Federal spending and the Department of Defense budget as synonymous, so its easy to label DoD as the bad guy in regards to our unprecedented national debt. What we forget is that defense spending is actually less than 20% of the federal budget, while MEDICAID/MEDICARE make up 20%, Social Security is 23% and "discretionary" spending is 19%. Why do we focus cuts on only 20% of the whole federal pie, which will ultimately impact the individual troop and his/her family? We can certainly afford to cut back some programmatic spending, such as the entire V-22 Osprey program. So why is the Administration entertaining ideas such as cutting into military retirement, hiring freezes for civilians, limiting military pay raises to 1%, etc.? How about freezing Congressional pay raises until they pass a budget? The military is doing its job with very little grumbling, but its completely disheartening to watch our political leadership procrastinate on the one thing over which the military has absolutely no control--its budget. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5a/U.S._Federal_Spending_-_FY_2010.svg
  • Edwin Seymore commented on 2/9/2013
    If the member's of congress cant come up with a plan that doesn't cut as much as sequestration with in the next two week's then let sequestration take place. The deficit has to be reduced for the next generation !
  • Kim Mitchell commented on 2/9/2013
    I am against a balanced budget amendment. A balanced budget is a good idea for the short term, but as an amendment, it is a straitjacket that could be a problem in the future. Most cost reduction plans involve reducing programs that benefit U. S. citizens. The reductions that the citizens need is the government, itself, and the excessive regulations. Starting from the top, elected government officials have voted themselves and their staffs too much in pay and benefits, especially retirement benefits. Then there are the expenses associated with excessive laws and the enforcement of them. The earliest unnecessary laws that I remember was that margarine was not allowed to look like butter and it was illegal to sell milk that was not homogenized. The first was silly and the second put small dairies out of business and reduced the uses of milk for the consumer. Now, we have departments making rules with the force of law that do not go through congress. I recently learned that the FAA has put burdensome restrictions on one manufacturer's superior pistons because of one company's poor maintenance of planes having them. Then there are boondoggles, such as an unwanted bridge in Alaska. Lastly, there is money going to foreign countries but inadequate aid to the needy in the U.S. Help those at home first. Reduce the foreign aid until our debt is more manageable. Trim the government. Trim the laws. and stop wasting and giving away money that we do not have.
  • Lorraine Quinn commented on 2/9/2013
    Yes, I agree with sequestration! At least then something will get done. Without it this country only goes further in debt! While you're at it ... Why not take 1/2 of the money we give to other countries AND 1/2 of all the pork that has been added to the most recent budget proposal and redistribute that money to individual States for poverty, medical care, and transportation needs. If sequestration means budget cuts happen automatically, then you (et al) will have plenty of time to wipe out the current tax code & start over! Easy solution: flat tax across the board, period! No loopholes. No exceptions. No deductions! No deferred income! States can determine their own income taxes, but the rules are the same. Sales tax, import tax, etc., same flat tax regardless of state, product, or country of origin. If you buy tobacco products in NY or NC you would pay the same amount of tax. Well, Congressman, thank you for listening. Whatever happens we will deal with it! But SOMETHING has to happen.
  • Robert Kellis commented on 2/9/2013
    You people in Congress turn out to be geniuses! Who would have thought that Sequestration - thought to be so distasteful that it would force you Dem and Rep YAHOOS to come to a "deal" to cut the deficit (and thus limit debt build-up) - would be the ONLY WAY to get ACTUAL CUTS to FUTURE government spending! I'm sorry, Rep. Forbes, if you can't find places to cut in ANY budget any government has designed, YOU or any other of your colleagues are NOT worth what you are being paid. YES there will be pain. BUT YOU PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO STEAL FROM MY CHIDREN, GRANDCHILDREN, AND BEYOND WITH YOUR COLLECTIVE FAILURE TO STOP BORROWING 40+ CENTS ON EVERY DOLLAR SPENT! JUST STOP IT! I WILL BE RECONSIDERING MY VOTE IF YOU DON"T START REPRESENTING US WITH FISCAL SANITY.
  • Michael Mingus commented on 2/9/2013
    I do not believe that sequestration will work as the president and congress believe. The across the board cuts may sound good but rarely do such measures cut the fat, especially in the Department of Defense. I do believe that targeted cuts of non essential programs will accomplish more. For instance; 10% cuts to the Department of Education, Housing and Urban development, Department of the Interior, in fact the sale of some of the millions of acres of "public" land the department controls could be sold and the resulting monies used to pay down the debit. I am sure that you can think of many other ways to decrease the spending. Thank you for your time, Michael Mingus
  • Robert Zemp commented on 2/9/2013
    The primary purpose of the Federal government is the defense of the nation. Virtually every other function they heave assumed should be viewed as discretionary. Defense should be funded as priority One. All budgets should allocate available general tax revenues toward defense before addressing others wants. Failure to provide a budget in four years, act on budget resolutions provided by the House and continued borrowing and spending the US deeper into debt is forcing the US into the same condition that we used to defeat the Soviet Union - we forced them into bankruptcy. We are now doing it to ourselves.
  • Teresa Craddock commented on 2/9/2013
    You need to quit lying on the Internet and on local news stations. All you want to do is blame the Democrats, Senate, Pentagon and President Obama. The Rand budget is the problem and the fighting in the House, so stop the lying on TV and do you job. Compromise is the word of the year. If we lose out on pay due to your actions, it will not be forgotten.
  • irvin maslow commented on 2/9/2013
    As I wrote previously, as part of settling this country's major difficulties: I propose the immediate suspension of ALL of the salaries/benefits of the top 3 branches of Government in the U.S. This by itself would help greatly reduce the financial disaster accelerated by Hussein Obama and co. and be commensurate with what has (NOT) been accomplished during the last 49 months. If THIS 'gets through' to Mr Forbes, I will perhaps publish the rest of my "Manifesto for the American People" next time or two. Regards, I.F.M. Sr., AMERICAN
  • Darryl F commented on 2/9/2013
    Stop or replace the sequestration. Do not try to 'balance the budget' at this time of financial auterity as past history of thie country, i.e. the Great Depression, and of other countrys, e.g., England and Japan, shows this will slow down or reverse the recovery (which is weak now) and do further damage. While it seems contrary to financial sense, now is the time for Amarica to pony up funding for new building, repairing, and maintaining our very old and damaged infrastructure, e.g., electrical power grids, water systems, roads and bridges, etc.
  • G G commented on 2/9/2013
    I do not support sequestration for personal reasons - I will most likely laid off and my husband furloughed if sequestration begins. Congress please fix this! This is your job! I don't want to lose mine due to party squabbling. My husband doesn't deserve a 20% ay cut and then a RIF after 22 weeks.
  • ann ramsey commented on 2/9/2013
    I fear every day that my husband will be out of a job. We need a strong military and one that is properly maintained. We are the generation that is helping to support grandchildren. I am very tired of the Federal Government trying to direct my every move. It is starting to feel very big brother like. Are we destined to repeat mistakes or learn from past history. I miss the time when everything was made in America and when you placed a call it was answered in this country. We need to make America strong not sell it out. Thank you for listening to my fears.
  • Steve Puchalla commented on 2/9/2013
    Sir, what I support are the republicans sticking together to curb the massive fraud and spending that all of you people have piled upon our backs. Start with stopping any foreign aid. Especially to countries like Pakistan and Eygpt, who hate us. It is ridiculous that before we cutt off spending to toher nations that we would screw over our own people. You and your fellow Congressmen should be insisting that the media report the lies tghat our POTUS and Harry Reid spew each and eeveryday. This absolutely disgusts me. Then if you need to look at our own federal programs tghat are not mandated by the Constitution and cut the hell out of them. Then look at unemployment, there is no reason on God's green earth why anyone who is able bodied can't get off their ass and get aq job. Stop enabling society to be lazy. Cut the cord on longterm unemployment. You and your cohorts have created a society which has become so lazy it may never be fixed. Fight our POTUS at every turn. I have voted for you many times, but this will be the last unless I see some real change in D.C. Common sense is what is needed, stop worrying about whether you will win the next election. How about a fair or flat tax so everyone contributes. Itg is ridiculous tha so many people have nno skin in the game. FIX IT NOW! As far as the military goes, that is our last line of defense. The world is going to hell in a hand basket very quickly, we must maitain a strong military or we will persih. Our POTUS is iin fact a TRAITOR to this country and you must stop him from destroying our country. Say no to any infringement on the 1st or 2nd ammendments. Finally there must be a 100 instances of Obama violating the Constitution, the latest being his appointments to the NLRB, Impeach the SOB. I am DISGUSTED by the media nd our elected officials, and I believe our forefathers would be too!!
  • Joe Burns commented on 2/9/2013
    What I support is for Congress to get off their butts and do their job and quit the partisan politics. It is time to have the government actually represent the needs of the people and stop working for PACs to raise money for their election campaign. I'm upset that Congress voted themselves a pay raise BEFORE discussing the budget before year end. Congress doesn't deserve a pay raise - our military, law enforcement, & teachers do.
  • Jamie Hassell commented on 2/9/2013
    I want whatever will work and if that is sequestration, then so be it. Congress seems to think they are not effected by the budget (pay raises, etc.), they vote for laws for everyone but themselves, so lets start by sequestering their pay! They can afford it verses folks on a budget. But we must have a budget and tackle our debt. We cannot afford to keep sending money to foreign countries with money we have borrowed!
  • William Butler commented on 2/9/2013
    CUT SPENDING..........
  • Loraine Lynch commented on 2/9/2013
    Why has Mr. Obama contracted to purchase Smart Phones from MEXICO which will cost the American Tax Payers $100,000 per month?????? These Smart Phones will be passed out FREE OF CHARGE to his followers, along with the FREE PHONES to them. Why can't these UNNECESSARY SPENDINGS be illegal?
  • indira sinha commented on 2/9/2013
    i support strict GUN law.
  • Phyllis Thompson commented on 2/9/2013
    I support an alternative plan to reduce the deficit and control spending, but we seem to have a Congress that does not have the best interest of their country in mind as they continually cannot understand the idea of compromise for the good of the country. We have men and women who have been voted in as service people to do their best for this great country and instead we get special interest, pork, and no one paying attention that the American people are finally getting it and will make a difference at the polls to show our disdain. Thank you for allowing me to vent some.
  • Betty Damon commented on 2/9/2013
    Cut the Department of Education completely. Send the responsibility of educational matters back to the individual states. Rather than cutting expenditures in major areas like our military, eliminate the many areas that look small but add up to huge amounts, ie; ear marks, free postage for our representatives (email and blogs work fine), reduce the staff of our elected officials, elimate raises for these same officials until they have our country running in the black, reduce their travel on our taxes, do not bail out businesses that losses. Part of the democratic way is the freedom to try and deal with failure without expecting aid from the tax payers. Quit rushing, work together and handle this mess.
  • Jeff Holliday commented on 2/9/2013
    My personal opinion is we need to look at big government benefits. I think our country spends way to much on salaries, persoanl allowances and retirement benefits. The hard working american people have to save for their retirement which I think the government officials should do the same. Take a look at the total amount spent on retirement benefits of government officials and you will see that we could cut our deficit.
  • Sandra Fosselman commented on 2/9/2013
    I voted in the poll against sequestration and for alternatives. This is a far too complex issue to simply make across the board cuts. It is clear to me and those who stay informed that analysis and plans for reform for Medicare and Social Security, along with a study of spending wastes by the military need to precede any decision for spending cuts. Secondly, the revolting and disgusting practice by Congress to incorporate enormous amounts of pork barrel funding into critical programs which have valid justification must be stopped and transparent and legitimate ways to create and fund these special local interest projects must be created. If these and other similar issues aren't addressed and reforms initiated, the sequestration action is stupid and won't help the fiscal problem. In fact, it could not only make it worse, but it could position the U.S. as no longer a competent power and leader in the world.
  • Gregg J commented on 2/9/2013
    There is room for wise spending cuts in defense. Anyone not aware of this must have been hibernating for the past 20 years. Making cuts to civilian staffing and stopping weapons system development the military does not want are two great places to start. All current and future defense contracts need to be prioritized and validated based on the current economic situation. Any contracts not urgently needed should be put on hold or dropped entirely. All programs need to be on the table for cuts except social security, Medicare and the VA. Citizens have paid into these programs through dollars or physical sacrifice and these programs should not be cut...period. Want to stop wasteful spending...eliminate lobbyists. Make it illegal for members of congress to speak with lobbyists. Once outlawed, wasteful spending will drop dramatically. For the record, the only lobbyists you should be speaking to are the citizens of the district you serve...no exceptions! A town hall meeting every six months shouldn't be too difficult for you to accomplish, considering we elected you.
  • Margaret Deck commented on 2/9/2013
    I am dismayed that many outspoken members of Congress show no understanding of Keynesian economics. The GDP has only 2 components: consumer spending and business spending for capital goods. If either sector is weak, then government at some level must step in with deficit spending, say on infrastructure projects like highways and bridges, to stimulate the economy. The workers whose production satisfies consumer demand, business investment, and government projects earn wages which they spend. The businesses who receive the workers' spending also spend money. This "multiplier effect" is what boosts the economy. When the economy is again humming along, then increased taxes can repay debt incurred for deficit spending. Incidentally, a lot of US government debt is owned by Americans, too, and they earn interest on the debt.
  • Jarold Strickler commented on 2/9/2013
    Congress has been very irresponsible for more than a decade and it is past time for the House and Senate to take their responsibilities seriously and not just play games and glory in their high office. Allowing sequestration to take place may finally force Congress to get down to the business of seeking the welfare of the nation over all of their petty interest groups.
  • Arnold Shumaker commented on 2/9/2013
    okay I am for budget reduction, but to cut salaries of the already underpaid . ie military, is not the way to do it. I do not see where the administration aka the president are rewuired to cut spending or take pay cuts, and that goes for Congress and the hidden administrative expenses , like the fed, not voted in. Look at the wasted money spent on trips alone by conngress and the administration for so called business, let alone the R&R for the first family and others. As any good manager knows, when the money is tight the first thing to cut is celebration and r&R. Then comes process improvement. If done right, this alone could put us in the black, mainly because it would uncover personnel that are not needed and processes that are not needed. There are smart ways to cut the waste in the existing budget that could also help. Maybe we should be looking for ways to stop increasing expenses first. Balancing the busget only means INCREASE TAXES OR CUT MONEY GOING TO NEEDED SERVICES LIKE THE MILITARY SO THAT THERE IS JUSTIFICATION TO INCREASE TAXES. SET AN EXAMPLE TO THE VOTERS AND CUT YOUR OWN SALARY AND/OR EXPENSES FIRST!!!!
  • Ruth Meadows commented on 2/9/2013
    I say wait and while waiting think of alternative cuts. And tell Eric Cantor to stop playing rogue!
  • Michael Gurholt commented on 2/9/2013
    I do not support the sequestration because it will affect me directly. To be perfectly honest, I am tired of Government Employees being the Nation's scapegoat when it comes to cut backs. I am certain there are DoD projects that can be cut that are very wasteful. What people fail to realize is that we have families to support, bills to pay, and oh yeah our spending supports the economy. When and if, they cut our hours I for one will be spending a lot less and I would be willing to bet my fellow Government employees will be doing the same. If there is one thing I learned in the Army is that a leader leads from the front, not the back and a leader never demands sacrifices from their subordinates unless they are willing to make the same sacrifices. So having said that, why hasn’t our Nations leadership taken the initiative and cut their pay instead of insisting on cutting our pay. Also, if the United States is in such a bad state with the economy and budget then why do we continue to fund the rebuilding of Afghanistan and I believe we are still rebuilding Iraq as well? Plus, why do we give aid money to other countries?
  • Oscar Adler commented on 2/9/2013
    Dear Mr. Forbes, The only way to change the broken system that we have now and replace the dysfunctional Government that we have now is to follow the Human Being nature rules if you agree that our society consists of human beings. We MUST limit the terms for the congress members and we MUST stop to have presidential election being subsidized by private investors. It is not enough but it is one of the main step forward. I practice medicine for 30 years and I see how people leave the Earth and what happens just before you leave the Earth. Trust me, when our last moment will come before one opens the Door one will have a chance to see the entire pasted life that will be shown in 1 hour. At that time it will not be possible for one to take all money, real estate or anything else with them UP. Because it will not be needed there. The goodness and the actions are all that will be recognized. I can say more.... Be simply a GOOD MAN [you know how to read between the lines] and you will not regret. I hope you can do it and we will support you. It is a shame to see what US government does now.... Regrading to cut spending. First step - obliged all congress member to donate 25% of their income to social security until the Congress is capable to find the solution.
  • Karen Sterling commented on 2/9/2013
    Cut the defense budget for a start. There is way too much waste in the Pentagon programs--the F-35 for example--$130 million for the Air Force version and $160 million for the Marines' version--and the cost is only expected to go up. And what of the Homeland Security grants? There's a good deal of waste there. There is no reason for the U.S. to be the policeman of the world. We're rotten at nation building, so I suggest we stop trying to overthrow governments that don't suit us or supporting dictatorships (as we have in the Middle East and Latin America). Raise income taxes on adjusted income over say $75000 if only by 1 percentage point. Cut the COLA increase on Social Security for people with incomes over some amount. (I'm on SS.)
  • David James commented on 2/9/2013
    I work at at the shipyard in Newport News. If there is no resolution to this problem, it looks like the military's readiness will suffer greatly. We need a strong defense for America. The USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN (CVN-72) was scheduled to arrive at our shipyard for a major overhaul on February 14th. We found out Friday, due to the possible sequestration, the ship will not be coming in. The overaual has been delayed until who knows when. In the long run this will be MORE expensive. Our job security is now in question. Congress needs to do their job!
  • Ben Stoline commented on 2/9/2013
    I just found out this week that we may be receiving work furlough at the base because of sequestration. The USS Truman is sitting at the dock fully loaded with planes and sailors, all set to sail. Its mission has been cancelled due to funding shortfalls. Several other aircraft carriers are now facing cancellation of repair work. Is this the best way to run a war? We still have troops in a combat zone until 2014. Their mission has been funded by Congress to the tune of $600B for this year. Why has our global mission of support been chopped off at the knees? There has to be a better way! Spend the money until the troops come home, then cut the fleet and the army down to peacetime levels.
  • Barry Shaffer commented on 2/9/2013
    Reduce size of fed, get rid of Fed Reserve, Allow states their rights under Constitution.
  • Darrell Edwards commented on 2/9/2013
    I am a department of defense employee and I don't understand why we are going to get punished for doing our jobs. We have been told that we will be getting one day a week for 22 weeks off without pay. It will hit my household twice as bad as my wife is also a DOD employee. Then on top of this our taxes are being raised and a marriage tax also. I have worked hard all my life to get where I am now and this government is sucking the life from me. I pray JESUS comes back soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • James O'Kane commented on 2/9/2013
    I think we have to let the sequestration happen. It is completely obvious that congress will never cut anything, so lets let the ax fall on everything. We at last will see once that spending is finally reduced. Then we can see what has to be restored. I am so sick of this "Kick the can down the road" thing. Congress will bankrupt the country just to get re-elected. I want my children and grandchildren to live the American dream - not pay for the stupid things that Congress funds today like subsidies for Electric Cars (that nobody wants), Ethanol (that is highly pollutant and rapes the food and feed economy) and Green Energy that is nice but has not reached its time. The Market should make winners not the Government (who can't pick a winner in a one horse race). Term Limits. No Pensions. Less Federal Government. Patriots serve up to two terms then go back home to enjoy and support their families with a job that adds to the economy. -JJ
  • Debra Kelly commented on 2/9/2013
    I think that you boys should just quit playing chicken and do your jobs. We hired you not the corporations that own you. They may pay for your campaigns but we can vote all of you out. Remember, the military always votes.
  • William Hunley commented on 2/9/2013
    The things I think we should do to reduce the deficit should be to: - Reduce or eliminate foreign aid (take care of us at home first) - Refocus our military on a strong defense and stop being the world's policeman. Require new military members to pay a little more for their health and retirement benefits It is very lopsided compared to the civilian world and that gap should be closed some. Stop paying hazard duty unless it is "actually" hzardous. Improve military housing and stop paying BHA and subsistence if it is feasible to keep them on base where its cheaper. - Instead of providing an "all or nothing" approach to unemployment benefits encourage/require people to work whatever job they can find part time or otherwise and have govt pay the difference. instead of govt foot the whole bill. Any work is honarable. - Require drug testing of welfare recipients to be paid out of their benefits to remain eligible. Weed out the drug addicts, Use a scale where testing is reduced after showing a good record. Working people must submit to testing welfare recipients should be no different
  • H. Freeman Seebo commented on 2/9/2013
    I find it unconscionable that the Government is not addressing the real problem. In the name of "Free Trade" and The "Global Economy" our economy has been under attack from within for approximately 60 years. When this began in the 1960's we were the Wealthiest and most productive nation on the earth. At that time, we had a positive Trade Balance. Then we began exporting approximately 30,000 jobs per month. In 1971 our Trade Balance went negative. When you compile the annual negative trade balances (inflated for inflation) it is almost the same as our National Debt. In 2012, our Negative Trade Balance was $-727,905.3 . We allow goods to be imported that do not have to meet the same standards that are enforced upon US producers. It is like shooting ourselves in the foot through the head. If this is not corrected, nothing else will be of consequence. Up until 1908, our government supported itself with import duties and the ATF tax.
  • Connie Franks commented on 2/9/2013
    Instead of cutting defense, when we are probably more vulnerable than any other time in our country's history, I believe we should focus on domestic programs and they waste of money generated by all the hand-out programs. 99 weeks of unemployment is ridiculous. It ought to go back to 26 weeks as it was for years. If someone wants to work, they can either find a job in 6 months or they are unemployable. Also, food stamp fraud is out of control. I have no problem for the truly poor, elderly and/or disabled receiving the money. I have problems with healthy young people buying steaks and seafood and Red Bulls in lines in front of me. The program should cover nutritious food only which has to be prepared, not frozen junk & sodas. The cell phone giveaway program is a farce. Whether a person is poor or not, working or not, they will have a cell phone. The $250 mo. giveaway program is just that, a free giveaway program. Basically, what I'm saying is go across the board on government agencies, cutting expenses by 5% minimum, and put a stay on replacing retiring employees. I am tired of standing in line at the DMV, the Social Security Office, Social Services Dept. and seeing people sitting there talking to each other, or picking their noses doing nothing. While I know these issues are just a drop in the bucket, but my point is, the rampant government waste of this type should be addressed before gutting our defense programs. Thank you, Connie Franks
  • Jack & Darlene Gorman commented on 2/9/2013
    Cut ENTITLEMENTS! I am sick of big government. Too many people are receiving entitlements who shouldn't be and are scamming the government. The Republican party looks weak. Stand up for what we believe in! Free enterprise and SMALL GOVERNMENT! It is time for the Republican party to embrace immigrants and gays. They are here to stay and THEY VOTE!!!! Take back America in 2014!!!
  • Louanne Ambrose commented on 2/9/2013
    The sequestation was necessary in order to get the debt ceiling raised and comply with pressures to get spending under control. Our CONGRESS failed to reach a compromise and now with Sequestration EVERYONE, including the Dept. of Defense, will suffer. If CONGRESS would do their job and reach a COMPROMISE on increased taxes on those who can afford it along with spending cuts, including the Department of Defense, ( who notoriously wastes money) then Sequestration would not be necessary. I would like to see an alternative to Sequestration: increased taxes on those that make the most money in our society, the top 10% , and decreased spending in ALL areas except Education and Research and Development. If CONGRESS continues to see compromise as an evil word then so be it and let Sequestration happen. We in Hampton Roads will be deeply affected and we can thank our Republican representatives for their failure to work with our President to avoid this disaster. President Obama was re-elected by an electoral landside. Time to work for the average, middle class American people, not special interests. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN.
  • JJ Knight commented on 2/9/2013
    Randy, we have GOT to stop the spending. Defund Obamacare, cut the Entitlements and Stimulus spending, Defund the Justice Department since they only want to punish all of us for Crazy People's actions and get these bills that you have enacted passed! And I agree with Doc Hogan, cut all funds to the Education System and the IRS.
  • Daniel Ashley commented on 2/10/2013
    If you want to control spending stop the Department of Homeland Security from spending so much money.
  • Stephen Louderback commented on 2/10/2013
    Ideally a more reasonable plan should replace sequestration, but if the president and the senate continue to demand more taxes with little or no cuts, then the default position of sequestration will have to do. While not ideal, it does cut the budget.
  • Robert Harrington commented on 2/10/2013
    If we were to eliminate the redundant regulations that are costing business millions in dollars to monitor, regulate and comply with and replace them with streamlined rules that were easily understood and complied with, how much money could business save? Next, if we look at all the extra money being spent inside the beltway on perks such as limo service etc for people who can use mass transit like we are being asked to in Hampton Roads, how much would that save? I see in DC so much spent to buildup a government dependent society rather then spending the least amount possible of OUR money so that we could wisely invest it. V/r... Bob Harrington
  • Reynaud Renaud commented on 2/10/2013
    Do I support harsh cuts to the budget or do I support other harsh cuts to the budget to insure future tax cuts? Are those the only choices, Congressman Forbes? Demagoguery helps win elections but does it strengthen our nation? Congressman, do you support demagoguery to win elections or do you prefer demagoguery for other purposes? My guess is that you are wise enough to recognize the slant of the choices, that they are intended to solicit the answers I want rather than your actual opinion. You have some very good, highly paid aids pulling the wool over our eyes. Let's change the questions; do you want to continue wasting your constituents' taxes on aids who do most of your work, or do you want to wisely spend money on your aids to continue doing most of your work? Let's go the the actual issue. We need to get out of the recession without causing the economy harm. As you are suggesting, sequestration will harm a fragile economy (not just defense). We also need to address federal spending, both domestic and defense, over the next 50 years. The planning needs to begin now, the implementation must be phased in over the next decade. How do you propose to begin the process of planning. Will you be specific about what programs you are willing to cut? Our regulatory oversight of finance and industry is woefully lacking. Our climate is changing, banks are "too big to fail or prosecute," and Congressional budget cuts have left your constituents vulnerable to rapacious business practices. Insurance companies are driving up the cost of medicine and the principles of the medical business places profit over healthcare. And yes, there are social programs that must be analyzed to identify better and more efficient practices that encourage greater individual independence. None of that can begin until Congress sets aside gamesmanship and replaces it with statesmanship. You can do your part by being honest, forthright and specific about the your plans. We all love America and apple pie. But what specific plans do you have to offer?
  • Nick Radcliff commented on 2/10/2013
    Being a libertarian, I believe that or government wastes vast amounts of its resources overseas, that could be put to much better use here. That being said, if we used our defense budget wisely I would be strongly against sequestration. However, I believe an armed public is a strong deterrent for any threat to our national security (as did our founders). All things considered our massive debt is giving incentive for global aggressiveness against the US. So in conclusion, reduce the deficet, spend wisely, preserve our rights, period. The details are irrelevant.
  • Leslie Gaiter commented on 2/10/2013
    If we cut our defense budget in half we still would be spending more on defense than many other country. Yet we spend a smaller portion of our budget on education than most developing countries. Their are two strategic problem our country currently face and neither is a foreign country. Our problems are an educational system that does not prepare our children and a health care system that is sickness based. Not facing these issues will be the downfall of our country, not terrorism or a foreign invasion. Our downfall will be from neglect of ourselves.
  • Alan Watson commented on 2/10/2013
    I believe a balanced approach needs to be taken to help balance the budget, but a great amount of money needs to be cut from our defense spending. We need to make other countries more accountable for their own defense and we need to get honest about how out of control military spending has become. The thinking that "entitlement" programs are the only reason our budget is out of balance is absurd, and that cutting our "defense" spending it unpatriotic is equally absurd. Congress needs to stop playing politics and start working for a change like the rest of the country. Congressman Forbes, I believe you and your ilk (both hardline partisan Republicans and Democrats) are a cause for many of our problems in government. My parents were very wise to tell me from a young age that "You can't always get what you want".... by compromising, getting reform in the entitlement system and cutting defense the American people will "get what we need". It's a two pronged approach that is our only option for getting this country back on track.
  • Alan Watson commented on 2/10/2013
    I believe a balanced approach needs to be taken to help balance the budget, but a great amount of money needs to be cut from our defense spending. We need to make other countries more accountable for their own defense and we need to get honest about how out of control military spending has become. The thinking that "entitlement" programs are the only reason our budget is out of balance is absurd, and that cutting our "defense" spending it unpatriotic is equally absurd. Congress needs to stop playing politics and start working for a change like the rest of the country. Congressman Forbes, I believe you and your ilk (both hard-line partisan Republicans and Democrats) are a cause for many of our problems in government. My parents were very wise to tell me from a young age that "You can't always get what you want".... by compromising, getting reform in the entitlement system and cutting defense the American people will "get what we need". It's a two pronged approach that is our only option for getting this country back on track.
  • Richard Sutton commented on 2/10/2013
    All the talk about sequestration deals with taking money from people that work and contribute to taxes. Cutting defense budgets puts people out of work. Cuts to Medicare is taking from those that worked and contributed to Medicare. Why is there nothing being said about cuts to those that do not work and do not contribute: Welfare, Food Stamps, WIC etc. The cuts could be made easily if drug testing was a requirement for receiving benefits. Anyone that works for the government and contributes to taxes are required to be drug tested. Most large companies require a drug test as a prerequisite to being employed. Yet to receive a free hand out from the government it a violation of the persons civil rights. I find it hypocritical that you are for the War on Drugs and yet you are willing to give money to those who would buy the illegal drugs and support the drug trade. If you are against people buying illegal drugs why are you not willing to find out if the people you are giving money to freely are not using the money for that purpose. How many people on public assistance are on illegal drugs, start drug testing and you will find out quickly. I have nothing against helping out people in need but I am against helping out those that have an addiction to illegal drugs.
  • William Stamp commented on 2/10/2013
    President Obama spoke of a "national military" of civilians that would be as strong or stronger than our military. The sequestration plays directly into this plan. Our military is not only a "collection" of citizens from our great country (and from other like-minded countries around he world); it is also a process of ensuring only the most dedicated, constitution-supporting professionals are in-charge. The Commander-in-Chief changes every 4 to 8 years, but the Generals and Admirals are around for a lifetime. They are humans, and individually can make grievous mistakes; but, as a corporate body, they ensure that our country is protected against foreign enemies. I never want to be in a country that would allow a "brown shirt" military or any facsimile of that. There is waste in the Department of Defense, but to salami-slice the military is DEFINITELY the wrong way to do it. Let's try a complete audit of all the practices in the DoD, not wholesale disembowelment.
  • Robert Mitchell commented on 2/10/2013
  • Robert Mitchell commented on 2/10/2013
  • Florence Jackson commented on 2/10/2013
    There is a lot of waste at the Defense Department that needs to be identified and eliminated. I sometimes think that many members of congress have a personal interest in ensuring that interest is protected. What about the interest and needs of the American people? Find the cuts, but not on the backs of the people. Don't eliminate dollars that contribute to providing life, liberty and the prusuit of happiness. Congressmen and women have a responsibility to balance the budget, however, not in a way that will destroy and kill and break the will of the people whom elected them
  • James Babb commented on 2/10/2013
    I support the concept that Congress (every member) get off thier collective duff, do their job, and pass a reasonable budget, something that hasn't been done in four years! If they can't, then they should resign and let someone who can take their seat in Congress.
  • Giacomo Biscotti commented on 2/10/2013
    I do not support sequestration. The people that would feel it most are the constituents you represent. I am an independent consultant and my wife and I are both retired, disabled veterans. I work for the Department of the Navy now and I have many friends and colleagues that work as either DoD employees or consultants. Sequestration could actually bankrupt many of them which could also lead to foreclosures and more needy families with nowhere to turn. Also, the impact would be felt by retailers in the Tidewater area. Less people working means less people with discretionary funds means more local small retail businesses will suffer. I am hopeful that both sides of the aisle in Washington can put aside what is best for the party and place your constituents welfare above the partisan rhetoric. Thank you for your service and I thank you for your time.
  • Thomas Coburn commented on 2/10/2013
    Dear Congressman Forbes, I am very proud to say that you serves as my Congressman and you work very hard to serve your constituents. I agree with your thoughts in almost every instance. I do want to write to say that as a citizen of the United States, I am becoming totally "Fed Up" with the partisan politics I read about and the ineffectiveness of thoses pledged to serve our great country. In today's envirnonment, I can't imagine why anyone would want to serve as an elected official and work day in and day out in a hostle enviroment. If that is the case, our policticians should serve in Afghanistan! I encourage you and your collegues to "get somethings done" for the U.S. citzens, stop wasting taxpayer dollars, stop "pork barrell" spending initiatives and slash the entitlement spending. I am sick and tired of my tax dollars being spent on those too lazy to provide for themselve swho have become dependant upon Obama's generous entitlements. It disgusts me to see the "entitled" drinking alcohol in there "brown bags" each day when I go off to work and realize that many of the "entitled" ar inside their "crib" having sex and the eventual birth of another fatherless "entitled" child results. STOP.STOP,STOP. Get our country back to work, keep our military strong and sequester the "Entitled Lazy Americans" within our border!
  • Jeff Milner commented on 2/10/2013
    Randy: I think we need spending cuts. I think we need to have the national debt clock running real-time for every session of Congress, to remind everyone what is the current state of the budget. We need to see the budget reduced to rates; debt Increase / day or major budget items / day, etc., and how it changes each week or each month. Is the rate increasing or decreasing monthly or quarterly? We need a common theme that is re-iterated each week, each month that is always in front of the public. If a family was run like our government, what would that look like? For example, a family makes $100,000 per year and spends over $140,000 each year. How may years can a family do this? Families budgdet and they spend; companies budget and they spend. How many times do they spend more than they budget? How many times do they spend less? If we budget, 40% more spend that we make, what are we really spending? For example, how has the increased Social Security (from Jan 1) decreased the deficit? We should see a rate difference or trend since EOY 2012. Will we see a marked increase in revenue after 2012 taxes are filed? Like families, when the money is tight, decisions may be needed to delay spend. Do we need the best or the best value, or finde another way to accomplish the need for less spend? If spending will stimulate the economy, there should be a metric that shows the economy is stimulated and the debt is being reduced because of that stimulus. For example, If jobs increase, we should see an increase in payroll tax and Income tax, and a decrease in income securities (people off welare). Separate out those ar living on fixed income (retired or disabled) and make plans that do not require them to be impacted. Means testing does not sound clear, perhaps execptions based on income levels or imcome / family members. Some government programs may overlap with private sector programs, Food Pantires, or Red Cross for various education initatives for example. These organizaitons are passonate about their charities and I believe more apt to run efficiently, without government intervention. How can we incorporate this or the time people spend (without pay) for supportiing these organizaitons. Some people have time, some have money … we need both; we need to show value for those donating time. I'd like to see government agencies post what they are doing to reduce waste and spending and stramlining that reduces spending .... and see these reductions used for immediate debt reduction. Surely there are many government agencies that don't need the President or Congress to find ways to reduce spending in their areas. We need inovative people in charge who are focused on debt reduction, and replace those that do not get the message. Government programs should be for the needy. As such, I don’t think health care for Congress should not be different that what the American people get for Health Care; and once someone leaves office, Health Care should be provided for a fee, like most tdax-payers face when they leave their jobs.
  • Cheryl Parker commented on 2/10/2013
    I agree wholeheartedly with Ed Goodin. He has a well thought out plan and I like it better than anything else I've heard. I know he has already posted his plan, but I have also pasted it below. Cheryl Parker Chesapeake, VA Dear Congressman Forbes, In response to your InstaPoll question on sequestration, I would support minimal cuts in defense, and definitely no increases in the defense budget. Beyond that, I am in favor of a three-step process: 1. Short-term. Immediate drastic cuts (call it sequestration) in the amount of money that we send overseas (e.g., humanitarian assistance, nation-building, etc.) and deep cuts in the government payroll for all non-DOD departments. Do the latter via retirement incentives, lay-offs or whatever means is necessary to decrease the size of the bureaucracy in the U.S. government. If you look "under the hood" of nearly ANY government office, you will find mediocrity, complacence and "retired on active duty" attitudes in our civilian ranks. It is time that we dealt with this unspoken problem in American government by truly right-sizing our government. 2. Begin immediately a bi-partisan study to overhaul the U.S. tax code, including a close look at everything from a flat tax option, a consumption tax (similar to Europe's VAT), and a major reduction in the use of "non-profit" status to avoid paying taxes in this country. Don't laugh until you evaluate the non-profit situation - there is a GOLD MINE bypassing the government coffers through this loophole. 3. Pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, and get us back to spending less than we're taking in. In closing, I am also a long-time proponent of term limits. For many, many years, with all due respect, Congress has proven that more time in the position yields more personal knowledge, more personal experience, more personal wealth, and less public good. I beg Congress to hold yourselves accountable in the same manner that every working man and woman in America holds ourselves accountable in our daily lives - for the care of our families and the protection of our jobs. Thanks for soliciting and reviewing my feedback. Ed Goodin Chesapeake, Virgini
  • Cheryl Parker commented on 2/10/2013
    Dear Congressman Forbes, I agree wholeheartedly with Ed Goodin. He has a well thought out plan that is better than anything else I have heard so far. I know he has already submitted his plan, but I have also pasted it below. Thank You, Cheryl Parker Chesapeake, VA Dear Congressman Forbes, In response to your InstaPoll question on sequestration, I would support minimal cuts in defense, and definitely no increases in the defense budget. Beyond that, I am in favor of a three-step process: 1. Short-term. Immediate drastic cuts (call it sequestration) in the amount of money that we send overseas (e.g., humanitarian assistance, nation-building, etc.) and deep cuts in the government payroll for all non-DOD departments. Do the latter via retirement incentives, lay-offs or whatever means is necessary to decrease the size of the bureaucracy in the U.S. government. If you look "under the hood" of nearly ANY government office, you will find mediocrity, complacence and "retired on active duty" attitudes in our civilian ranks. It is time that we dealt with this unspoken problem in American government by truly right-sizing our government. 2. Begin immediately a bi-partisan study to overhaul the U.S. tax code, including a close look at everything from a flat tax option, a consumption tax (similar to Europe's VAT), and a major reduction in the use of "non-profit" status to avoid paying taxes in this country. Don't laugh until you evaluate the non-profit situation - there is a GOLD MINE bypassing the government coffers through this loophole. 3. Pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, and get us back to spending less than we're taking in. In closing, I am also a long-time proponent of term limits. For many, many years, with all due respect, Congress has proven that more time in the position yields more personal knowledge, more personal experience, more personal wealth, and less public good. I beg Congress to hold yourselves accountable in the same manner that every working man and woman in America holds ourselves accountable in our daily lives - for the care of our families and the protection of our jobs. Thanks for soliciting and reviewing my feedback. Ed Goodin Chesapeake, Virginia
  • Marshall Walker commented on 2/10/2013
    Lets cut some of the give away programs, like free cell phones and so many months of unemployment payment plans. Lets get people back to work, as now they don't need to even look for a job, it's joke to say that they do. There is no question that some money can be cut from the military but not for the troops and their families, they are the best of the best that this country has to offer. They should NOT suffer, but lets cut where we can.
  • Scott Butler commented on 2/10/2013
    Although fiscal responsibility and control of government spending for Medicare, Defense, and so on are necessary in the long run, cuts must be made judiciously, without harming people like seniors dependent on social security or health care benefits. Also, it seems very unwise to cut back on funding as we're beginning to come out of a catastrophic recession. I favor postponing any trimming until the economy is healthier (in the near future, hopefully), and then make judicious cuts. As a senior citizen myself who isn't dependent on Social Security and Medicare, I would certainly be willing to pay more, or receive less, for these benefits.
  • Thomas Burgess commented on 2/10/2013
    I support a reduction in spending and tax increase. I think we should have a balanced budget. Do we need to spend more on defense than all the rest of the top 10 nations put together?
  • David Ellis commented on 2/10/2013
    Thank you for the opportunity to voice my opinion. Our national defense and our economy are both at risk. Our Constitution was designed to cause us as citizens to search out and elect persons who could join together and make the necessary decisions to our common good. Among those decisions must be what is necessary for our common defense, how to fund and sustain our defense and our society. As said erlier, as for our house, we rely on the judgment of J. Randy Forbes, Rob Wittman and our other Members of Congress from Virginia. As in 1775 and 1945 and since, the world is still a hostile place. Hope and good intentions can never replace the virtue of judgment based on the information and collection of relevant facts. This means articulating the necessary judgment for a budget by the joint efforts of our elected officials; I can't find sequestration or other expedient inventions in any copy of our Constitution; we must rely on our elected officials and hold them accountable for their decisions. We don't need nor want any semi-automatic means of cutting or altering a budget that is and of itself a part ot the responsibilities of our elected officials. There is no easy way out for officials to avoid doing their duty, nor should we invent one.
  • David Ellis commented on 2/10/2013
    Have not had much success in voicing my comment, constructive as it was intended.
  • David Ellis commented on 2/10/2013
    This appears to be an end game without benefit to the host or citizen atempting to co-operate with an abstract set of unknown rules.
  • Daniel Smith commented on 2/10/2013
    I don't care how it is done but congress has to get spending and cuts under control. This country faced this problem for to long and it seems like anything possible that comes up derails this topic. We have to get the deficit solved and that may mean pain for all but in the long run it will serve this country the best. I wished I had some great scheme but I have heard and read some great ideas but now its time for congress to act and get over the party politics and do their job. Lets get this solved now once and for all.
  • Michael Saxton commented on 2/10/2013
    Forget the silly-assed sequestration, stop the wasteful spending. Stop the waste in Medicare payments to illegals, the illegal payments of social security, stop calling social security a "federal benefit" it's a return on investment on our own dollars from the ponzi scheme. Our president acts like the government is his private slush fund, he's the most wasteful president of history. Who is he trying to kid, saying he's saved a few billion dollars, when he's wasted trillions of dollars? Put a lid on spending. Stop trying to fool the American public with fancy talk while stabbing them in the back.
  • Johnny A. Shelton commented on 2/10/2013
    In the past three years The Obama Adminstration has funded the Muslim Brotherhood to over 14 Billion Dollars of American Money and 12 F-16's to Egypt. Weapons that were bought with this money wind up in the hands of Al-Quida. The planed attacks on Benguazi and 12 other places at the same time were funded by this money! Would it be better to have spent money for security insted of giving it to the enemy?
  • Art Thurston commented on 2/10/2013
    In tough times, much like our personal lives we must draw on and defend our base (family). As the Constitution states...."by the people and for the people". Where some may say our Defense Department is reaching out and costing too much. As a cost savings, at a minimum we need to look at the foreign aid as it is monies that were collected from US citizens. And therefore no US citizen should be put through or affected by sequestration while we still spend these billions on other countries. This is an easy formula...if you don't contribute to the system....you can't draw from it till our house is in order. Sorry Albania....Zimbabwe and the 169 other countries and regions receiving billions of "US foreign aid". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_foreign_aid_recipients These billions are included on the US taxpayers tab that our Congress is incapable of resolving for some three years now.
  • Delores Rose commented on 2/11/2013
    It is on rational that with the ending of two wars that monies be diverted from defense into other areas or to debt reduction. Also there is a need to cut fat from the existing programs that are no longer relevant or are outdated and ineffective.
  • marcie skora commented on 2/11/2013
    Its time for congress to start doing it's job. This is absolutely unacceptable. Get to work and get a budget bill worked out before the last minute. Every day delayed costs U.S. citizens by sinking the economy and the country deeper into unnecessary debt.
  • William Benton commented on 2/11/2013
    Congressman Forbes, I do not support sequestration but that does not mean I do not support cutting spending. I forwarded you multiple ways to cut spending in DoD and got little to no support from you. I have actually forwarded this to multiple Congressmen and Senators and for whatever reason, nobody wants to hear how to cut some of this spending. These cuts included modifications to Per Diem rates across the board. Modifications to TLA and TQSA for personnel on PCS moves. When Per Diem rates at most overseas locations are over $100 a day for food, then we are a bunch of fat cats. For TQSA, a family of 3 gets over $200 a day to eat off of. This is out of touch with reality... I'd love to see people eat that much a day. Additionally, stopping the payment of Realtor fees overseas so that people have to use the government website AHRN to find property would save a tremendous amount of money. Placing the Housing Offices back under US control so that Foreign Nationals are not setting the rent prices for overseas locations and lining their pockets with bribes, dramatically modifying the Supply program so we can shop at the lowest price location versus paying double using GSA... I outlined all of these ideas to you in a letter and you said Thanks and probably tossed it in the trash. The reality is we need to cut spending and DoD can afford to cut their spending also. Instead, what we propose is to cut troops, civilians, weapons systems, and other needed programs to scare the public. How about we really start spending our Federal money the way a normal business would and be responsible citizens.
  • Russell Gwynn commented on 2/11/2013
    There are government cuts that need to be made. But due to the world being the way in is today, DO NOT cut your defenses. Our defense needs to stand strong above all others. Cut some of the "give me" programs. Work for your welfare check! Review contracting policies that the government uses. We cannot use "big business" to do work for 10K but we can give it to small, minority businesses for 20K as they in turn use the big company to do the work. Work toward helping correct the health care system but do not allow the Government to control it. Do not take the guns away from God fearing citizens. Allow us to defend ourselves against the people with the illegal guns which no law will stop them from getting if they want them. Our country needs to turn back to prayer and the firm beliefs that this country was founded on, citizen rights to be a part of the government process. Thank you for your service Randy!
  • Stephen Primeau commented on 2/11/2013
    We need congress (both senators and congressman) to provide leadership and produce legislation that works for our country; not what suits thier party affiliation or special interest groups. We need a balanced budget that reduces the national debt and stabilzes our country for our future generation. I agree that the defense budget does need to be reduced as part of a plan to reduce our deficit; however, it needs to be conducted in a well-thought out process, not with a meat cleaver approach. We need to continue to support education and domestic infrastructure. This could be done by not providing quite so much to support our foreign policy. Most countries that we spend on do not end up paying us back. We do need to address our entitlement programs. I could see it being changed to a later year for soon to be elegible members because our life expectancy has grown. We do need to simplify the tax code to have every one pay their equatible share with emphasis on corporate taxes. We are currently taxed on everything in our life. This indicates that revenue is their, we just need to spend within these revenues. It would be unlawful for me to write checks without money in the account to back these checks. This should hold true to our lawfully elected officials. Hold them accountable.
  • Carol Conz commented on 2/11/2013
    Cut lots of things. Certain cabinet posts such as education, let the home state take care of that. Cut homeland security since they don't know their butt from their elbow anyway such as that moronic statement that "our borders are secure". Stop the foreign aid to Pakistan and Egypt and most all other countries. I have heard that argument before that it is really in our interest to keep that up; and the argument that "it really is such a small amount that it doesn't really count, and I am aware of your viewpoint. sir, that it is necessary for us to do that, however I disagree as does everyone else I have ever spoken to on the subject. Stop funding the "arts". When a moron can put a crucifix in a glass of urine and get funding for that, the moron who awarded the funding should also be fired thus saving even more money. Start withholding congress' salary when they leave town without getting the job done as happened recently. Stop with the lavish pensions for presidents and congress. As a rule, they leave D.C. with much more money than they started with. I'm just getting started. But slashing the military with a machete is not the way to go. If you all are bent on spending money, spend more on the poor military man who comes back from Afghanistan wounded, disfigured and screwed for life in service to our country and whose family didn't have an extra dime to start with so that life for that family will just be one continuing struggle.
  • John Lee commented on 2/11/2013
    The sequester, although bad legislation, should now be allowed to take effect unless real budget reductions are included in any legislation to avert the sequester. It is unfortunate that it has come to this, but there must be real deficit reduction action taken in the form of spending cuts. The president has already received his tax increases with no real spending cuts. It is time that the budget reality of real cuts be enforced.
  • Dennis Stokes commented on 2/11/2013
    Of all the waste that goes on in this country Defense is not an area that we should cut. Nor is education, nor medicad. Stop giving Billions to people who want to kill us. Why did you pass Sequesttation in the first place? You give money to save whales, to support abortions over seas, just two weeks after the US Embassy in Egypt was ransacked and Americans Killed by terrorists President Obama announced that he would provide Egypt’s new Muslim Brotherhood government with an emergency infusion of $450 million in US aid. Not to mention F-16 fighter jets. But yet you all sit up there and let America go down the drain because you can't figure out that we need to cut spending starting with aid for the enemy. How about the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 8.344 BILLION to an agency that is privately owned but forcibly funded by taxpayers and which contracts with corporate interests against the public interest, for profit. How about cutting The base salary for a members of Congress a whooping $174,000 for doing nothing. How about cutting all members access to a separate piggy bank known as their "allowance." This funding generally goes toward maintaining their offices and building up a legislative entourage. It is my understanding that in the House, representatives are allowed to spend more than $900,000 on salaries for up to 18 permanent employees. They get about a quarter-million dollars more for office expenses, including travel, and additional funding for a well-known congressional perk known as "franking." Franking is the term for the mass constituent mail sent out by members of Congress and paid for courtesy of the TAXPAYER. If this is true it needs to stop. Lets not forget Senators who it appears enjoys the same privilege but get a much bigger allowance for their office expenses. According to a Congressional Research Service report, the average allocation for fiscal 2010 was more than $3.3 million. Personnel money varies depending on how big of a state a senator represents -- a senator from New York is going to get more than a senator from Montana. But for starters, each senator is given a $500,000 budget to hire up to three legislative assistants. Both major parties received, $18.3 million in federal handouts this year for the political portion of their conventions. $18.3 million spent at the conventions, parties that racked up bills that would make any local business owner cringe: more than $250,000 for social media services, $150,000 for website services, $215,000 for travel, and $42,000 for meetings/catering/beverages.This is just the tip of the iceberg Sir.$200 million a year for a reality show in India! “RoboSquirrel.” $325,000. Though they were intended to ensure hungry children received healthy meals, taxpayer-funded food stamps were instead spent on fast food at Taco Bell and Burger King; on non-nutritious foods such as candy, ice cream, and soft drinks; and on some 2,000 deceased persons in New York and Massachusetts. Food stamp recipients spent $2 billion on sugary drinks alone. Improper SNAP payments accounted for $2.5 billion in waste, including to one exotic dancer who was making $85,000 per year. Yet Congress wonders were the cuts should come from? Fiscal year 2012 is the fourth consecutive year with a trillion-dollar-plus deficit. Total federal debt has surpassed $16 trillion. Federal spending reached $3.6 trillion—or 22.9 percent as a share of the economy—in 2012. Despite these frightening figures, which are on track to worsen, Congress continues to expand government. There are many places to cut spending sir and Defense, education, law enforcement, Medicare, medical research are the last places to cut. Wasteful spending is intrinsic in big government, because government is concerned primarily with getting checks out the door and only secondarily with spending the money properly. God help America we have no leaders.
  • Christopher marley commented on 2/11/2013
    I would tend to agree that the sequester is going to be bad for alot of people, as a military member, I have already seen some of the effects of the budget problems here at Norfolk Naval Base. There are many shipyard personnel preparing to be laid off. It is bad for the economy, but it is also an indication that those up in DC are not doing their job, and havent done it in years. We continue to favor political gain vice doing the right, and sometimes hard, thing. I agree with some of the posts on here, there are many departments that need to go, they are bad for the economy and they do stifle growth throughout the country. EPA, DHS, Dept of Education, Dept of Agriculture, to name a few. These gov. departments have no place here. I also agree that welfare is a program that needs a serious overhaul. People need to get job, not a handout. There should also be a cap, you should only be able to get a certain amout of welfare over your lifetime. We have become to "soft" as a nation, we need to be a little tougher on those who do not provide a return on investment. I know if I ran my household budget like the government runs theirs, I would be homeless right now. We do have a spending problem, the president is wearing blinders as are many people up there in DC. Sequestration will help with that, since no one can seem to do their job. Part of the BCA should have been to fire everyone who has anything to do with passing a budget if you couldnt get something done before March 1st.
  • Jacque Ash commented on 2/11/2013
    How blind is the 'general public' that does no research on ANYTHING that is going on with this administration (i.e. comments from Thomas G). Obama is a socialist at best, intent on destruction of this country, has no belief whatsoever in the Constitution or America! The SENATE has done zero for his entire term-except pass the Health Care Act, which is a disaster-spew forth propaganda- spend money-and bring none of the hundreds of bills the House has sent even to the floor. Oh! By the way.........."Control the Health Care, and you control the people".....No, wasn't said by Obama...........Actually, Stalin (remembe Russia) said this in the 50's! Looks like Obama may have been happier had he moved to Russia, and helped them with their politics!!
  • Jeff Henry commented on 2/12/2013
    We need a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution! The Federal Goverment needs to cut the spending. We need to live within our means. President Obama never saw a dollar of the tax payers money that he does not want to spend. Please fight to stop the spending insanity.
  • Susan Conley commented on 2/12/2013
    Cut Dept of Education; cut Dept of Energy - let the states take care of all of it - and oh yes - let the states FUND all of it! Wonder how the tax payers would like that? here locally we would do well to have s single authority in stead of all the duplicate expenses we have - how many School Superintendents do we have? How many Police chiefs ? how may fire Chiefs? How many Mayors, council men etc One Central School superintendent would cost far less that the number we have now..same with police depts, fire depts etc. We are spending money we do not have to. But that is our choice...
  • Billy Bain commented on 2/12/2013
    Warren Buffett, in a recent interview with CNBC, offers one of the best quotes about the debt ceiling: "I could end the deficit in 5 minutes," he told CNBC. "You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of ...GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election. There is more on Facebook. I do agree with most what he said.
  • Kelly Duncan commented on 2/12/2013
    I really like Billy Bain's comment. I think that congressional malfeasance in conjunction with that of the executive branch should lead to loss of job prospects. As an employee, and retired army veteran, I fully expect that failure to perform my job successfully will lead to job loss. Balanced Budget amendment should have that included. I also believe that a degree in law should preclude election to Congress. Too much temptation to tinker with the law. Just saying.....
  • Brian Province commented on 2/12/2013
    Congressman, I voted in last week's instapoll in favor of other ways to reduce the debt and deficit. I would like to take this moment to explain that I am in favor of sequestration if those alternatives are not possible or if they do not reduce the debt and deficit in any meaningful way.
  • Raymond Almond commented on 2/12/2013
    Even after the President was re-elected, you and your party, and the lobbyists that you support, seem to be bent on doing nothing relating to any common-sense to get the country moving more positively, and just keep on being negative, divisive, and vote against anything or any idea that is proposed. If you think you will still be in office after the next election cycle in 2014, think again, as we know you are only serving yourself and the special interests that support you financially. Your overzealous scare campaign about "protecting America" to keep spending billions each week on Defense and on propping up unstable Middle Eastern countries with our "borrowed" money, is so fiscally stupid and irresponsible , when we Americans need to have that money used on restoring our own country, but you will never get it ! And the constant rants about the "administration not leading" or having a "spending problem" is so full of finger-pointing to the White House, but of course you realize that " All of the Congress" is also part of the current "administration" as well, so how dumb do you think your constituents are when those negative,unproductive, "we are still going to do nothing" statements are made ? Those kinds of divisive statements translate to anyone with a working brain that :" I don't want to do the job I was elected to do, and just want to beat the other guys trying to do something down", and hope the suckers out there re-elect me again the next time around ! And the constant rants from Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor that there are too many welfare and medicare "takers" is so fiscally silly, as those elected to Congress get a starting salry averaging $179 K, and also a "lifetime retirement with benefits" for only serving "one term" in Congress, that exceeds just about what any normal person has in retirement after working 20 or 30 years ! And we know that those who we elected are actually the "real takers" , and get paid for doing as little as possible every day ! So do not be so quick to criticize the downtrodden, as Congress seems to be bent on keeping the less fortunate permanently down, to better control them, and are running the country down as well. You need to announce that you are not running
  • Kevin Harris commented on 2/12/2013
    You have to be able to work together. That means REVENUE AND SPENDING CUTS!!! You party are such a hard line, hostage taking party. Take the $4 trillion Boehner and the President agreed to last year. That was sensible and balanced. Sequestration is an stupid! This area depends on the military. We'd be hurt more that any other state except maybe CA. Please work it out
  • George Scarborough commented on 2/12/2013
    I don't think Congress and the President can pass budget legislation to reduce the deficit. Sequestration is drastic but I think drastic measures are needed @ this time. Neither side wants to reduce spending enough to make a difference so the forcing of such is the sure fired way to get it done. This may mean that I am furloughed for a few days but in the end, it will be worth it! AND the debt (un)limit is pretty foolish when we are in such dire fiscal straits. The President doesn't want to compromise and neither should Congress!! We still are a Republic, aren't we?
  • Bill Dey commented on 2/12/2013
    I do not support the sequester; however, it is imperative that we get our deficit under control. Deficit reduction should be undertaken by a combination of increasing revenue and budget cuts. Revenue can be raised by the following: •elimination of the capital gains tax – capital gains should be taxed at the same rate as a working person’s investment of time and labor; •targeted tax increases on the top 3% of the wealthy and business – Bill Clinton did this in 1993 and it contributed to economic growth, jobs, and a balanced budget. •Elimination of selected tax expenditures that do not benefit the middle class. Budget cut can be made in the following areas: •Defense -100 – 200 billion per year – we will still be spending more than the next 5 nations spend on defense- why are we soooo frightened; •Eliminate all social services, except emergency medical care, for illegal aliens; •Control the cost of medical care – only by controlling the cost of medical care can we control the cost of Medicare. Don’t blame the messenger, it’s the insurance companies, AMA, drug companies, and private health providers that are driving up the cost of health care. Protect social security. The people paid for it and government squandered the money. Al Gore was right, we need to put a lock box on social security. Government must pay back the money it borrowed from the social security trust fund. Unlike T-bills and bonds, no one asked the people if we would loan the government our retirement money. Therefore, it is only right to default first on the government investments that investors knew came with a risk, not the people’s social security.
  • Hunter DeJarnette commented on 2/13/2013
    Hello Randy, The Federal Gov. is spending about One $Trillion more than it is taking in every year. There is no way to stop the deficit spending without pain and the higher the National Dept. gets the more pain it is going to be to stop spending more than whats taken in, and even more pain yet to pay off the National Dept., in my opinion. So I think the spending cuts should approach One $Trillion per year (85 Billion won't do much). More should come out of domestic spending than the Military, say 85-15. If congress cannot reach a deal to cut a lot more from domestic programs, then I am for sequestration 100%. Hunter
  • Mike Burgess commented on 2/13/2013
    Please stop harping on the deficit. It is a LONG term problem which has taken many years to accumulate and will take many years to resolve. If you destroy our economy just to gain political power it may never recover. No matter how much we starve the poor and elderly we will never again have enough tax revenue (that's what pays your salary, remember?) to dig ourselves out of the hole you put us in.
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