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Welcome to the United States Air Force Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Office home page. This office manages the policy and procedural guidance for the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Privacy Act (PA) and Quality of Information (QIP) programs in accordance with applicable laws.
tabPurpose of the FOIA 
The public has a right to information concerning the activities of its Government. Department of Defense policy is to conduct its activities in an open manner and provide the public with a maximum amount of accurate and timely information concerning its activities, consistent always with the legitimate public and private interests of the American people. A record requested by a member of the public who follows rules established by proper authority in the DoD shall not be withheld in whole or in part unless the record is exempt from mandatory partial or total disclosure under the FOIA. As a matter of policy, DoD Components shall make discretionary disclosures of exempt records or information whenever disclosure would not foreseeably harm an interest protected by a FOIA exemption, but this policy does not create any right enforceable in court. In order that the public may have timely information concerning DoD activities, records requested through public information channels by news media representatives that would not be withheld if requested under the FOIA should be released upon request. Prompt responses to requests for information from news media representatives should be encouraged to eliminate the need for these requesters to invoke the provisions of the FOIA and thereby assist in providing timely information to the public. Similarly, requests from other members of the public for information that would not be withheld under the FOIA should continue to be honored through appropriate means without requiring the requester to invoke the FOIA.
tabAir Force FOIA Public Liaison Staff 
An Air Force FOIA Public Liaison Officer (PLO) serves as a supervisory official to whom you may raise concerns about the service you have received from the FOIA Requester Service Center (RSC), following an initial response from the RSC staff. The FOIA PLO shall seek to ensure a service-oriented response to FOIA requests and FOIA-related inquiries. For example, the FOIA PLO shall assist, as appropriate, in reducing delays, increasing transparency and understanding of the status of requests, and resolving disputes. Please contact the PLO if you have concerns about information you have received about your FOIA request after contacting the appropriate RSC.

Department of the Air Force
Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Office
Public Liaison Officer

1800 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1800 
Fax: (202) 404-1614
The Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Office is responsible for the management oversight of the Air Force-wide implementation of the FOIA, PA and QIP programs in accordance with 5 U.S.C., and Public Law 106-554. This office serves as the Air Force central clearinghouse for Air Force records submitted by non-government requestors; PA reviews of records requested by executive, judicial or legislative branch activities; and claims for correction of information maintained and disseminated to the public by the Department of Air Force. This office also maintains the Air Force FOIA Reading Room and the Electronic Reading Room, and is responsible for compiling and validating the Air Force's annual FOIA report submission as required by 5 U.S.C.
tabSubmitting a FOIA Request 
To submit a request under FOIA, label your request "Freedom of Information Act Request," preferably within the request letter and on the envelope, and address the request to the major command or installation likely to have the information you seek. In your letter, you must state your willingness to pay applicable fees. If you seek a fee waiver, provide a justification for such a waiver. To ensure proper processing of your request, describe the specific records you are requesting in sufficient detail so that they can be located with a reasonable amount of effort. Generally, a record is reasonably described when the description contains sufficient file-related information (type of document, title, subject area, date of creation, originator, etc.); or the request contains enough event-related information (date and circumstances surrounding the event the record covers) to permit the conduct of an organized, non-random search.

If you do not know or are unsure of the location of the information you are seeking, we encourage you to submit your request to:

Headquarters Air Force/IMIO (FOIA)
1000 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1000
Phone: (703) 692-9978
Fax: (703) 693-5728

Refer to the FOIA handbook for more information on submitting FOIA requests.

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tabPublic Liaison
If Dissatified with the response received from the Requester Service Center, you may contact the  Air Force FOIA Public Liaison Office at (703) 614-8500.   
(Please do not send FOIA request to this office)


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