Search Recovery Act Awards

The three search forms below enable a search for HHS Recovery Act (ARRA) grant awards by a variety of criteria.

Entering fewer options will create a broad search returning many awards, while entering more options will create a narrower search returning fewer records.

Each of these search forms works independently.

Select a single year or ALL from the Fiscal Year drop down list. If you do not select a Fiscal Year, TAGGS will search on the current calendar year shown at the top of the drop down list.

Next, optionally, select one or ALL items from any of the other location criteria.

When you select a State, the cities, counties, and other selections associated with that state will display in their respective fields to assist in narrowing the search.

Please note that illogical selections — such as choosing a city that is not in a selected county — will produce no records.

When you have selected all of your desired search criteria, click on the Search button at the bottom of the form.

You can summarize your results by choosing a selection from Group Options. This option displays the criterion you select and two columns - a count of the records retrieved, and a sum of the total dollar value of those records. By default, No Grouping is selected in this field.

Select one or all from Fiscal Year. The current calendar year will be searched by default.


Selections from the fields below are optional.

If desired, enter a comma-separated list of zip code(s).

Select a single year or ALL from the Fiscal Year drop down list. If you do not select a Fiscal Year, TAGGS will search on the current calendar year shown at the top of the drop down list.

Next, optionally, select one or ALL from the State drop down list, and one or more items from the list of CFDA Programs. Click the Search button at the bottom of the form.

The CFDA numbers shown are unique numbers maintained in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) database. For more information, contact the web site.

Select one or all from Fiscal Year. The current calendar year will be searched by default.


Select one state or all states will be searched by default.


Select one or more CFDA programs, or all CFDA programs will be searched by default.

Tip: To choose more than one item from the list, hold down the CTRL button and click on each item.

This form enables a search by an award title or the recipient name.

Select a single year or ALL from the Fiscal Year drop down list. If you do not select a Fiscal Year, TAGGS will search on the current calendar year shown at the top of the drop down list.

Next, optionally, type in the desired Award Title and/or the Recipient Name in their respective fields.

Click the Search button at the bottom of the form.

Select one or all from Fiscal Year. The current calendar year will be searched by default.

Search with both fields below or either one. Special characters are not permitted. logo logo white house logo logo USA spending logo logo
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