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Marine Corps Expeditionary Energy Office

Headquarters Marine Corps

Happening Now
  • The ExFOB 2013-1 RFI is now available. Responses are due on 1 March 2013. ExFOB 2013-1 will run 6-10 May 2013 at Twnetynine Palms, CA. 
  • On 31 January 2012, E2O briefed industry on the results of the Mobile Electric Hybrid Power Systems (MEHPS) Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) and the future of hybrid power in the Marine Corps. Missed the brief? Watch a video of the presentation, download the slides, or review the Q&A.
  • Beginning 22 January 2012, E2O leadership began a 5 week instructional course at Marine Corps University Command and Staff, "Creating and Sustaining Military Innovation and the Marine Corps’ Approach to Energy in the Future." This course examines the way military organizations have faced innovation challenges in the past, at wartime and absent a clear threat or a clear impetus for change before deep diving into the US Marine Corps’ venture to innovate in the way it applies energy in warfare
  • The Marine Corps launched the USMC Operational Fuel Tracking Pilot Project launched at CLNC on 1 Nov 2012 to improve automated visibility and tracking of operational fuel to achieve CMC direction in USMC Expeditionary Energy Strategy.  Six units at Camp Lejeune have received reprogrammed Vehicle Identification Keys with expanded data requirements to enhance data collection at the point of sale.  Leveraging the results of this six month Pilot, DC I&L in coordination with E2O will pursue updated Standing Operating Procedures (SOP) to implement VIL Key data requirements, and enhance reporting of operational fuel use.  

By 2025, we will deploy Marine Expeditionary Forces that can maneuver from the sea and sustain C4I and life support systems in place; the only liquid fuel needed will be for mobility systems which will be more efficient than systems are today.

- USMC Expeditionary Energy Strategy and Implementation Plan, March 2011
E2O News
Marine Corps to Brief Industry Jan 31 on Hybrid Power Generation Plans for Battlefield. Military and Aerospace Electronics. January 2013.
Logistics Marines Embrace Expeditionary Energy
. 1st Marine Logistics Group DVIDS. November 2012.
Marines Going Green During WTI Course. Yuma Sun. October 2012
ExFOB Features Gadgets of the Future. Camp Pendleton Public Affairs DVIDS. September 2012.
Marines on Quest for Greener Gear. North County Times. September 2012.
Javelin Thrust Solar Training. Hi-Desert Star. July 2012.
New Equipment Showcased at ExFOB. Camp Lejeune Public Affairs DVIDS. May 2012
New Solar System Powers Marines in Afghanistan. Marine Corps Times. April 2012.
Energy Strategy Saves Lives, Money. Daily Press. March 2012. 
Military Aims for Energy Efficiency. Wall Street Journal. March 2012.
Future is Bright for ONR's Lightweight, Sun-Powered Generator. Office of Naval Research. December 2011. 
The Marines Go Renewable. Outside Magazine. December 2011.