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Data Holdings

Getting Data

We have many datasets from multiple sensors on multiple platforms. The following methods are available for getting data products. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Find data sets using keywords in a Google-like interface or directory navigation based on Science Areas and Projects.
Our data are available to users via OPeNDAP (formerly, DODS). To learn more, start here.
Some of our data are available via the OGC Web Map Services. To learn more, start here.

Data Discovery

If you're not sure what data you want or what data we have, use the following to assist you.

Explore our data in your Web browser through visualizations and analysis without having to download the data. To learn more, start here.
Mirador Science Areas Browse data holdings by science keywords.
Short descriptions of important geophysical parameters with links to associated datasets.

Other Data Access

The following items may also be useful to some of our users.

Online/FTP resource for heritage datasets including UARS, TOVS, OCTS, TOMS, and more.
Reverb searches against the ECHO metadata clearinghouse which facilitates all data discovery and order processing capabilities. To Reverberate is to "echo back or reecho."
Links to other data centers.

Latest News

Users frequently request data for a particular season.  Data recipes at the NASA GES DISC instruct users on how to perform this and many other procedures with data services and tools.
Jan 17, 2013 - ‘Data Recipes’ for accessing and working with data at the NASA GES DISC

Step-by-step examples describe how to get the data scientists and other users need

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The increasing number of journal papers describing research using Giovanni indicates many scientists find it a useful tool for working with NASA Earth science data.
Jan 14, 2013 - Second December 2012 issue of The Giovanni News now online

Online workshop proceedings, Aerosol Express portal featured in year-end issue

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A new capability is being developed that will allow users to obtain maps and time series of precipitation for a specific country.
Jan 04, 2013 - Four presentations at the American Meteorological Society 93rd Annual Meeting from the NASA GES DISC

Presentations describe support for precipitation, weather model and climate model data

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Charles Ichoku of GSFC used Giovanni in reseach on the linkages between environmental processes and drought in sub-Saharan Africa
Dec 31, 2012 - Now online: Proceedings of the 2012 Gregory G. Leptoukh Online Giovanni Workshop

Research utilizing Giovanni was the focus of unique international Internet meeting

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Data partnerships and collaborations were the subject of several presentations by the NASA GES DISC at the AGU 2012 Fall Meeting.
Dec 21, 2012 - NASA GES DISC Presentations at AGU Fall Meeting 2012 Highlight Science Partners

Collaborations and data partnerships on hydrology, aerosols, precipitation, data preservation, and data assimilation described

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NASA Official: Steve Kempler
Website Curator: M Hegde
Last updated: Mar 06, 2012 12:52 PM ET