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Accelerator Physics Center at Fermilab

The goal of the Accelerator Physics Center is to provide enhanced emphasis on, and support of, accelerator R & D activities aimed at Fermilab's future beyond the end of the current decade. The APC will provide both a physical location and an organizational structure that can accommodate accelerator scientists and engineers, either from Fermilab or outside institutions. The APC will contribute to the improvement of performance of the existing accelerator complex, and the development of new technologies and accelerator concepts that could enable new forefront facilities beyond the current decade.

News And Events

  • February, 2013

    Tanaji Sen, ....Outstanding Referee for 2013
  • January, 2013

    Vladimir Shiltsev received the Sliver Archer Award in recognition of his efforts to the development of Russian-American relations
  • December, 2012

    APC-5 Symposium....See pictures, youtube video of our own

Groups, Projects & Programs


Muon Accelerator R and D


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Muon Accelerator R and D

Muon Accelerator R & D

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Energy Deposition

Energy Deposition

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LHC Accelerator Group

LHC Accelerator Research Program

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Theory/Simulation Group

Theory/Simulation Department

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Experimental AAR+D Group
CPA Group

CPA Group

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