Research & Development

Radiation Transport Methods (RTM)

Objectives and Strategies

  • Develop and integrate next-generation neutron transport simulation tools in Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (VERA)
  • Develop pin-resolved predictions of flux, power density and interaction rates using neutron transport theory over the entire core or core subregions

Requirements Drivers

  • Pin-resolved 3D full-core transport with depletion including radial, azimuthal, and axial power distributions
  • Accommodate tight coupling to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with conjugate heat transfer, structural analysis, chemistry, and fuel performance models
  • Provide transient analysis capability
  • Accommodate computing platforms from engineering clusters to leadership systems
  • Common cross section processing
  • Integrated within Lightweight Integrating Multiphysics Environment (LIME)

Outcomes and Impact

  • Development of radiation transport modules for VERA with varying levels of complexity and efficiency
  • 3D, full-core pin-resolved neutron transport modeling capability
  • Next generation expertise in computational radiation transport