Tag Archives: American Community Survey

The American Community Survey – The Big Data Source for Information about your Community

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Written by: Acting Director Tom Mesenbourg For just the third time, today we released the American Community Survey five-year estimates, which are for 2007-2011. These annual five-year estimates, represent a major statistical innovation in that they provide detailed economic, social, … Continue reading

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A Future Without Key Social and Economic Statistics for the Country

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Our country faces important Federal funding challenges linked to the current recession and its aftermath. On the Census Bureau’s part, we have been striving to cut administrative costs, reengineer our survey processes, and find innovative ways to squeeze every cent … Continue reading

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How America Knows How It’s Doing

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Every modern nation state, every developed society runs on data.  Over the decades, business has demonstrated that those firms actively measuring their production processes, supply chains, and distribution networks become more successful.   Local, state, and central governments have proven that … Continue reading

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