Fermilab Computing Sector
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Sector FAQ

These guidelines were put together to aid Computing Sector staff while filing out requests and following Fermilab policies and procedures. This is an evolving list that will change periodically due to updates or additions. Please feel free to contact cd-sis@fnal.gov for changes or additions. 

Add a system to a new contract
CD Equipment Pool and Service Counter Operations
Computer Lock Down

Employee Self Service
Equipment Tracking Questions
Excess Equipment Through PREP
Key Request
Material Move
Mileage Reimbursement
Ordering Software
Petty Cash
Property Pass

Property Transfer Request
Procedure for Property Asset Control within the Sector
Query FNAL Property

Requesting a Conference Room
Request Off-Site Loans and Collaborative Agreements
Reserving a Government's Vehicle
Safety Eyeware Request
Safety Shoe Request
Site Access
Stock Room Purchasing Privileges
Stock Room Orders
Tuition Reimbursement
Video Conferencing at Fermilab
Where do I check Job Descriptions & Pay Ranges
How do I change my home address, mail station or phone extension

Add a System to a New Contract

In order to initiate a new service agreement, remove hardware or software from a maintenance contract, or to change the level of service for a system, Users must contact the Contract Support Group by submitting an on-line CDMAINT REGISTRATION FORM or by sending email to CDMAINT@fnal.gov. General inquiries may also be sent to CDMAINT@fnal.gov.

CD Physics Research Equipment Pool

The Physics Research Equipment Pool (PREP) provides and supports electronic instrumentation for high energy physics research experiments according to agreements (MOU's -- memoranda of understandings) between approved experiment collaborations and the Fermilab Computing Sector. Equipment can be borrowed for onsite use or offsite loans and collaborative agreements (ELS).

Computer Lock Down

Lock down kits should be used to secure desktops and laptops in offices that are unlocked or that cannot be locked. If you need a lock down kit, please submit a Service Desk request by using the web form or by calling (630) 840-2345.

Fermilab Employee Self Service

Questions about equipment tracking may be submitted to equipdb@fnal.gov

Excess Equipment Through PREP

Key Request(form)

  • Office Doors - Complete the key/lock request form, get supervisor approval then send it to Jack MacNerland
  • Desk/cabinets – Call x3434 and submit a request . A project and task# will be needed

Material Move

  • Hardware - If the hardware is tagged and it belongs to the Computing Sector, take it to PREP (FCC1E) and they will send it out for repair, exchange or refund.
  • Software - If the software belongs to the Computing Sector take it to PREP and they will send it out for exchange or refund
  • Material Move forms can be found in the forms cabinet at FCC2 and WH9

Mileage Reimbursement (form)

Mileage reimbursement for use of a private auto for official business not associated with business travel, such as on-site mileage or mileage incurred for off-site local travel (i.e. to a training site), is subject to the following:

  • The employee's Division/Section/Center Head must pre-approve and authorize reimbursement.
  • Claims must be filed within one month of the date the private auto is used.
  • Claims older than one month may be denied.
  • Mileage Reimbursements are handed to their administrative representative to be entered into Miser

Ordering Software

For most software that you want installed, contact your local system administrator or open up a service desk ticket.

Petty Cash (voucher)

  • Petty Cash vouchers can be used to request reimbursement of materials or supplies.
  • Supporting documentation (original receipt, etc.) must be attached to allow reimbursement.
  • Items that are restricted on ProCard can not be reimbursed through petty cash.
  • Requests for materials or supplies reimbursement in excess of $50 requires the prior approval of the Procurement Department.
  • A task & project # will be needed along with supervisor's signature
  • Petty cash vouchers are handed to their administrative representative to be entered into Miser

Property Pass

Property Transfer Request(form

It is the responsibility of the employee to whom is assigned (custodian) to account for its use and location. If property assigned to you is transferred to another laboratory employee, the transfer must be recorded using this form.

Query FNAL Property

Request a Conference Room

Request for Off-Site Loans and Collaborative Agreements

Reserving a Government Vehicle

  • Government Vehicles are to be used only for official government purposes. Not including transportation of employees between their homes and the laboratory, except when this is in the interest of official business.
  • To reserve a vehicle call Vehicle Maintenance at x3307
  • If the vehicle is needed for overnight use, a request form must be filled out

Safety Eyewear Request (form)

  • You must have a prescription for corrective lenses that is not more than12 months old
  • Supervisor Approval is needed once the request form has been filled out
  • Take the completed form and your prescription to WH-Ground Floor

Safety Shoe Request (form)

  • You will need a task #, project #, and supervisor's signature
  • Take the completed form to the "shoemobile" that is located in behind Industrial Center Building every Tuesday from 8 am - 4 pm

Site Access

Use of the online version of the Fermi lab Security Site Access Request Database requires that you login into the ES&H Web Site.   Note: Only Fermi lab Employees and Users may request guest access for visitors.   If you prefer not to use the online form you may obtain visitor passes by calling the Fermi lab Operator at x3414

Stock Room Purchasing Privileges

If a supervisor requests stock privileges when applying for an ID card for an employee, the ID is activated with permission to order, and is given a dollar amount limit for every order.
To get permission within Computing Sector:

  • Employee submit a request by e-mail to their supervisor
  • Supervisor approves the request by e-mailing Valena Sibley
  • The supervisor notifies the employee once the approval is granted

Stock Room Orders (Fermilab Stock Catalog)

Stock room supplies are available at FCC2 and WH8E. Supplies are ordered weekly. If an item is not available please write down the stock item on the white board or email cd-sis

Tuition Reimbursement (form)

  • You will need a task #, project #, and supervisor's signature
  • The Requests are handed to their administrative representative to be entered into Miser and to get Division Approval

Video Conferencing at Fermilab

Where do I check Job Descriptions & Pay Ranges

How do I change my home address, mail station, or phone extension

Complete an on-line Personal Information Change form at: http://wdrs.fnal.gov/hrs/dataform.html. You may also change your address through the Self Service link: https://fin-hrweb.fnal.gov:8021/psp/FermiSelfServicePRD/?cmd=login.



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Last updated by cdweb on 3/22/2011

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